Transplantation of human pluripotent stem cell-derived GABAergic neurons generated by neuronal programming could be a potential treatment approach for neurodevelopmental disorders. This protocol describes the generation and transplantation of human stem cell-derived GABAergic neuronal precursors into the brains of neonatal mice, allowing long-term investigation of grafted neurons and evaluation of their therapeutic potential.
Gonzalez-Ramos, A., Laurin, K., Berglind, F., Ledri, M., Kokaia, M., Andersson, M. Transplantation of Human Stem Cell-Derived GABAergic Neurons into the Early Postnatal Mouse Hippocampus to Mitigate Neurodevelopmental Disorders. J. Vis. Exp. (189), e64272, doi:10.3791/64272 (2022).