
Erratum: Dissection of Adult Mouse Utricle and Adenovirus-mediated Supporting-cell Infection

Published: April 17, 2012


A correction was made to Dissection of Adult Mouse Utricle and Adenovirus-mediated Supporting-cell Infection. There was an error with a figure, the authors middle names were omitted, and the acknowledgements were updated.


A correction was made to Dissection of Adult Mouse Utricle and Adenovirus-mediated Supporting-cell Infection. The incorrect version of figure 2 was published, the middle initials of the authors were omitted, and the acknowledgements were updated.

Figure 2. Adenovirus-mediated infection of supporting cells was corrected to include a schematic showing the structure of the utricle sensory epithelium. The incorrect figure was inadvertently published. This error does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The editors apologize for this error.

The acknowledgements were updated to:

The authors are grateful to Dr. Shimon P. Francis for generating the confocal micrographs.

This work was supported by the Division of Intramural Research at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Additional support was provided by NIDCD 5R01 DC007613.


This work was supported by the Division of Intramural Research at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Additional support was provided by NIDCD 5R01 DC007613.

The authors were updated to:

Carlene S. Brandon, Christina Voelkel-Johnson, Lindsey A. May, Lisa L. Cunningham


Carlene Brandon, Christina Voelkel-Johnson, Lindsey May, Lisa Cunningham


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Citar este artículo
Erratum: Dissection of Adult Mouse Utricle and Adenovirus-mediated Supporting-cell Infection. J. Vis. Exp. (62), e4463, doi: (2012).

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