An experimental mouse model of bone metastasis was established following intracardiac delivery of luciferase expressing mammary tumor cells. Tumor development and resulted osteolytic lesion were monitored longitudinally with bioluminescence and micro CT imaging.
Following intracardiac delivery of MDA-MB-231-luc-D3H2LN cells to Nu/Nu mice, systemic metastases developed in the injected animals. Bioluminescence imaging using IVIS Spectrum was employed to monitor the distribution and development of the tumor cells following the delivery procedure including DLIT reconstruction to measure the tumor signal and its location.
Development of metastatic lesions to the bone tissues triggers osteolytic activity and lesions to tibia and femur were evaluated longitudinally using micro CT. Imaging was performed using a Quantum FX micro CT system with fast imaging and low X-ray dose. The low radiation dose allows multiple imaging sessions to be performed with a cumulative X-ray dosage far below LD50. A mouse imaging shuttle device was used to sequentially image the mice with both IVIS Spectrum and Quantum FX achieving accurate animal positioning in both the bioluminescence and CT images. The optical and CT data sets were co-registered in 3-dimentions using the Living Image 4.1 software. This multi-mode approach allows close monitoring of tumor growth and development simultaneously with osteolytic activity.
Longitudinal imaging is used in pre-clinical studies to follow the progress of a disease or measure the effect of a therapeutic. In oncology, optical methods provide rigorous tools to monitor tumor growth and deliver precise quantitation of cell growth or gene expression at each time point in such a study. Anatomical changes can be measured using a high resolution technique like microCT, but for longitudinal imaging a low X-ray dose must be used to avoid biological artifacts. Optical and microCT images can be co-registered to provide a combination of functional and anatomical data ensuring that maximum information is extracted from the animal model.
1. Cell preparation
2. Intracardiac injection of cells in animals
3. BLI imaging to monitor metastases
4. Longitudinal monitoring of osteolytic lesions using micro CT
5. 3D co-registration and analysis of BLI and uCT
Small animal imaging with microCT has been applied to monitoring osteolytic lesions under pathological conditions, such as tumor development (Cowey et al. 2007; Labrinidis et al., 2009). As bioluminescence imaging of luciferase labeled tumors has been widely adopted pre-clinically, co-registration of bioluminescence and microCT images provided a better definition of anatomical location of the bioluminescence signals (Kaijzel et al. 2007). Previous study with a luciferase labeled breast tumor cell line MDA-MB-231-luc-D3H2LN showed metastases to bone and development of osteolytic lesions following intra-cardiac injection (Jenkins et al 2005; Minn et al., 2005). In this study, we explored a longitudinal study of tumor metastases and osteolytic activity with combinatory optical and low-radiation-dose microCT imaging with the systemic MDA-MB-231-luc-D3H2LN metastasis model. We performed sequential imaging with IVIS Spectrum and Quantum FX microCT systems and achieved bioluminescence and CT co-registration with our newly developed Living Image 4.1 software (Heng et al., 2010). Bioluminescence imaging with IVIS provides non-invasive detection of the tumor cells with high sensitivity, allowing the tumors to be detected at early stage. Imaging with Quantum FX allows accurate 3D reconstruction of the bone lesions and detailed anatomical information. Quantum FX system offers low radiation dose imaging, which enables longitudinal monitoring of disease progression. Correlation of bone lesions and tumor metastases was depicted in the co-registered image, and the advantage of multimodality tracking of lesion development longitudinally was clearly demonstrated.
The authors have nothing to disclose.