The article describes an optimized protocol for making viable brain-pituitary tissue slices, using the teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes), followed by electrophysiological recordings of pituitary cells using the patch-clamp technique with the perforated patch configuration.
Electrophysiological investigations of pituitary cells have been conducted in numerous vertebrate species, but very few in teleost fish. Among these, the clear majority have been performed on dissociated primary cells. To improve our understanding of how teleost pituitary cells, behave in a more biologically relevant environment, this protocol shows how to prepare viable brain-pituitary slices using the small freshwater fish medaka (Oryzias latipes). Making the brain-pituitary slices, pH and osmolality of all solutions were adjusted to values found in body fluids of freshwater fish living at 25 to 28 °C. Following slice preparation, the protocol demonstrates how to conduct electrophysiological recordings using the perforated whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The patch-clamp technique is a powerful tool with unprecedented temporal resolution and sensitivity, allowing investigation of electrical properties from intact whole cells down to single ion channels. Perforated patch is unique in that it keeps the intracellular environment intact preventing regulatory elements in the cytosol from being diluted by the patch pipette electrode solution. In contrast, when performing traditional whole-cell recordings, it was observed that medaka pituitary cells quickly lose their ability to fire action potentials. Among the various perforation techniques available, this protocol demonstrates how to achieve perforation of the patched membrane using the fungicide Amphotericin B.
The pituitary is a key endocrine organ in vertebrates located below the hypothalamus and posterior to the optic chiasm. It produces and secretes six to eight hormones from the specific cell types. Pituitary hormones constitute an intermediate between the brain and peripheral organs and drive a wide range of essential physiological processes including growth, reproduction, and regulation of homeostasis. Similar to neurons, endocrine cells of the pituitary are electrically excitable with the ability to fire action potentials spontaneously 1. The role of these action potentials is cell dependent. In several cell types of the mammalian pituitary, action potentials can elevate the intracellular Ca2+ sufficiently for a sustained release of hormone 2. In addition, the pituitary receives both stimulatory and inhibitory information from the brain that affects the membrane potential of the cells 3,4,5,6. Typically, stimulatory input increases the excitability and often involves the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores as well as increased firing frequency 7. Understanding how the cell utilizes the ion channel composition and adapts to these input signals from the brain is key to understanding hormone synthesis and release.
The patch-clamp technique was developed in the late 1970s by Sakmann and Neher 8,9,10 and further improved by Hamill 11, and allows detailed investigations of electrophysiological properties of cells down to single ion channels. Moreover, the technique can be used for studying both current and voltage. Today, patch-clamping is the gold standard for measuring electrophysiological properties of the cell. Four major configurations of the tight seal patch-clamp technique have been developed 11; the cell-attached, the inside-out, the outside-out, and the whole-cell patch. The three first configurations are typically used for single ion channel investigations. For the fourth, following the cell-attached configuration, a hole in the cell membrane is made using sub-atmospheric pressure. This configuration also allows investigations of the ion channel composition of the whole cell 12. However, one limitation of this technique is that cytoplasmic molecules are diluted by the patch pipette solution 13 (Figure 1A), thus affecting the electrical and physiological responses of the studied cells. Indeed, some of those molecules may play important roles in the transduction of the signal or in the regulation of different ion channels. To avoid this, Lindau and Fernandez 14 developed a method where a pore-forming compound is added to the patch pipette. Following the cell-attached configuration, the compound will incorporate into the plasma membrane under the patch and slowly perforate the membrane creating electrical contact with the cytosol (Figure 1B). Several different antifungals such as nystatin 15 and amphotericin B 16, or surfactants such as the saponin beta-escin 17,18 can be used. These compounds create pores large enough to allow monovalent cation and Cl– diffusion between the cytosol and the patch pipette while preserving the cytosolic levels of macromolecules and larger ions like Ca2+ 15,16.
