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Tracheal Cannulation in Rabbit Model: A Procedure to Insert Tracheal Cannula into the Rabbit Trachea

Tracheal Cannulation in Rabbit Model: A Procedure to Insert Tracheal Cannula into the Rabbit Trachea


After shaving the surgical side of the anesthetized rabbit, make a ventral median line incision of 3 to 5 centimeters from the sternum manubrium up to the neck. Use the operating scissors to cut the anterior 2/3rd of the trachea between the cartilage rings.

Insert a 5 millimeter tracheal cannula through the tracheal fibrous membrane and fix the cannula carefully with a 4-0 silk suture. Place the forceps or tweezers underneath the trachea to ensure the cannula does not bend against the trachea.

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