Here is a protocol to identify genetic interactions through an increased copy number suppressor screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This method allows researchers to identify, clone, and test suppressors in short-lived yeast mutants. We test the effect of the copy number increase of SIR2 on lifespan in an autophagy null mutant.
Dix, C., Sgro, S., Patel, A., Perrotta, C., Eldabagh, N., Lomauro, K. L., Miguez, F. W., Chohan, P., Jariwala, C., Arnone, J. T. A Suppressor Screen for the Characterization of Genetic Links Regulating Chronological Lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Vis. Exp. (163), e61506, doi:10.3791/61506 (2020).