The challenge of using perforated patch is the potentially high series resistance. Series resistance (Rs) or access resistance is the combined resistance over the patch pipette relative to the ground. During patch-clamp recordings, the Rs will be in parallel with membrane resistance (Rm). Rm and Rs in parallel work as a voltage divider. With the high Rs, the voltage will fall over the Rs giving errors in the recordings. The error will become larger with larger currents recorded. In addition, the voltage divider is also frequency dependent creating a low-pass filter, thus affecting the temporal resolution. In effect, the perforated patch may not always allow recordings of large and fast currents like the voltage gated Na+ currents (for detailed readings see reference 19). Also, Rs may vary during patch-clamp recordings, again leading to changes in the recorded current. Thus, false positives may occur in situations where Rs changes during drug application.
The electrophysiology on the sliced tissue was first introduced by the Andersen lab to study electrophysiological characteristics of the neurons in the brain 20. The technique paved the way for detailed investigations of single cells as well as cell-cell communications and cell circuits in a more intact environment. A similar technique for making pituitary slices was introduced in 1998 by Guérineau et al. 21. However, it was not before 2005, that brain-pituitary slice preparation was used successfully for patch-clamp studies in teleost 22. In this study, the authors also reported the use of perforated patch-clamp recordings. However, by far, most of the electrophysiological investigations of pituitary cells have been conducted in mammals, and only a handful of other vertebrates, including teleost fish 1,2,22,23. In teleosts, almost all studies were performed on primary dissociated cells 24,25,26,27,28,29,30.
In the present paper, we outline an optimized protocol for preparation of healthy brain-pituitary slices from the model fish medaka. The approach represents several advantages compared to primary dissociated cell cultures. First, the cells are recorded in a relatively preserved environment compared to dissociated cell culture conditions. Second, slice preparations allow us to study indirect pathways mediated by cell-cell communication 22, which is not possible in dissociated cell culture conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to conduct electrophysiological recordings on the obtained tissue slices using the perforated whole-cell patch-clamp technique with amphotericin B as the pore-forming agent.
Medaka is a small freshwater fish native to Asia, primarily found in Japan. The physiology, embryology, and genetics of medaka have been extensively studied for over 100 years 31, and it is a commonly used research model in many laboratories. Of particular importance to this paper is the distinct morphological organization of the hypothalamus-pituitary complex in teleost fish: Whereas in mammals and birds the hypothalamic neurons release their neuro-hormones regulating pituitary endocrine cells into the portal system of the median eminence, there is a direct nervous projection of hypothalamic neurons onto the endocrine cells of the pituitary in teleost fish 32. Thus, carefully conducted brain-pituitary slicing is of particular importance in fish, allowing us to investigate electrophysiological characteristics of the pituitary cells in a well-preserved brain-pituitary network, and in particular how pituitary cells control their excitability and thereby Ca2+ homeostasis.
All animal handling was performed according to the recommendations for the care and welfare of research animals at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and under the supervision of authorized investigators.
1. Preparation of Instruments and Solutions
NOTE: All solutions should be sterile. Careful attention should be given to the pH and the osmolality (osmol/kg water) of all solutions, which should be carefully adapted to the extracellular environment of the studied species. pH and osmolality should be adjusted with precise electronic equipment such as pH meter and freezing point osmometer respectively.
2. Dissection and Slicing with Vibratome
3. Perforated Patch-clamp and Electrophysiological Recordings
This protocol demonstrates a step by step protocol of how to achieve reliable electrophysiological recordings from pituitary (gonadotrope) cells, using a medaka transgenic line [Tg(lhb-hrGfpII)] where the target cells (Lh-producing gonadotropes) are labeled with green fluorescent protein (GFP).
Initially, the electrophysiological investigations were conducted using whole-cell configuration. However, spontaneous action potentials were not observed in any of the studied cells. In a subset of cells, action potentials could be triggered using small current injections (5-9 pA) from a resting potential between -50 and -60 mV (Figure 6). These action potentials had a fast rundown, and after about 4–6 min triggered action potentials were no longer possible. The particularly fast rundown observed may be explained by the small cell size. In general, pituitary cells are smaller than neurons 30. For instance, average membrane capacitance of gonadotrope cells ranges between 4 and 10 pF 3,30,35. Similar to these findings medaka gonadotrope cells had an average membrane capacitance of (mean ± S.D) 3.4 ± 0.9 pF (n = 67).
