Encyclopedia of Experiments
Biological Techniques
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Encyclopedia of Experiments Biological Techniques
Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation: A Method to Genetically Transform the Rice Genome via Genetically Engineered Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation: A Method to Genetically Transform the Rice Genome via Genetically Engineered Agrobacterium tumefaciens


Wipe each inflorescence with a 70% alcohol swab, and let it dry before cutting. Bring the inflorescence to a sterile lab bench, and cut it into small pieces with sterilized scissors. Then, transfer the cuttings to a Petri plate containing NBD2 medium.

Incubate the plate in the dark at 26 degrees Celsius, for 10 to 14 days to induce callus. To perform transformation, transfer a single colony from the YEB plate with selective antibiotics to 5 milliliters of liquid YEB medium containing the same antibiotics, in a 50-milliliter conical sterile test tube. Shake the tube on an orbital shaker at 250 x g and 25 to 28-degree Celsius until bacteria grow to an OD600 of 0.5.

Add 1 milliliter of bacterial suspension to 100 milliliters of YEB medium with the same selective antibiotics, in a 250-milliliter conical flask, and shake the flask on an orbital shaker at 250 x g, and 28-degree Celsius for four hours. Centrifuge the culture at 4,000 x g for 10 minutes at room temperature, to collect the bacteria. Discard the supernatant, and resuspend the pellet with AAM-AS medium, and dilute the suspension to OD600 of 0.4.

After the incubation, collect around 150 healthy, light-yellow, embryogenic calli into a 150-milliliter sterile flask. Add 50 to 75 milliliters of the bacterial cell suspension into the flask, and then add 10 to 25 milliliters of fresh AAM-AS medium, to immerse the calli for 10 to 20 minutes, shaking occasionally.

Pour the bacterial suspension out of the flask carefully, and dry the calli with sterile filter paper. Then, place them on a Petri dish with NBD-AS medium, and cover them with filter paper. Incubate the calli at 25 to 28 degree Celsius in the dark for three days, checking them for bacterial overgrowth.

After three days of co-cultivation, transfer the calli to a sterile Petri dish using filter paper, then, air-dry them for two hours on a clean bench. Ensure that the calli are not adhered to the filter paper, and transfer them to the primary selection medium NBD2.

After two weeks, transfer the calli evenly to a new plate containing fresh selection medium. Then, move the calli to fresh MS medium for differentiation, and the shoot buds to MS medium (with 10 mg/L Hygromycin) to proliferate more shoots.

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