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Enzyme Assays and Kinetics
  • 00:00Overveiw
  • 00:31Principles of Enzyme Kinetics
  • 04:34Enzyme Assay
  • 06:12Applications
  • 07:44Summary






这个视频将覆盖 (包括速率方程) 的酶动力学和动力学模型的基本原则。此外讨论了关于酶测定结果的概念,其次是典型的比色法测定。应用程序部分论述了福斯特共振能量转移 (FRET) 分析,表征胞外酶活性在环境中,通过酶法和调查 DNA 修复动力学使用分子探针。




基元反应的动力学是由基本的速率法方程给出的。速率法方程给在浓度的速率常数和反应率。每个基元反应有个别速率法方程,与自己的速率常数。这些方程可以被分成称为米氏方程的动力学模型。这给出了反应速率的底物浓度;这可以通过实验确定。可以使用米氏方程确定一些酶反应的总趋势。高底物浓度达到饱和点,称为 Vmax。在这里,速率受总酶的浓度,和一种酶的底物分子数目将转换成产品每给出了时间,也称为 kcat。在米氏动力学 kcat 是控制反应速率的两个常数之一。其他常数,公里,被称为亲和常数。KM 也是相当于浓度,反应速率等于二分之一 Vmax。一种酶与较高的亲和力将有较低的 KM 和达到 Vmax 速度更快,虽然一种酶与低亲和性会有较高的 KM 和达到 Vmax 需长。了解 kcat 和 KM 允许的酶来进行比较。为此我们使用称为酶效率比率。高 kcat 和低公里导致更高的效率,同时降低 kcat 和在较低的高 KM 结果。

用来阐明酶动力学的因素必须通过实验确定。这些检测通常是由混合酶和底物溶液在受控环境中执行的。通过测量浓度的底物、 产品或副产品随时间的变化进行观察。

随着时间的推移浓度的变化用于确定反应速率。为了确定动力学,必须在多个浓度获得率数据。如果逆初始速率与逆初始浓度,称为莱恩威弗-伯克情节,情节是线性的则反应跟随米氏动力学特征。斜率和截距线允许 KM 和 Vmax,然后可以用来计算 kcat 高效酶的动力学参数测定。



若要执行检测,已知底物浓度的准备加上适当的酶。酶和底物混合并允许孵育设定的时间间隔。缓冲溶液并加热块的 ph 值和温度控制。猝灭剂添加停止反应。开发人员解决方案是添加到反应,然后混合。解决方案然后放在小试管和测定吸光度。底物消耗的量是通过比较测量吸光度标准曲线确定的。使用所收集的数据,初步反应速率取决于绘制浓度随着时间的推移。最后,浓度与速率数据,米氏情节了。这允许营业额数量和酶效率等酶的动力学性能的测定。


在此过程中 FRET 分析方法来研究一种蛋白酶水解蛋白质肽键的动力学。这些排放量可以被测量,允许为衬底消费和生产的连续和定量的分析,协助确定反应动力学。

酶活性实验可以在环境科学中用于确定在环境中的胞外酶活性的水平。水、 土壤和沉积物可以收集从环境和在实验室中进行处理。胞外酶的活性,这些材料的特点然后可以使用酶测定结果。这是一个有用的工具,对于理解环境如何处理有机物质。

细胞核中发现的酶动力学研究,可以评价细胞 DNA 修复机制。率的一种酶中移除 DNA 损伤或损坏,可以测定荧光分子信标,只发出荧光,当绑定到独特的 DNA 序列。DNA 修复的水平可以通过检测荧光标记的裂解产品实时测量。

你刚看了朱庇特的视频对酶动力学和检测方法。这个视频说明酶动力学、 覆盖检测概念,走过去一般的程序,并描述某些应用程序。

谢谢观赏 !



No conflicts of interest declared.


Enzymes are biochemical catalysts that are essential for life. Enzyme assays are used to study the kinetic properties of enzymatic reactions, elucidating the catalytic effects of enzymes. This video will cover enzyme kinetics and assays, go over a general procedure, and show some applications.

Enzymes are proteins, or less often RNAs, that act on a specific reactant, referred to as the substrate. An enzyme reduces the activation energy needed to initiate a biochemical reaction, causing the reaction to occur at a faster rate.