Switching to the perforated patch configuration using amphotericin B, spontaneous action potentials were observed in about 50% of the recorded cells (Figure 7A, n = 63 cells from 21 animals). Moreover, action potentials could be triggered in 95% of these cells with no observable rundown even after prolonged recordings (up to 1 h). Importantly, in order to achieve reliable and high-quality recordings, it is necessary to first fill the tip with antifungal-free IC solution. If small amounts of antifungals escape the pipette tip before making the gigaseal, it can damage the target cell as well as surrounding cells.
In order to test if cells in the perforated patch configuration are able to respond to their main releasing hormone, we applied 1 µM Gnrh1 puff ejected on the target cells. The experiments were performed in the current clamp to allow us to monitor changes in voltage. These experiments revealed a biphasic response (Figure 7B). The first phase is a hyperpolarization where the release of Ca2+ from internal stores activate Ca2+ activated K+ channels causing the hyperpolarization. The first phase is followed by a depolarization and increased action potential frequency from 1–2 Hz to around 3 Hz. In some of the recordings, the second phase had pseudo plateau potentials where 2 or 3 small spikes were observed before repolarization.
Figure 1: Difference between the whole-cell (A) and the perforated patch (B) configurations of the patch-clamp technique. In the whole-cell configuration (A), after gigaseal is in place, a hole is made in the membrane by applying a small negative pressure into the patch pipette. In this configuration, important intracellular molecules such as signaling molecules can be diluted into the patch pipette solution thus affecting the electrical and physiological responses of the cell. This phenomenon is even more important in small cells, such as pituitary cells. In contrast, in perforated-patch configuration (B), following gigaseal, electrical contact between the cytosol and the patch pipette is made up of antifungals or surfactants. The antifungal or surfactant is loaded into the patch pipette before patching and will be incorporated into the plasma membrane under the patch, thereby slowly perforating the membrane, allowing only small molecules like monovalent ions to pass. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Pictures of the Agar bridge (A) and the Harp (B) used in the protocol. Scale in mm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Filling of the patch-pipette. (A) Antifungal free IC solution (blue liquid) is backfilled by capillary forces due to the filament inside the pipette. (B) After filling the pipette tip with antifungal free IC, the posterior part of the pipette is filled with IC solution containing amphotericin B (yellow liquid) using a syringe needle (micro filler). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
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Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
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Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Software screenshots. (A) showing amplifier software window. 1. highlights (red circle) the mode area that allows switching between voltage clamp (VC), current clamp without any current injection (I=0) and current clamp with possibility for current injections (IC). 2 highlights (red circle) the area for adjusting fast capacitive current in voltage clamp as well as whole-cell capacitive current adjustments. (B) shows the patch-clamp software with the membrane test window open. 1. highlights (red circle) the membrane test button. 2. highlights (red circle) the different pulse configurations, Bath, Patch, and Cell. 3. highlights (red circle) the pulse configuration amplitude and frequency. (C-F) shows a combined widow of the patch-clamp software (left) and amplifier (right) software. (C) highlights (red circle) the resistance when the pipette is in the bath and proper grounding using agar bridge (in Bath mode). (D) 1. highlights (red circle) the switching to Patch mode following gigaseal. 2. highlights (red circle) the pulse configuration (10 mV pulse) and holding potential adjusted to -60 mV. 3. highlights (red circle) the window for correcting or zeroing the fast-capacitive currents following a giga seal. (E) 1. highlights (red circle) the Cell mode used for monitoring access resistance. 2 highlights (red circle) the cell parameters, membrane capacitance (Cm), seal quality (Rm), access resistance (Ra), the time constant (Tau) and holding current (Hold). 3. highlights (red circle) the button for correcting the membrane capacitive currents. (F) 1. Highlights (red circle) the IC mode for monitoring membrane potential. 2. Highlights (red circle) the button to switch to current clamp adjustments (I-clamp). 3. Highlights (red circle) the window for correcting the fast-capacitive currents.
