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Differentiating Non-Transgenic and Transgenic Human Pluripotent Stem Cells into Neural Progenitor Cells

Differentiating Non-Transgenic and Transgenic Human Pluripotent Stem Cells into Neural Progenitor Cells


Take a multi-well plate coated with an extracellular matrix, or ECM.

Into separate wells, introduce non-transgenic and transgenic human pluripotent stem cells, or hPSCs, in a culture medium.

Transgenic hPSCs carry a transgene under an antibiotic-inducible promoter. The transgene encodes a transcription factor that induces neural differentiation.

Incubate to facilitate cell adhesion to the ECM. Small molecules in the medium prevent apoptosis, promoting cell proliferation.

Add a detachment solution to dissociate the cells; add the medium to stop dissociation, and then transfer them to another ECM-coated microplate to allow cell proliferation.

Introduce a neural differentiation medium containing small molecules onto the non-transgenic cells and the inducer antibiotic onto the transgenic cells.

The small molecules induce non-transgenic cells to differentiate into neural progenitor cells or NPCs. In the transgenic cells, the antibiotic-induced expression of the transcription factor activates the genes required for differentiation into NPCs.

Maintain the NPCs in culture for downstream applications.

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