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Preparing Wedge Brain Slices to Visualize Auditory Neurons

Preparing Wedge Brain Slices to Visualize Auditory Neurons


Begin with a mouse brain and dissect it horizontally below the posterior part to preserve auditory neurons crucial for sound processing.

Mount the posterior section on a magnetic disc. Place an agar block to stabilize the tissue during slicing.

Transfer the section to the stage of a slicing chamber of a vibratome equipped with a blade.

Introduce a cold buffer and bubble carbogen gas that provides oxygen and preserves neuron integrity.

Make an even horizontal cut to remove the upper portion of the brain section.

Then, tilt the stage and continue cutting the remaining section until the auditory nerve root is visible.

Realign the stage. Next, rotate it and adjust the blade position for the desired thickness of the thin edge of the slice.

Move the blade away and realign the stage to its earlier position. Now, slice the brain into a wedge shape, thicker on one side and thinner on the other side.

The thicker side includes the auditory nerve root, while the thinner side features interconnected auditory neurons.

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