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Working with Centrifuges
  • 00:04Panoramica
  • 00:59Basics of Centrifugation
  • 02:55Preparing samples for the centrifuge
  • 04:01Using and maintaining the centrifuge
  • 06:46Summary





来源: 罗伯特 m Rioux & Suprita Jharimune, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 大学公园, PA

地球的引力能够分离出不同的混合物。然而, 许多系统避免这种类型的分离, 因为在这种情况下通常需要时间的长短。离心法是分离异构混合物的最有力的工具之一 1 。它涉及向心力在重相沉淀中的应用, 导致两相的分离, 是工业和实验室环境中常用的技术.

在典型的离心过程中, 悬浮在流体中的粒子绕离心机轴旋转, 导致一支远离轴的力。这种力驱动粒子的底部的离心机样本持有人的速度取决于大小和密度的粒子。因此, 离心法是加速沉淀过程的一种技术.

为了确保离心机使用时的安全, 用户应接受适当的培训, 并了解其使用可能造成的危险。以下各节介绍了在使用离心机时处理和安全的讨论.



1. 安全离心机使用通用协议 实验室主管或实验室安全人员应确保所有用户在选择转子、取样管和正确操作时都经过适当的训练离心机. 任何新用户都应由训练有素的用户密切监督, 直到他/她对如何正确使用该仪器有信心为止. 在使用该仪器之前, 每个用户都应仔细阅读并了解特定离心机的安全说明. 根据取样, 应使用兼容的转子. 转子、管和主轴应清洁?…

Applications and Summary

With the increased usage of centrifuges in laboratories and industry, the risk of hazards for using centrifuges has also increased. However, careful handling of the apparatus and proper knowledge of its use and safety measures can substantially mitigate accidents. A basic guideline for working with centrifuges is provided here. Nonetheless, procedures may vary marginally depending on the particular centrifuge machine used. Hence, it is always recommended to carefully read and understand the user manual of the particular machine before starting to use it.


  1. Basic Principles of Sedimentation and Sedimentation Coefficient | Centrifugation http://www.biologydiscussion.com/biochemistry/centrifugation/basic-principles-of-sedimentation-and-sedimentation-coefficient-centrifugation/12487Accessed 17 August 2016
  2. Principle of centrifugation http://edusanjalbiochemist.blogspot.com/2012/11/principle-of-centrifugation.html Accessed 17 August 2016
  3. Grainger quick tips technical resources. https://www.grainger.com/content/qt-safety-chemical-resistant-gloves-guide-191 Accessed 16 August 2016
  4. Beckman Coulter Life Sciences. http://centrifugebybeckman.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Centrifuge-Primer-101-Booklet_LowRes_CENT-1076TCH10.15-A.pdf Accessed 16 August 2016
  5. Schumann, Werner, 1940- & Howard Hughes Medical Institute (1995). Safety in the research laboratory. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, [Cabin John, Md.]
  6. How to Use a Centrifuge Safely. UC San Diego. http://blink.ucsd.edu/safety/research-lab/laboratory/centrifuge.html Accessed 16 August 2016
  7. CR Scientific LLC. http://www.crscientific.com/centrifuge-safety.html Accessed 16 August 2016


Centrifugation is one of the most powerful tools used in labs for the separation of heterogeneous mixtures, but it can be hazardous, and therefore safety precautions should be applied. 

A centrifuge rapidly spins samples to separate heterogeneous materials, which induces extreme centrifugal forces on the samples and the instrument. Due to the high speed at which a centrifuge operates, it can cause serious injury to the user if mishandled. Therefore, special care must be taken when using a centrifuge to prevent spills and damage to the equipment. 

This video will illustrate the mechanism of a centrifuge and how to safely operate and maintain one.

Before going into the details of the safety measures, let’s quickly review the basics of centrifugation. Centrifuges contain a rotor housed on a spindle. Differently sized rotors can usually be fitted on a single spindle to accommodate different sample bottles, tubes, or bags. A motor spins the rotor at a specified RPM or revolutions per minute. This, in turn, imparts the centrifugal force on the heterogeneous mixture directed away from the axis of rotation, which separates particles with different densities.

Different types of centrifuges operate at different RPMs. Low-speed centrifuges run at less than 10,000 RPMs, high-speed up to 21,000, and ultracentrifuges to 30,000 and above. Each type has different rotors that are compatible with it. After the run, a braking system usually slows down the rotor. In any centrifuge, high speed deforms the rotor.

In normal use, it will return to its previous size. However, if the force due to spinning exceeds the maximum force that the rotor can handle, then it might get permanently deformed. This can lead to cracks, which may, in turn, lead to serious failure. Centrifuge failures, on the other hand, may lead to sample leakage, which can be dangerous if hazardous materials are involved and should be handled with care. Now, we will show you how to prepare samples and safely use them in the centrifuge.

First, select appropriate centrifuge tubes that are compatible with the rotating speeds you want to use. Check the documentation to find out the tube’s limits. Tubes should be intact and free of any cracks. Fill each to no more than 3/4 full to prevent spills. Then make sure that the tubes are balanced and cap them tightly.

When centrifuging hazardous chemical or biological samples, take special precautions. Wear appropriate protective equipment, and prepare samples in an appropriate work environment, like a fume hood or laminar flow cabinet. For more information on these safety features, see JoVE’s videos on Fume Hoods.

If necessary, use a secondary containment for hazardous materials, like a glass or plastic insert. Sealed safety tubes providing a contained environment can be used as well. Everyone must be trained before using any centrifuge or rotor.

Select a rotor appropriate to the centrifuge. Check that the rotor and its cover are clean and dry and do not have cracks or deformities. Make extra sure that the O-rings on the rotor or cover are not worn. Also, check the centrifuge spindle to see if it is bent or has any other deformities. Then place the rotor on the spindle making sure it is correctly seated. Insert samples into the rotor, being sure that the tubes fit snugly in the rotor.

Always put balanced tubes opposite each from each other. Cover the rotor, ensuring that the seal is tight. Close the centrifuge lid and start your program. Again, see JoVE’s previous centrifuge video, for more information about running a centrifuge program.

Stay at the centrifuge until it has reached its maximum speed. Familiarize yourself with the location of the power button. Turn off the power button if there are any unusual sounds or vibrations to stop the centrifuge immediately. Then evacuate the immediate area until the rotor has stopped. Once it has stopped, inspect the samples for spillage and the rotor for any abnormalities or imbalances. If there were no problems, wait until the centrifuge has completed its program and completely stopped.

Wait an additional half-hour if aerosol-forming chemicals are present. Otherwise, you may open

the centrifuge immediately. Remove the samples and take them back to a specialized area for opening if necessary. In case of a spill, clean up the centrifuge immediately. Use appropriate PPE to any hazard present, and dispose of contaminated materials according to guidelines. Do not use abrasive brush wires to clean as they may damage the rotor. Alert emergency personnel, and do not attempt to clean the centrifuge if life-threatening hazards have spilled. 

Decontaminate the rotor with 10% bleach for any biological samples used in the centrifuge regardless of spill or not. Let the bleach stand for 30 minutes, and then rinse 70% ethanol and air dry. Lastly, remove and inspect the rotor for any damage, and note down your use in the logbook.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s Introduction Into Centrifuge Use. You should now understand how to prepare your samples as well as how to operate and maintain the instrument.

Thanks for watching.


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Working with Centrifuges. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).