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Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation in Neurons Using Engineered Lentiviruses

Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation in Neurons Using Engineered Lentiviruses


Treat the adhered human pluripotent stem cells with engineered lentiviruses in a transfection reagent.

The virus carries genes for antibiotic resistance and the neurogenic transcription factor, controlled by the tetracycline-responsive and regulatory elements.

The positively charged transfection reagent enhances viral fusion and its content release.

Viral RNA reverse-transcribes into DNA and integrates into the stem cell DNA, enabling the expression of regulatory elements that produce activator proteins.

Add a basal medium with tetracycline derivative, which forms a complex with the activator proteins.

This complex binds to the tetracycline-responsive element, promoting gene expression and producing the neurogenic transcription factors that induce stem cell differentiation into neurons.

Add a basal medium with an antibiotic drug to eliminate the untransfected cells.

Treat the cells with a detachment solution containing proteolytic enzymes that degrade the extracellular matrix or ECM and release the cells.

Remove the enzymes and re-plate the cells onto ECM-coated wells with a maturation medium, promoting neuronal maturation.

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