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Centroid of a Body

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Mechanical Engineering
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JoVE Core Mechanical Engineering
Centroid of a Body



The centroid is the geometric center of a body, representing the average position of all the points within a body.

For a homogeneous body with a constant density, the mass of the infinitesimal element is proportional to the differential volume of the body.

Using the center of mass expressions, centroid equations for volume can be obtained. These equations represent a balance of the moments of the volume.

If the volume has two planes of symmetry, the centroid must lie along the line of intersection of the two planes.

Similarly, the centroid of an area bounded by a curve can be determined using integrals.

These integrals can be evaluated using a rectangular strip for the differential area element either in the vertical or horizontal direction.

If a line segment lies within a plane described by a thin curve, its centroid is determined using the given equations.

The centroid equations for volume, area, and length, provide a way to locate the centroid of any body and help to calculate moments of inertia and its stability.


Centroid of a Body

The centroid is an important concept in engineering, physics, and mechanics. It is the geometric center of a body. It always lies within the body except in cases with holes or cavities. When the material that a body is composed of is uniform or homogeneous, the centroid coincides with its center of mass or the center of gravity.

For a homogeneous body with constant density, the centroid can usually be found using equations representing a balance of the moments of the body's volume. If the volume has two planes of symmetry, then the centroid must lie along the line of intersection between those two planes. Additionally, for areas lying in an xy plane bounded by a curve, this calculation for obtaining the coordinates for centroidal location can be done using a rectangular strip for the differential area element, and then integrating it. Similarly, the centroid can also be obtained for a line segment on an xy plane described by a thin curve y = f (x). The centroidal coordinates for a line is determined using the following expressions:

Equation 1

The knowledge of the location of the centroid of a body helps to calculate moments of inertia and other important properties in physics and mechanics. Knowing these properties helps engineers design stable structures that can withstand various loads without buckling and other problems that may arise during their lifetime.

Suggested Reading

  1. Hibbeler, R.C. (2016). Engineering Mechanics: Statics. Fourteenth Edition, New Jersey: Pearson. Section 9.1, Pp. 467-469.
  2. Meriam, J.L., Kraige, L.G. and Bolton, J.N. (2016). Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics. Eighth Edition, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons. Section 5.2 Pp. 234-235.