Kombineret i Vivo Anatomisk og funktionel sporing af Ventral Tegmental Area Glutamat Terminaler i Hippocampus
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Journal JoVE Neurosciences
Combined In Vivo Anatomical and Functional Tracing of Ventral Tegmental Area Glutamate Terminals in the Hippocampus

Kombineret i Vivo Anatomisk og funktionel sporing af Ventral Tegmental Area Glutamat Terminaler i Hippocampus


09:36 min

September 09, 2020

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  • 00:05Introduction
  • 01:13Craniotomy and Animal Preparation
  • 02:16AAV Cocktail Injection
  • 03:08In Vivo Neural Recordings with Optogenetics
  • 05:20Amplifier and Filter Settings
  • 07:23Results: VTA Glutamate Projections to the Hippocampus Modulate CA1 Activity
  • 08:42Conclusion


Traduction automatique

Den nuværende protokol demonstrerer en enkel metode til sporing af ventral tegmental område (VTA) glutamat fremskrivninger til hippocampus. Photostimulation af VTA glutamat neuroner blev kombineret med CA1 optagelse for at demonstrere, hvordan VTA glutamat terminaler modulere CA1 formodede pyramide fyring sats in vivo.

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