Methyl Cellulose-Based CFU Assay: A Method to Determine the Effect of Anti-cancer Compounds on Colony Formation in Leukemic Cells

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Kesarwani, M., et al. Methods for Evaluating the Role of c-Fos and Dusp1 in Oncogene Dependence. J. Vis. Exp. (2019).

This video describes the protocol for methyl cellulose-based colony formation unit or CFU assay, which helps identify and count the number of colonies formed by leukemic cells in response to the treatment with anticancer compounds.


1. Colony-forming Unit Assays

  1. Thaw the methylcellulose with cytokines for mouse at room temperature for 1–2 h. Aliquot 3 mL of methylcellulose in a FACS tube using a 5 mL syringe without a needle. Sort the YFP-positive cells on a cell sorter.
  2. Spin the cells down and suspend the pellet in IMDM complete media. Count the cells to be plated and dilute them to obtain 5,000 YFP-positive cells in 100 µL of IMDM complete media.
  3. Add 100 µL of the cell suspension containing 5,000 YFP-positive cells and the appropriate inhibitors to 3 mL of methylcellulose. Vortex on high to mix it for 10–30 s.
  4. After most of the air bubbles have escaped, use a 1 mL syringe to plate 1 mL of media in three replicate 3 cm plates by ejecting the media on one side and slowly tilting the plate in a circular motion to spread evenly.
  5. The final concentration of the inhibitors to use are imatinib at 3 µM, DFC at 0.2 µM, and BCI at 0.5 µM, alone or in combinations. Wherever appropriate, delete c-Fos by plating the cells with 4-hydroxytamoxifen (1 µg/mL) added to the methylcellulose.
  6. After plating, put the plates in a large Petri dish with one open dish containing 2 mL of sterile water in the middle. Cover the large Petri dish and carefully incubate at the 37 °C, 5% CO2 incubator. Record the colony numbers after one week of plating by counting the total number of colonies under a microscope.
  7. Analyze a few colonies from appropriate plates for c-Fos deletion by PCR. Collect the colonies by sucking them with a P1000 tip. Dislodge the cells in 500 µL of 1x PBS by washing the tip in the PBS multiple times. Spin the cell suspensions at 6,000 x g for 1 min and extract the DNA from the cell pellet using a genomic DNA isolation kit.
  8. Use the genomic DNA for PCR using the primers mFos-FP3 and mFos-RP5. Analyze the PCR products on a 2% agarose gel and image using a gel documentation system.
  9. For a graphic presentation of the colonies, stain the colonies, using Iodonitrotetrazolium chloride. Dissolve 10 mg of the Iodonitrotetrazolium chloride in 10 mL of water to obtain a 1 mg/mL solution. Filter sterilize the solution using a Luer lock with a 0.2 µm filter attached to a 10 mL syringe under sterile conditions in a tissue culture hood.
  10. In the tissue culture hood, add 100 µL of staining solution dropwise around the CFU plate; be careful not to slide or disturb colonies. Incubate the plates overnight in a 37 °C, 5% CO2 cell culture incubator. The colonies will turn dark reddish brown. Using a white background in the sterile tissue culture hood, take photos of the stained CFU plate.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


IMDM Cellgro (corning) 15-016-CVR
MethoCult GF M3434 (Methylcellulose for Mouse CFU) Stem Cell 3434
4-Hydroxytamoxifen Sigma H6278
Recombinant Murine SCF Prospec CYT-275
Recombinant Murine Flt3-Ligand Prospec CYT-340
Recombinant Murine IL-6 Prospec CYT-350
Recombinant Murine IL-7 Peprotech 217-17
DFC LKT Laboratories Inc. D3420
BCI Chemzon Scientific NZ-06-195
Imatinib LC Laborator I-5508
1x PBS Cellgro (corning) 21-040-CV
1/2 cc Lo-Dose u-100 insulin syringe 28 G1/2 Becton Dickinson 329461
Iodonitrotetrazolium chloride Sigma I10406
NAPCO series 8000 WJ CO2 incubator Thermo scientific
Swing bucket rotor cetrifuge 5810R Eppendorf
C-1000 Thermal cycler Bio-RAD
ChemiDoc Imaging System (imaging system for gels and western blots) Bio-RAD 17001401
ROSACreERT2 Jackson Laboratory
ROSACreERT2/c-Fos fl/fl Dusp1-/ Made in house
ROSACreERT2/c-Fosfl/fl Made in house

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Citar este artículo
Methyl Cellulose-Based CFU Assay: A Method to Determine the Effect of Anti-cancer Compounds on Colony Formation in Leukemic Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20277, doi: (2023).

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