Eletrofisiologia no isolado do tronco encefálico-espinal Preparações do cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos Roedores permite a gravação de saída Neural Rede Respiratory
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Journal JoVE Neurosciences
Electrophysiology on Isolated Brainstem-spinal Cord Preparations from Newborn Rodents Allows Neural Respiratory Network Output Recording

Eletrofisiologia no isolado do tronco encefálico-espinal Preparações do cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos Roedores permite a gravação de saída Neural Rede Respiratory


05:28 min

November 19, 2015



  • 00:05Titre
  • 01:11Dissection
  • 02:56Recording
  • 04:26Results: Examples of Recordings Obtained from Brainstem-spinal Cord Preparations
  • 04:59Conclusion


Traduction automatique

The central respiratory drive is located in the brainstem. Spontaneous respiratory motor output from an isolated brainstem-spinal cord is recorded by placing an electrode on the fourth ventral root. This experimental approach is valuable for pharmacological investigations or the assessment of respiratory challenges and genetic manipulations on rhythmic motor behavior.

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