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Obtaining a Mixed Glial Cell Culture from a Neonatal Mouse Brain

Obtaining a Mixed Glial Cell Culture from a Neonatal Mouse Brain


Begin with a neonatal mouse brain and transfer it to a tube containing a proteolytic enzyme solution.

The enzymes degrade the tissue's extracellular matrix and initiate cell dissociation.

Repeatedly wash the digested tissue with a growth medium to remove the enzymes.

Use a larger-diameter pipette to move the tissue repeatedly through the pipette to dissociate it into smaller fragments.

Then, using a smaller-diameter pipette, continue to dissociate the fragments, creating a cell suspension.

Filter this suspension to remove cell clumps and obtain a single-cell suspension containing primary neurons and a mixed population of glial cells, including microglia and astrocytes.

Seed the cells in a culture flask containing a growth medium and incubate to promote their adherence. 

Over time, the absence of neuron growth factors in the media causes neuronal death.

Replace the spent media with fresh media. Glial cells utilize the nutrients and proliferate, generating a mixed glial culture of astrocytes and microglia.

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