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Recording Brain Electrical Activity in Behaving Mice Using Multi-Shank Linear Silicon Probes

Recording Brain Electrical Activity in Behaving Mice Using Multi-Shank Linear Silicon Probes


Mount the electrode insertion tool on a stereotaxic holder, and zero the probe on bregma. Move the probe to the stereotaxic coordinates over the craniotomy, and slowly penetrate the brain surface. Make sure the probe shafts do not bend and avoid implanting through blood vessels. Then, slowly lower the probe until about 200 micrometers above the desired depth. Next, cover the craniotomy and shanks of the silicone probe with sterilized vaseline for protection.

Subsequently, apply dental cement to fix the base of the probe to the anchoring screw in the skull. Right after cement application, slowly move the probe to the target depth. Advance the last 200 micrometers after applying the cement to reduce lateral movement of the probe and ensure minimal tissue damage in the target area.

After the cement has cured, release the probe from the insertion tool by melting the wax with a cauterizer. Then, release the connector board from the insertion device and position it at a suitable place on the skull using a crocodile clamp. Fix the connector board to the skull using dental cement.

In the case of probe implantation in the hippocampus, place the connector board on the contralateral parietal bone. Then, solder the ground and reference wires of the connector board to the wires attached to the two screws over the cerebellum. Trim the protective cover to the correct height and place it over the silicone probe.

Afterward, fix the cover of the connector board and skull using dental cement, avoiding the skin around the exposed skull. After the surgery, apply appropriate analgesic treatment to the mouse for at least two days. Single-house the mouse to prevent damage to the implant.

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