Figure 5: Micrograph from a patch-clamp recording on a pituitary cell using the perforated patch configuration. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Current clamp recordings from a GFP-labeled Lh-producing cell following current injections using normal whole-cell configuration. The cells were kept between -50 and -60 mV. Typical action potentials could be triggered in a subset of cells using 5–10 pA current injections immediately after achieving access to the cell (black trace). After 1–3 min the action potential amplitude started to decrease, a typical sign of rundown (cyan trace). After 4–6 min the action potential amplitude almost completely disappeared (magenta trace). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Current clamp recording from a GFP-labeled Lh-producing cell using the perforated patch configuration, following stimulation with the Gonadotropin-releasing hormone Gnrh1. (A) Current clamp recording demonstrating spontaneous action potentials from a Lh producing gonadotrope cell. (B) A biphasic response where Gnrh1 stimulation for 10 s first induced a hyperpolarization of the cell membrane followed by a depolarization and increased firing frequency (from 1–2 Hz to 3 Hz) of action potentials in a cell which previously fired spontaneous action potentials. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Electrophysiological recordings using the patch-clamp technique on brain-pituitary slices require careful optimization. Well-optimized protocols for conducting live-cell investigations specifically in teleosts are limited, with the majority of publications using protocols based on mammalian systems. In this regard, it is important to be aware of the fact that several physiological parameters like pH and osmolality are not only species dependent, but also very much dependent on whether the organism in question lives on land or in water. For fish, it is also necessary, to take into account, if they live in a marine or freshwater environment. For example, the CO2 partial pressure is much lower in fish compared to mammals with levels ranging from 1.7–3.4 mmHg pCO2 in fish and 40–46 mmHg pCO2 in mammals 36. Based on this, we adjust the pH to 7.75 37,38,39,40 in all solutions used in the current protocol. We also use HEPES buffer as it has been shown to possess excellent buffering capacities in the pH region of 7.4–7.8 41. For the osmolality, we use 290–300 mOsm which is what has been measured in the extracellular environment of medaka 42. The temperature used during the electrophysiological recordings has been selected according to the environment of the fish. Indeed, medaka is living in waters with a wide temperature range (from 4 to 40 °C), while in our laboratory they are raised in a controlled environment at 26–28 °C. Based on this, we performed our recordings at room temperature (around 25 °C), different from what is used for mammalian tissues (37 °C) or for cold water fish species such as Atlantic cod (12 °C) 18.
To be able to patch pituitary cells, it is critical to generate healthy tissue slices. It is imperative to use clean tools (tissue holder, brush, forceps, etc) that are only in contact with live tissue (free of fixatives). A quick dissection of the brain and pituitary and keeping the tissue at low temperature (4 °C) while dissecting and slicing are other key factors to provide viable sections. Specific attention should also be given to the temperature of the agarose upon tissue embedding. Too warm agarose could damage the tissue while too cold agarose will not leave you time to orientate the tissue for proper sectioning. In addition, slicing should be done with EC solution without Ca2+ to avoid the damaged cells following sectioning to enter into apoptosis. Bubbling is not necessary, but the tissue slices should be collected immediately after sectioning. Leave the slice about 15 min following sectioning to let the cells rest a bit before patching.
Teleost fish are excellent models to investigate electrophysiological properties of pituitary cells. Indeed, contrary to mammals and birds, fish do not possess a median eminence, meaning that the hypothalamic neurons controlling the pituitary directly project their axons onto their target cells 32. Thus, in a brain-pituitary slice, the pituitary cells are maintained in a more intact environment compared to primary pituitary cell cultures where the cells are dissociated using chemical and mechanical treatments. Interestingly, using brain-pituitary slices of medaka, we could observe that the action potential firing frequency in Lh cells, upon Gnrh1 activation, increased (Figure 5). These observations are in agreement with what has been reported in pituitary cell culture studies from our own lab 29 indicating that using primary pituitary cell cultures are still relevant to characterize the membrane properties of pituitary cells. However, brain-pituitary slices allow us to study also indirect effects of different compounds as well as interactions between cells, as it maintains structural connections that are lost in primary pituitary cell cultures. In addition, slice preparation is faster to prepare compared to a dissociated primary cell culture, and electrophysiological recordings can be conducted in the following 30 min after dissection. This means that, contrary to a primary cell culture, circadian rhythms can be addressed in a meaningful way using freshly prepared slices.
