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Chromatin Position Affects Gene Expression

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Biologia Molecolare
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Chromatin Position Affects Gene Expression



Gene expression is regulated at multiple levels, starting at transcription initiation and moving all the way through to the translation of mature mRNA into a functional protein. 

However, not all of the enzymes required for gene expression and regulation are distributed equally in the nucleus. Instead, they are limited to spatially defined foci.  This results in non-overlapping "territories" in the nucleus, with specific biochemical activity. 

For example, the genes coding for ribosomal RNA present on chromosomes 13,14,15, 21 and 22, also known as nucleolar organizer regions, are clustered in the nucleolus – the cell's ribosome formation site. 

This means that chromatin can be repositioned to such functionally distinct foci for coordinated gene expression and regulation. 

However, chromatin can also extend outside its territory, forming an extended loop that can alter the gene expression pattern.

For instance, the human gene CFTR is located at the nuclear periphery in the cells where it is silent. However, in cells where the gene is expressed, the chromatin containing this region is repositioned towards the interior.

Most eukaryotic cells have multiple chromatin fibers with distinct length and compaction ratio. Therefore, the chromatin positioning also depends on the physical constraints of its packaging inside the nucleus. 

In cells with spherical nuclei such as lymphocytes, the chromatin is radially positioned with actively expressed genes towards the interior and the repressed genes at the periphery. 

In cells with nonspherical nuclei, such as fibroblasts, the shorter chromatin fibers tend to occupy the internal position while the longer chromatin fibers are positioned at the nucleus' periphery.

Chromatin repositioning is also associated with different types of cancers, where altered gene expression patterns due to chromatin repositioning can lead to tumor formation. For example, the repositioning of chromosome 18 from the nuclear periphery to the interior is observed in the development of cervical and colon carcinomas.


Chromatin Position Affects Gene Expression

Chromatin is the massive complex of DNA and proteins packaged inside the nucleus. The complexity of chromatin folding and how it is packaged inside the nucleus greatly influences  access to genetic information. Generally, the nucleus' periphery is considered transcriptionally repressive, while the cell's interior is considered a transcriptionally active area. 

Topologically Associated Domains (TADs)

The 3-dimensional positioning of chromatin in the nucleus influences the timing and level of gene expression in eukaryotes. For example, the gene promoters are organized physically separate from their regulatory DNA elements, such as enhancers. These promoter-enhancer elements need to be brought together to carry out gene expressions. Each chromatid comprises several such interacting units, termed as Topologically associated domains (TADs). In some instances, TADs from two chromatids may also interact with each other.

Chromosome Territories (CT)

Several TADs accumulate to form the chromosomal territories (CT). These spatial arrangements and distributions make nucleus a heterogeneous body with distinct biochemical activities. The positioning of genes inside the CT and the positioning of CTs itself affects gene expression. In humans, the actively transcribed genes tend to localize towards the periphery of their CT. Noncoding genes tend to localize towards their CTs interior. For example, in the human female amniotic fluid cell nuclei, the ANT2 gene is found on the inactive X chromosome. When the ANT2 gene is localized towards the periphery of CT, it results in its active transcription.

Chromatins are dynamically repositioned inside the nucleus. Even the terminally differentiated cells that can no longer divide exhibit chromatin or gene repositioning. This means that the repositioning is not a random event but a coordinated molecular mechanism.

Suggested Reading

  1. Molecular Cell Biology, Lodish, 8th edition, Pages 336.
  2. Nguyen, Huy Q., and Giovanni Bosco. "Gene positioning effects on expression in eukaryotes." Annual review of genetics 49 (2015): 627-646.