

Published: January 01, 2016




The organ of Corti, housed in the cochlea of the inner ear, contains mechanosensory hair cells and surrounding supporting cells which are organized in a spiral shape and have a tonotopic gradient for sound detection. The mouse cochlea is approximately 6 mm long and often divided into three turns (apex, middle, and base) for analysis. To investigate cell loss, cell division, or mosaic gene expression, the whole mount or surface preparation of the cochlea is useful. This dissection method allows visualization of all cells within the organ of Corti when combined with immunostaining and confocal microscopy to image cells at different planes in the z-axis. Multiple optical cross-sections can also be obtained from these z-stack images. In addition, the whole mount dissection method can be used for scanning electron microscopy, although a different fixation method is needed. Here, we present a method to isolate the organ of Corti as three intact cochlear turns (apex, middle, and base). This method can be used for mice ranging from one week of age through adulthood and differs from the technique used for neonatal samples where calcification of the cochlea is incomplete. A slightly modified version can be used for dissection of the rat cochlea. We also demonstrate a procedure for immunostaining with fluorescently tagged antibodies.



博士。汉斯恩斯特龙和哈洛阿德斯最初描述整个支架耳蜗解剖法在1966年他们详述的技术迅速修复和解剖钙化耳蜗浸没在液体中从各种哺乳动物,保留柯蒂氏器的短完好分段微观分析4。不固定,钙化大鼠耳蜗的解剖也已在教学视频5所示 。博士。芭芭拉Bohne和加里·史密斯在华盛顿大学取得了一些重要的修改这个方法。在他们的耳蜗整装方法的版本,颞骨是脱钙,嵌入塑料,和五个半圈,十四分之一圈是dissec特德6,7。查尔斯·利伯曼博士,并在伊顿皮博迪实验室,麻省眼耳医院的同事,修改了此技术使塑料包埋是不需要8。该技术的进一步修改发生在践祚博士的实验室在圣裘德儿童研究医院9-12该通知这里介绍的清扫方法。我们使用了不同的策略来访问科尔蒂比Bohne和利伯曼,的器官,它允许完全根尖,中间,和基底匝隔离。因此,解剖组织较大且较不可能在解剖或免疫染色过程丢失或损坏。此外,目前的方法有利于从心尖尖端或基底钩,以确定的频率区域的距离的测量。




伦理声明:涉及动物主题程序已经批准的机构动物护理和使用委员会在南伊利诺伊大学医学院。 1.提取颞骨的识别颞骨在小鼠头骨13的基极和刮掉使用标准图案镊子脑神经。 放置标准图案镊子在听囊的前端与具有相反手压机的拇指向下后半规管撞出包封耳蜗。 从头骨用拇指和食指或用10.5厘米细剪刀手工释放底部的颞骨的一半。 <p class="jov…

Representative Results

我们提出了一个方法,以分离Corti器的三个完整的耳蜗匝(先端,中间,和碱)从耳蜗组织即钙化, 与图1中呈现键清扫步骤。在第一产后周的发展,钙化小鼠耳蜗是不完整的,更简单的夹层方法可用于13。使用新生儿整装解剖法耳蜗Corti器从P7和小鼠的结果流泪老年人和碎纸。螺旋韧带/侧壁现在更牢固地附着,并且不能剥离远离感觉上皮?…


有成功的整装解剖和免疫组化的几个关键步骤。但是前两种方法之一被执行,需要耳蜗组织的正确固定。我们建议使用甲醇免费,超纯水,EM级PFA。 PFA从粉末制成的可以有甲醇和不稳定的pH值从而降低免疫荧光的质量的痕迹。其他组也表明类似夹层是可能使用的固定剂不含有甲醛14-16。固定的长度也很重要,是抗体特异性的。一些抗体能够容忍的O / N固定,而另一些人不只是1小时正常?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported in part by a grant from the Office of Naval Research (N000141310569). The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Research Imaging Facility equipment was supported by the National Center for Research Resources-Health (S10RR027716).


Standard  pattern forceps Fine Science Tools 11000-12 can be purchased from other vendors
10.5 cm fine scissors Fine Science Tools 14060-11 can be purchased from other vendors
2 ml microcentrifuge tubes MidSci AVSS2000 can be purchased from other vendors
16% formaldehyde, methanol free, ultra pure, EM grade Polysciences 18814 TOXIC –wear gloves and cannot be disposed of in the sink. Can be purchased from other vendors. 
PBS pH 7.4  Sigma P3813-10PAK can be purchased from other vendors
EDTA Fisher BP118-500 can be purchased from other vendors
end-over-end tube rotator Fisher 05-450-127 can be purchased from other vendors
60 mm petri dish Fisher 50-202-037 can be purchased from other vendors
Dow Corning Sylgard 184 silicone encapsulant kit Ellsworth Adhesives 184 SIL ELAST KIT 0.5KG
activated charcoal Fisher AC134372500 can be purchased from other vendors
stereo dissection microscope Zeiss Stemi 2000 can be purchased from other vendors
Dumont #4 jeweler's forceps Fine Science Tools 11241-30
Dumont #5 jeweler's forceps Fine Science Tools 11251-20
2.5 mm Vannas spring scissors Fine Science Tools 15001-08 curved 
5 mm Vannas-Tubingen spring scissors Fine Science Tools 15003-08 straight
48 well plates Fisher 08-772-52 can be purchased from other vendors
8 well chamber slides Fisher 1256518 can be purchased from other vendors
Triton X-100 Sigma X100-500 can be purchased from other vendors
BSA, fraction V Fisher BP1605 can be purchased from other vendors
NGS Vector labs S-1000 can be purchased from other vendors
NHS Vector labs S-2000 can be purchased from other vendors
3D rotator Midsci R3D-710 can be purchased from other vendors
Western blot incubation box XL Licor 929-97401
Hoechst 33342 Life Technologies H3570 can be purchased from other vendors
Prolong gold antifade mounting media Life Technologies P36930 can be purchased from other vendors,but mounting medias vary in their ability to protect against photobleaching
Superfrost Plus Slides Fisher 12-550-15 can be purchased from other vendors
coverslips 22 x 22 x 1 Fisher 12-548-B can be purchased from other vendors
clear nail polish Local drug store can be purchased from other vendors
cardboard slide folder Fisher 12-587-10 can be purchased from other vendors
plastic slide box Fisher 03-448-10 can be purchased from other vendors


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Citazione di questo articolo
Montgomery, S. C., Cox, B. C. Whole Mount Dissection and Immunofluorescence of the Adult Mouse Cochlea. J. Vis. Exp. (107), e53561, doi:10.3791/53561 (2016).

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