Cell Death Screening Using DAPI Staining: A Method for Rapid Screening of IR Induced Clonogenic Cell Death in Cancerous Cell Lines

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Kobayashi, D. et al. One-step Protocol for Evaluation of the Mode of Radiation-induced Clonogenic Cell Death by Fluorescence Microscopy. J. Vis. Exp. (2017)

This video demonstrates the methodology to screen for major cell death profiles in ionizing radiation (IR) induced cancer cell lines using DAPI staining assay. The DAPI-stained nuclei of target cells undergoing cell death exhibit distinct morphologies and can be easily identified by fluorescence microscopy.


1. Preparation of Materials

  1. Autoclave coverslips
    1. Place coverslips in a glass beaker.
    2. Cover the glass beaker with foil.
    3. Autoclave at 121 °C at 15 psi for 20 min.
    4. Dry at 50 °C. Store at room temperature in a culture hood.
  2. Prepare the Fixation Solution: 3% paraformaldehyde + 2% sucrose in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
    1. To a 1,000 mL glass bottle, add 700 mL PBS and 30 g paraformaldehyde.
      CAUTION: Paraformaldehyde is corrosive, wear appropriate gloves.
    2. Dissolve paraformaldehyde completely by heating to 80 °C using a microwave.
      CAUTION: Paraformaldehyde fumes are toxic, wear a mask.
    3. Leave at room temperature overnight.
    4. Add 20 g sucrose.
    5. Add PBS to make the total volume 1 L.
    6. Aliquot in 50 mL tubes. Fixation Solution can be stored for 3 years at -20 °C or for 3 months at 4 °C.

2. Irradiation

CAUTION: Handle the X-ray irradiator carefully according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  1. Examine the cells under an inverted-phase microscope. Confirm that the cells are attached to the coverslip and alive.
  2. Irradiate the dish with 6 Gy X-rays (1.4 Gy/min, 300 KVP, 20 mA).
  3. Incubate for 72 h at 37 °C in an atmosphere containing 5% CO2.
    NOTE: Incubation time can be modified according to the experimental design

3. Fixation

  1. Aspirate culture media from the dish.
  2. Using scissors, cut the tip of a 1,000 μL micropipette tip 5 mm from the end.
    NOTE: The cut tip helps to smoothly apply the Fixation Solution.
  3. Using the cut tip, add 1 mL Fixation Solution (prepared in step 1.2) to the dish from the sidewall of the dish.
    NOTE: This step is time-sensitive and should therefore be performed without changing micropipette tips when handling multiple samples. Application of Fixation Solution directly to the bottom of the dish can damage the cells.
  4. Place the dish in a square culture dish. Shake the square culture dish gently to distribute the Fixation Solution over the coverslip evenly.
  5. Incubate for 10 min at room temperature.
  6. Aspirate Fixation Solution from the dish.
  7. Add 2 mL of PBS to the dish from the sidewall of the dish.
    NOTE: Application of PBS directly to the bottom of the dish can damage the cells.
  8. Aspirate PBS from the dish.
  9. Repeat steps 3.7 and 3.8 twice.
    NOTE: The dish can be stored for 1 week at 4 °C with the coverslips bathed in 2 mL PBS.

4. DAPI Staining

  1. To a glass slide, apply 5 μL 1 μg/mL DAPI staining reagent.
    NOTE: The DAPI staining reagent is stable for 6 months when stored protected from light at or below -20 °C.
  2. Using a scalpel, remove the coverslip from the dish.
  3. Draw off the excess PBS on the coverslip by touching the edge of the coverslip with a paper towel.
  4. Mount the coverslip upside-down onto the drop of DAPI staining reagent on the glass slide so that the cells are exposed to DAPI staining reagent.
    NOTE: This step is time-sensitive. Drying of the DAPI staining reagent can lead to suboptimal staining.
  5. The samples can be stored for 1 year at -20 °C.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Cover slip   Matsunami C013001
Paraformaldehyde  Sigma-Aldrich  P6148-1KG
Sucrose   Sigma-Aldrich 84097-250G
Phosphate-buffered saline   Cosmo Bio 16232000
Scalpel   Kai Medical No.20, 520-A
35 mm cell culture dish   Falcon 353001
inverted phase microscope   Shimazu 114-909
X-ray irradiator   Faxitron Bioptics Faxitron RX-650
square culture dish   Corning 431110
slide glass   Matsunami Pro-11
DAPI staining reagent  Cell Signaling  8961S
Fluorescence microscope  Nikon  ECLIPSE Ni
fluorescence microscope DAPI filter   Nikon U-FUW, BP340-390, BA420IF, DM410
fluorescence microscope lens (20×)   Nikon Plan Apo λ 20X/0.75
fluorescence microscope lens (60×, oil)   Nikon Plan Apo λ 60X/1.40 oil
oil   Olympus N5218600
CCD camera   Nikon DS-Qi2
digital image acquisition software   Nikon NIS-Elements Document
lens cleaner  Olympus  OT0552
chloroform   Wako 035-02616


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Citar este artículo
Cell Death Screening Using DAPI Staining: A Method for Rapid Screening of IR Induced Clonogenic Cell Death in Cancerous Cell Lines. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20493, doi: (2023).

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