Enzymatic reactions can be broken up into three elementary components. The first is the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex, formed by the binding of the substrate to the enzyme active site. The complex can decompose into its original constituents. This is the second elementary reaction. Alternatively, the complex can form the product and recover the enzyme, the third elementary reaction.

The kinetics of an elementary reaction is given by the elementary rate law equation. Rate law equations give the rate in terms of the concentration of the reactants and a rate constant. Each of the elementary reactions has an individual rate law equation, with its own rate constant. These equations can be distilled down to a kinetic model known as the Michaelis-Menten equation. This gives the reaction rate in terms of the substrate concentration; which can be experimentally determined. Some general trends for enzyme reactions can be identified using the Michaelis-Menten equation. At high substrate concentration, a saturation point is reached, called Vmax. Here, the rate is limited by the total enzyme concentration, and the number of substrate molecules an enzyme converts into product per given time, also known as kcat. In Michaelis-Menten kinetics kcat is one of the two constants that govern reaction rate. The other constant, KM, is known as the affinity constant. KM is also equivalent to the concentration where the reaction rate is equivalent to one-half Vmax . An enzyme with a higher affinity will have a lower KM and reach Vmax faster, while an enzyme with lower affinity will have a higher KM and take longer to reach Vmax. Knowing kcat and KM allows for enzymes to be compared. To do this we use a ratio called enzyme efficiency. Higher kcat and lower KM result in higher efficiencies, while lower kcat and higher KM results in lower.

The factors used to elucidate enzyme kinetics must be determined experimentally. These assays are typically performed by mixing an enzyme and substrate solution in a controlled environment. Observations are made by measuring the changes in concentration of the substrate, product, or byproducts with respect to time.

The change in concentration over time is used to determine the reaction rate. In order to determine the kinetics, rate data must be obtained at multiple concentrations. If a plot of the inverse initial rate vs. inverse initial concentration, known as the Lineweaver-Burk plot, is linear, then the reaction follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The slope and intercept of the line allow for the determination of the kinetic parameters KM and Vmax, which can then be used to calculate kcat and the enzyme efficiency.

Now that the principles of enzyme kinetics have been discussed, let’s look at how a typical enzyme assay is performed.

In this procedure a colorimetric assay is demonstrated.  The first step is to generate a standard curve, which will correlate absorbance with substrate concentration. Solutions of known concentration are prepared along with a control sample. A developer solution that reacts with the substrate is added to produce a colored compound. Absorbance is measured and plotted against concentration to generate the standard curve.

To perform the assay, a known concentration of substrate is prepared along with the appropriate amount of enzyme. The enzyme and substrate are mixed and allowed to incubate for a set time interval. pH and temperature are controlled with buffer solutions and heating blocks. A quenching agent is added to stop the reaction. Developer solution is then added to the reactions and mixed. The solutions are then placed in cuvettes and absorbance is measured. The amount of substrate consumed is determined by comparing the measured absorbance to the standard curve. Using the collected data, initial reaction rates are determined by plotting concentration over time. Finally, with the rate data and concentration, the Michaelis-Menten plot is made. This allows for the determination of kinetic properties for the enzyme such as turnover number and enzyme efficiency.

Now that we’ve reviewed an assay procedure, let’s look at other ways assays are performed and their applications.

In this procedure FRET analysis is used to study the kinetics of a protease hydrolyzing a peptide bond of a protein. These emissions can be measured, allowing for a continuous and quantitative analysis of substrate consumption and production, aiding in the determination of the reaction kinetics.

Enzyme assays can be used in environmental science to determine the levels of extracellular enzyme activity in the environment. Waters, soils, and sediments can be collected from the environment and processed in the laboratory. Extracellular enzymatic activity of these materials can then be characterized using enzyme assays. This is a useful tool for understanding how the environment processes organic material.

A cell’s DNA repair mechanism can be evaluated by studying the kinetics of enzymes found in the nucleus. The rate at which an enzyme removes DNA lesions, or damages, can be measured using fluorescent molecular beacons, which only fluoresce when bound to unique DNA sequences. The level of DNA repair can be measured in real time by detecting the fluorescently labeled cleavage products.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on enzyme kinetics and assays. This video explained enzyme kinetics, covered assay concepts, went over a general procedure, and described some applications.

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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Enzyme Assays and Kinetics. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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