JoVE Science Education
Experimental Psychology
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JoVE Science Education Experimental Psychology
Observational Research
  • 00:00Vue d'ensemble
  • 00:39Experimental Design
  • 01:46Running the Study
  • 03:14Representative Results
  • 03:44Applications
  • 04:29Summary




Vue d'ensemble

ソース: ゲイリー Lewandowski デイブ Strohmetz ナタリー Ciarocco 所-マンモス大学

誰かが考えている方法を知りたい場合は感じている、その人を求めることができる質問。 別のアプローチは、人がどのように行動を観察したり、どのように彼らは、過去の行動の指標を探すことです。観測は明らかに思えるかもしれませんが、本当に正確なかどうか知っている容易ではない常に。例えば、人の笑顔を見るし、彼らを幸せな現実に悩まされているときは、単なる社交辞令と仮定可能性があります。

科学の目的は個々 のを超えて移動する、彼らは本質的に個人の期待、以前、個人の先入観、動機、感情などを体験が歪んでいるために自己の見解を所有します。人は、自己は、これらの洞察力は正確でない可能性があります 1 つのユニークな洞察力を持っているかもしれないが、現実を表してください。もっと簡単に言えば、何人は言う、常に一致しません彼らが実際に何でも。このため、研究者は、するためにさまざまな対策 (例えば、彼らの気持ちを報告する参加者を求めているが、実際の動作を観察することも) を組み込む必要があります詳細を正確にどのように人は本当に感じているキャプチャします。

このビデオは、研究者が 2 つの異なる方法で学生のホームシックを測定相関デザインを示します: (1) ホームシック スケールと (2) 学生が彼または彼女の寮の部屋に飾られて観察することによって。

心理学的研究は、しばしば他の科学研究よりも高いサンプル サイズを使用します。多数の参加者検討中の人口がよりよく表されることを確認することができます、すなわち、人間の行動を研究することによって伴うエラーのマージンは十分に占めております。このビデオでは、この実験のちょうど 1 つの参加者を示しています。ただし、な結果で表される実験の結論に到達するのに合計 63 人の参加者を使用しました。


1. 主要な変数を定義します。 ホームシックの運用の定義 (すなわち、まさにどのような研究者の手段概念の明確な説明) を作成します。 ホームシックとは、苦悩と家と人に慣れていることから実際のまたは予想される分離による機能障害。( 2. 研究の簡単な説明およびプロシージャの感覚であるインフォ?…


After collecting data from 63 people, a correlation was performed between the participants’ score on the homesickness scale and the observer’s score of their room to determine if a visual inspection of a student’s room can indicate their degree of homesickness (Figure 2). The results indicate that participants who scored higher on the homesickness scale had more indicators of homesickness in their dorm room.

The results of this study are similar to another study by Gosling and colleagues, which showed that individuals’ offices and living spaces were good indicators of their personality.2 

Figure 2
Figure 2. Correlation between Homesickness Scale and dorm room observation scores.

Applications and Summary

This correlational study shows that a person’s behavior, even something as simple as how they decorate their room, can indicate how they feel (i.e., how homesick they are).

Using observations of another person to infer that person’s feelings or thoughts can be difficult. However, research has found evidence that we can be accurate in our observational inferences. A study in Psychological Science found that observers could accurately infer personality characteristics from a person’s Facebook profile.3


  1. Archer, J., Ireland, J., Amos, S., Broad, H., & Currid, L. Derivation of homesickness scale. British Journal of Psychology. 89 (2), 205-221. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.1998.tb02681.x (1998).
  2. Gosling, S. D., Ko, S., Mannarelli, T., & Morris, M. E. A room with a cue: Personality judgments based on offices and bedrooms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 82 (3), 379-398. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.82.3.379 (2002).
  3. Back, M. D., Stopfer, J. M., Vazire, S., Gaddis, S., Schmukle, S. C., Egloff, B., & Gosling, S. D. Facebook profiles reflect actual personality, not self-idealization. Psychological Science. 21 (3), 372-374. doi:10.1177/0956797609360756 (2010).


Observational research incorporates a variety of measurement methods to accurately capture authentic information.

For example, psychologists use questionnaires to inquire how someone thinks or feels, and individual observations to examine current or past behavior.

This video demonstrates how to design and perform an observational study, as well as how to analyze the data and interpret the results measuring students’ homesickness.

In this experiment, the notion of homesickness is investigated—defined here as the distress and functional impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home and people and things you’re familiar with.

To measure homesickness level, two distinct methods are used to correlate participants’ perceptions of how they feel with actual observations.

In the first method, participants are given a questionnaire called the Homesickness Scale and asked to rate how true statements are to them on a scale of 1 to 4.

For the second method, participants’ apartments are observed by two individuals who are trained to look for evidence of homesickness, such as pictures of parents, family, friends from home; logos from their high school; and a low presence of university paraphernalia.

The hypothesis then is that participants who score highly on the homesickness questionnaire will have living spaces that also reflect how they feel.

To begin the experiment, guide each participant through the informed consent process, which consists of a brief description of the research and a sense of the procedure.

After handing the participant a packet that includes the Homesickness Scale and several other questionnaires, allow them time to complete all of the forms. Note that additional questionnaires are included to mask the true purpose of the study.

Once the participant has completed the questionnaires, instruct them to leave with two observers to visit their apartment. The same two observers visit all participants’ living spaces to ensure that scoring is unbiased and consistent.

When arriving at the apartment, confirm that you have permission to look around and then ask the participant to open drawers and closets. If any pictures are present, clarify who appears in them. Remember that both observers take notes of what they see during the visit.

At the end of the inspection, debrief the participant as to the true nature of the study and explain why deception was necessary. In the event that participants are experiencing any homesickness, refer them to the counseling center.

Immediately after the inspection, discuss and review observation notes and then score the participant’s level of homesickness on a scale of 1 to 7, with higher numbers corresponding to more evidence of homesickness.

To analyze the data, plot each participant’s score on the homesickness scale against the observer’s score of their apartment. Perform a correlational analysis to determine if a relationship exists between the two measures.

Notice that participants who scored higher on the homesickness scale had more indicators of homesickness in their room. Thus, the two measures are positively correlated.

Now that you are familiar with how experimental psychologists integrate observational measurements, let’s look at other ways observation can be applied.

Recently, researchers have found that observers looking at online profiles could accurately infer the personality characteristics of the person who made the profile.

In another study, researchers used a combination of clinical surveys and handwriting samples to investigate the link between fine motor control disorders and psychosis during adolescence.

In this case, individuals rated as high risk for psychosis had pen movements that were less smooth than controls, suggesting that handwriting could be used as a diagnostic tool.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to observational research. Now you should have a good understanding of how to setup and perform an experiment, as well as analyze and assess the results.

Thanks for watching! 


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Observational Research. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).