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NMR Spectrometers: Radiofrequency Pulses and Pulse Sequences

JoVE Core
Analytical Chemistry
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JoVE Core Analytical Chemistry
NMR Spectrometers: Radiofrequency Pulses and Pulse Sequences



A pulse is a short burst of high-power rf radiation that includes the Larmor frequencies of the observed nuclei in a sample.

As the nuclei absorb energy, the net magnetization vector shifts toward the transverse plane.

This angle of rotation, or the flip angle, of the magnetization vector, is proportional to the pulse duration and intensity.

A 90-degree pulse shifts the net magnetization precisely onto the x–y plane, while a 180-degree pulse shifts it to the −z direction.

As the magnetization returns to equilibrium along the z-axis, the emitted FID signals are collected during the acquisition time.

A pulse sequence begins with an excitation pulse from the transmitter, followed by the acquisition time.

Then relaxation delay allows the nuclei to relax completely and reestablish equilibrium before the next pulse is applied.

Experiments involving different NMR-active nuclei use multi-channel pulse sequences, where the frequency of each channel is matched to one type of nucleus.


NMR Spectrometers: Radiofrequency Pulses and Pulse Sequences

A pulse is a short burst of radio waves distributed over a range of frequencies that simultaneously excites all the nuclei in the sample. Upon passing a radio frequency pulse along the x-axis, the nuclei absorb energy corresponding to their Larmor frequencies and achieve resonance. This shifts the net magnetization vector from the z-axis toward the transverse plane. This angle of rotation of the magnetization vector, or the flip angle, is proportional to the duration and intensity of the pulse. A 90° pulse shifts the net magnetization precisely onto the x-y plane, while a 180° pulse shifts it to the −z direction.

Pulses are applied in sequences to reveal detailed information about the sample under study. A simple pulse sequence begins with an excitation pulse from the transmitter, followed by an acquisition time during which the free induction decay signals are collected and digitized by the computer console. The nuclei relax and reestablish equilibrium before the next pulse is applied in the ensuing relaxation delay.