A Low-Cost Method of Measuring the In Situ Primary Productivity of Periphyton Communities of Lentic Waters
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A Low-Cost Method of Measuring the In Situ Primary Productivity of Periphyton Communities of Lentic Waters

A Low-Cost Method of Measuring the In Situ Primary Productivity of Periphyton Communities of Lentic Waters


06:02 min

December 16, 2022

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  • 00:04Introduction
  • 00:39Installation of the Experimental Barge in the Field
  • 01:26Incubation Bottle Preparation
  • 01:59Sample Collection and Handling
  • 02:55Measuring the Primary Productivity and Sample Analyses
  • 04:10Results: Determination of Oxygen Concentration in Light and Dark Conditions
  • 05:10Conclusion


Traduction automatique

Presented here is a cost-effective and transportable method/facility for measuring the primary productivity of microbial mats under actual in situ environmental temperature and light conditions. The experimental setup is based on widely available materials and can be used under various conditions while offering the advantages of laboratory-based models.

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