Because of the small size of the pituitary cells in fish (membrane capacitance around 3 – 10 pF), and our own observations showing that gonadotrope cells lose their ability to fire action potentials (Figure 3) and thus lose their ability to respond to releasing hormones when recording in whole-cell configuration, we decided to use and present the perforated patch technique herein. Indeed, it has been shown that whole-cell configuration could lead to the diffusion of important cytoplasmic molecules thus changing the electrophysiological cell properties 13. Using instead the perforated patch configurations with amphotericin B to perforate the cell membrane into the patch pipette, making only small holes allowing only small ions to pass through 15,16,43,44, we could avoid this dilution and record the electrical activity of the cell for a prolonged time.
One important point in the perforated patch technique is to first back-fill the pipette with IC solution without antifungals in order to avoid releasing antifungals into the medium and damage all cells of the section while approaching with the patch pipette. Indeed, because of the positive pressure applied to the patch pipette while approaching the tissue, some liquid is leaking through the patch pipette until the patch is made. This flow helps to keep the tip clean until you reach the targeted cell but if antifungal is released in the medium before the patch is made, it can perforate all membranes of all cells, changing dramatically the permeable characteristics of the cell membranes and thus their electrical properties.
The presented procedure has been optimized and successfully used to study the electrical activity of medaka gonadotrope cells. In addition, the protocol may be used to study all (endocrine) cell types found in the pituitary of medaka and other teleost fish species. Keep in mind only that the osmolality and pH of all solutions must be adjusted to that of the body fluids of the species in question.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Ms. LourdesCarreon G Tan for her help maintaining the medaka facility and Anthony Peltier for the illustrative figures. This work was funded by NMBU and by the Research Council of Norway, grant numbers 244461 (Aquaculture program) and 248828 (Digital Life Norway program).
Vibratome | Leica | VT1000 S | |
Chirurgical glue | WPI | VETBOND | 3M Vetbond Tissue Adhesive |
Stainless steel blades | Campden Instruments | 752-1-SS | |
metal molds | SAKURA | 4122 | |
steel harp | Warner instruments | 64-1417 | |
PBS | SIGMA | D8537 | |
Ultrapure LMP agarose | invitrogen | 166520-100 | |
patch pipettes | Sutter Instrument | BF150-110-10HP | Borosilicate with filament O.D.:1.5mm, I.D.:1.10mm |
Microscope Slicescope | Scientifica | pro6000 | |
P-Clamp10 | Molecular Devices | #1-2500-0180 | sofware |
Digitizer Digidata 1550A1 | Molecular Devices | DD1550 | |
Amplifier Multiclap 700B Headstage CV-7B | Molecular Devices | 1-CV-7B | |
GnRH | Bachem | 4108604 | H-Glu-His-Trp-Ser-His-Gly-Leu-Ser-Pro-Gly-OH trifluoroacetate salt |
pipette puller | Sutter Instrument | P-1000 | |
amphotericin B | SIGMA | A9528 | pore-forming antibiotic |
polyethylenimine | SIGMA | P3143 | 50% PEI solution |
microfiler syringe | WPI | MF28/g67-5 | |
glass for the agar bridge | Sutter Instrument | BF200-116-15 | Borosilicate with filament O.D.:2.0mm, I.D.:1.16mm Fire polished |
Micro-Manager software | Open Source Microscopy Software | ||
optiMOS sCMOS camera | Qimaging | 01-OPTIMOS-R-M-16-C | |
sonicator | Elma | D-7700 singen | |
NaCl | SiGMA | S3014 | |
KCl | SiGMA | P9541 | |
MgCl2 | SiGMA | M8266 | |
D-Glucose | SiGMA | G5400 | |
Hepes | SiGMA | H4034 | |
CaCl2 | SiGMA | C8106 | |
Sucrose | SiGMA | 84097 | |
D-mannitol | SiGMA | 63565 | |
MES-acid | SIGMA | M0895 | |
BSA | SIGMA | A2153 |