We provide a practical guide for delivering tracers in vivo and use the spinocerebellar pathway as a model system to demonstrate essential steps for successful neuronal circuit analysis in mice. We describe in detail our versatile tracing protocol that exploits wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) conjugated to Alexa fluorophores.
Neural circuits are organized into functional topographic maps. In order to visualize complex circuit architecture we developed an approach to reliably label the global patterning of multiple topographic projections. The cerebellum is an ideal model to study the orderly arrangement of neural circuits. For example, the compartmental organization of spinocerebellar mossy fibers has proven to be an indispensable system for studying mossy fiber patterning. We recently showed that wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) conjugated to Alexa 555 and 488 can be used for tracing spinocerebellar mossy fiber projections in developing and adult mice (Reeber et al. 2011). We found three major properties that make the WGA-Alexa tracers desirable tools for labeling neural projections. First, Alexa fluorophores are intense and their brightness allows for wholemount imaging directly after tracing. Second, WGA-Alexa tracers label the entire trajectory of developing and adult neural projections. Third, WGA-Alexa tracers are rapidly transported in both retrograde and anterograde directions. Here, we describe in detail how to prepare the tracers and other required tools, how to perform the surgery for spinocerebellar tracing and how best to image traced projections in three dimensions. In summary, we provide a step-by-step tracing protocol that will be useful for deciphering the organization and connectivity of functional maps not only in the cerebellum but also in the cortex, brainstem, and spinal cord.
1. Delivering tracers in vivo using sterile surgery (Sections 1.1-1.16)
Throughout the procedure we advise that standard sterile surgical techniques be used. This includes using sterile gloves, gown, and facemask. Tools should either be autoclaved before use or cleaned thoroughly with water and then ethanol. During the surgery, and especially between animals, clean tissue fragments off the tools and dry sterilize instruments with a hot bead sterilizer (Steri 250 Cat. # 18000-45, Fine Science Tools). In addition, it is critical that you organize your work space such that you have areas designated for animal preparation (shaving etc), the surgery, and a recovery area where the animal can be easily monitored, warmed, and supplied with analgesics as needed. The key to successful survival surgeries is to reduce the risk of infection and maintain an aggressive post-operative care strategy. Please refer to the Table where you can find all the necessary equipment and reagents for this protocol.
2. Detection of anterogradely traced mossy fibers
3. Immunohistochemistry
4. Microscopy and data analysis
All animal studies were carried out under an approved IACUC animal protocol according to the institutional guidelines at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Male and female outbred Swiss Webster (Taconic, Albany, NY) or inbred C57BL6J (JAX, Bar Harbor, ME) mice were maintained in our colony and used for all studies. Noon on the day a vaginal plug was detected was considered embryonic day 0.5.
5. Representative Results:
Spinocerebellar afferents terminate into parasagittal bands in the cerebellum (Fig. 3; Voogd et al. 1969; Grishkat and Eisenman 1995; Vogel and Prittie 1994; Vig et al. 2005; Apps and Hawkes 2009; Sillitoe et al. 2010; Reeber et al. 2011). We injected WGA-Alexa tracers into the lower thoracic-upper lumbar spinal cord to demonstrate: 1) that these tracers can be used to consistently label specific subsets of terminals in the cerebellum (Fig. 3; Reeber et al. 2011), 2) that WGA-Alexa tracers are intensely bright and can be used to visualize the overall pattern of mossy fiber topography in whole cerebella (Fig. 3; Reeber et al. 2011), 3) that WGA-Alexa 488 and 555 can be used in combination for tracing multiple tracts in the same animal (Fig. 4), and 4) that WGA-Alexa tracers are compatible with immunohistochemical staining (Fig. 5). In recent work we showed that WGA-Alexa tracers label terminals in the cerebellum as early as 6 hours after delivering the tracer into the spinal cord and are an excellent choice for tracing the architecture of developing pathways (Reeber et al., 2011).
Figure 1. Setup of equipment for delivering tracers in vivo. A. An Image of our surgical area. B. The lower thoracic-upper lumbar region can be identified by running your fingers along the vertebrae to feel for a hump in the vertebral column. The dorsal laminectomy should be performed roughly in the middle of the “hump”, which is indicated by the yellow arrow.
Figure 2. Illustration of a lower thoracic – upper lumbar vertebral segment before and after dorsal laminectomy. A. Schematic of an intact vertebral segment from the lower-thoracic-upper lumber region of the mouse vertebral column. B. A dorsal laminectomy is performed by removing the spinous processes of one or two vertebral segments, after cutting the lamina midway between the articular process and the dorsal spinous process.
Figure 3. WGA-Alexa tracers are intensely bright and can be used to visualize afferent projection topography at high resolution. A. The schematic illustrates the origin and termination of WGA-Alexa 555 labeled spinocerebellar neurons. B. Image of an injection site after delivering WGA-Alexa 555 into the lower thoracic upper lumbar region of the adult spinal cord. C. Wholemount image of the anterior lobules following an injection of WGA-Alexa 555 into the lower thoracic-upper lumbar region of the spinal cord. D. WGA-Alexa 555 anterograde tracing of the spinocerebellar tract reveals bands of mossy fibers as seen on a coronal tissue section. The lobules are defined by Roman Numerals and the numbers label mossy fiber bands on either side of the midline (applies to all images). Scale bars: B, 500 μm C, 500 μm D, 200 μm.
