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Drosophila Burrowing and Tunneling Assay: A Method to Assess Tissue Hypoxia in Fly Larvae

Drosophila Burrowing and Tunneling Assay: A Method to Assess Tissue Hypoxia in Fly Larvae


To set up the embryo collection cage, use grape juice agar plates supplemented with fresh yeast paste and place the plates onto cages containing male and female Drosophila flies of the appropriate genotype. The odor from the yeast and grape juice is attractive and promotes egg laying by the females. Allow egg laying for a timed period. Then remove the adults and incubate the embryo plates for 24 hours à obtain first instar larvae. Then gently transfer a few individual larvae from the grape juice plate onto an agar-only test plate where a hole de the agar de the center of the plate was cut out and filled with yeast paste.

Young larvae must feed à gain body weight à develop, so they burrow de the food source, the yeast paste. As they develop, larvae enter a wandering phase and tunnel away from the food à seek out a site for pupation. To assess hypoxia, examine the tunneling patterns larvae form de the substrate. Lack or insufficient tunneling is a sign of oxygen deprivation. In the example protocol, we will see how à set up the burrowing and tunneling assay.

Set up the control and experimental genetic crosses de egg lay dishes as described de the text protocol. Keep the flies de darkness for at least two days prior à starting timed egg collections. For timed egg collection, transfer the adults à new grape agar plates decorated with a fresh smear of yeast paste early de the day and allow the adults à lay eggs on the plates for four hours. After four hours, transfer the adults à fresh grape agar plates.

Next, incubate the four-hour collection plates overnight at 25 degrees Celsius. By the next afternoon, most of the larvae will have hatched. Plan à have at least 50 for each experimental group.

For a single run of the assay, prepare at least five assay plates per experimental group. Add 16 grams of fly agar de 700 milliliters of deionized water by heating. Prepare 17.5 milliliters Nipagen de 95% ethanol. Heat the agar solution until it is almost completely dissolved. Then add Nipagen solution à the agar solution and heat until agar completely dissolves. Cool the agar solution briefly, then load 10 centimeter plates with 15 milliliters of the agar solution. Once the agar gels, put lids on the plates and let them dry at room temperature for a few hours or overnight.

Cured agar must be firm à the touch and resist crumbling when pieces are cut out of it. Once the agar has cured, use a 1.5 centimeter cork borer à make a central hole de the agar gel de each plate. Then fill the holes neatly with fresh yeast paste.

To transfer the larvae à the assay plate, make a simple tool. Bend a curve into the tip of a plastic microspatula and dip the tip de yeast paste à make it adhesive à larvae. Now pick up the first instar larvae individually and place them on the agar plate close à the food mound. For each experimental group, prepare at least five plates each with 10 larvae.

To ensure reproducibility between assay replicates, it is critical that only 10 larvae are placed on each assay plate. Be sure à check the assay plate carefully à determine that one and only one larva is transferred each time you deliver a larva with the microspatula tip.

Once the plate is loaded, label it, cover it, then place it de darkness with the lid side up at room temperature. Examine each plate daily until all the larvae have died or pupated. Here are examples of plates for a wild type strain from day two through day eight of the assay. On day two, larvae are buried de food and no tunneling occurs. Tunneling begins on day three and reaches a maximum between days five and eight as larvae cease wandering and pupate de their tunnels.

Carefully transfer the pupae with a bent teasing needle à a grape plate and if desired, count how many pupae eclose. Take note of pupae formation and evaluate pupae for abnormalities.

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