Encyclopedia of Experiments
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Encyclopedia of Experiments Ricerca sul cancro
Urine Depletion and Bladder Rinsing in Mouse Model: A Catheter-based Procedure to Empty and Wash Murine Urinary Bladder

Urine Depletion and Bladder Rinsing in Mouse Model: A Catheter-based Procedure to Empty and Wash Murine Urinary Bladder


To begin this procedure, autoclave all surgical instruments and sterilize the workspace with 70% ethanol. Spray surgical instruments and the gloves with 70% ethanol frequently when performing the subsequent procedures to maintain sterile conditions.

To begin, anesthetize the mouse and shave the surgical area. To deplete the urine, apply lubricant to the catheter and ensure that its outer surface is fully covered. Next, insert the catheter into the urethral opening of the mouse and slowly push it until it reaches the bladder. Gently press the abdomen to help urine depletion.

Subsequently, discard the urine with a pipette into a waste beaker. Then, pipette 80 microliters of PBS into the outer end of the catheter with the other end still in the bladder. Next, carefully attach a 1-milliliter syringe to the catheter. Gently push the syringe to inject PBS into the bladder.

Leave some PBS in the catheter to avoid creating air bubbles in the bladder. Afterward, remove the syringe and wait for PBS to drain out of the bladder. Gently press the abdomen to evacuate PBS. Then, discard the PBS in the catheter with the pipette into the waste beaker. Repeat PBS washing for two more times.

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