Figure 4. WGA-Alexa tracers are efficient for labeling multiple neural pathways in the same animal. A. Wholemount schematic of the mouse cerebellum summarizing the overall pattern of spinocerebellar mossy fiber bands. WGA-Alexa 555 was injected into the right side of the lumbar spinal cord and WGA-Alexa 488 into the same segment on the left side. B. As seen on a coronal tissue section cut through the posterior lobules, both WGA-Alexa tracers were transported to the cerebellum and successfully labeled distinct subsets of terminals (see also Reeber et al. 2011). Abbreviations: molecular layer (ml); Purkinje cell layer (pcl); granule cell layer (gcl); white matter (wm). Scale bars: B, 100 μm.
Figure 5. WGA-Alexa tracers can be used in combination with immunohistochemistry and histology for triple labeling of neurons and projections. A. WGA-Alexa 555 is deposited in mossy fiber terminals in lobule III. B. ZebrinII staining reveals an array of Purkinje cell stripes in lobule III. C. DAPI staining of neuronal and glial nuclei. D. Merged image of panels A, B, and C showing triple labeling of afferent bands, Purkinje cell stripes, and general cytoarchitecture. E-H. High magnification images of the boxed regions shown in panels A-D. Purkinje cell stripes are numbered as previously described (reviewed in (Apps and Hawkes 2009)). Abbreviations: molecular layer (ml); Purkinje cell layer (pcl); granule cell layer (gcl). Scale bars: D, 500 μm (for A-C); H, 500 μm (for E-G).
We have described the surgical and technical details required for successful axonal and dendrite tracing using a novel fluorescent-based approach for rapidly labeling neural projections in developing and adult mice. Using WGA-Alexa we show how tracers and markers can be used for analyzing patterned circuit topography at high resolution and in three dimensions.
Many tracers are available for tracing neuronal circuits including Cholera toxin subunit B, Biocytin, Neurobiotin, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHAL), fluororuby, fluoremerald and fluorogold. In addition, recent genetic and viral based tracers have demonstrated that molecularly distinct neuronal subsets are topographically connected to their targets with great precision. Note that although some neural tracers are predominantly transported in either the anterograde or retrograde direction (e.g. BDA 10,000 mw versus 3000 mw), tracer molecules are often transported in both directions. In our studies, we introduce WGA-Alexa based tracers as reliable neuroanatomical tools for analyses of topographic projection patterns. We show that WGA-Alexa fluoresces brightly, is transported rapidly, and is versatile enough to be paired with immunohistochemical markers including those for cerebellar sagittal compartments (Fig. 3).
We have found several limitations of using WGA-Alexa in comparison to other available neuroanatomical tracers. In contrast to BDA (Wu et al. 1999), we previously showed that WGA-Alexa (and WGA-HRP) does not reveal the entire morphology of complex terminal endings (Reeber et al. 2011). However, we improved the value of the anatomical information gained from traced terminals by pairing WGA-Alexa tracing with immunohistochemical staining for vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2) and cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript peptide (CART) immunohistochemistry (Reeber et al. 2011; Reeber and Sillitoe, 2011). Another shortcoming of WGA-Alexa is that the signal degrades relatively quickly on tissue sections, despite being mounted in media that protect the fluorescent signal. Therefore, we typically image the tissue immediately after cutting, although imaging within 2 days of cutting still allows labeled fibers and terminals to be successfully imaged. There is a tendency for the WGA-Alexa signal to lose intensity during immunostaining of the tissue sections. Using fewer and shorter washes during staining can minimize this problem. Another recommendation is to always mount and image one set of the traced tissue sections on the day of cutting for a reference set to compare with adjacent sections that will be processed for immunohistochemistry. In our hands OCT (Tissue-Tek, Sakura Finetek, Torrance, CA) embedded tissue blocks kept at -80 °C after perfusion and cryoprotection can be stored for extended periods of time without any loss of tracer intensity.
Our approach of tracing fibers could be easily adapted for tracing neural maps in cortical, brainstem, and spinal pathways. We are currently exploring the possibility of using WGA-Alexa tracers for in vivo imaging of circuit formation in genetically modified animals and for studying the dynamics of circuit formation after selective tract lesions and pharmacological manipulations. Since the rapid transport of WGA-Alexa tracers allows for short-term analysis our approach has the potential for revealing the dynamic changes that occur during structural plasticity of topographic circuits.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by new investigator start-up funds from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University to RVS.
Equipment/Reagents | Model/Catalogue number | Company |
Bead sterilizer | Model Steri 250 Cat. # 18000-45 | Fine Science Tools |
Cauterizer | Cat. # 18000-00 | Fine Science Tools |
Borosilicate glass capillaries | Cat. # 300056 | Harvard Apparatus |
Dual stage Glass Micropipette Puller | Model 001-PC-10 | Narishige |
Micrometer syringe | Cat. # GS-1100 | Gilmont Instruments |
Small Animal Stereotaxic Instrument | Model 940-A | Kopf Instrumentation |
Electrode Manipulator | Model 960 | Kopf Instrumentation |
Vetcare chamber | Cat. # 340508 | Harvard Apparatus |
Heating Pad | Cat. # 341241 | Harvard Apparatus |
Leica DFC360 FX camera | DFC360 FX | Leica |
Leica DFC490 camera | DFC490 | Leica |
Leica DM5500 microscope | DM5500 | Leica |
Leica DFC3000 FX camera | DFC3000 FX | Leica |
Leica MZ16 FA microscope | MZ16 FA | Leica |
CY3 Filter | Model # 11600231 | Leica |
FITC Filter | Model # 11513880 | Leica |
A4 DAPI/UV filter | Model # 11504162 | Leica |
Wheat germ agglutinin, Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate | Cat. #W11261 | Invitrogen |
Wheat germ agglutinin, Alexa Fluor 555 conjugate | Cat. #W32464 | Invitrogen |