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JoVE Central Nursing



Communication between two or more individuals is exchanging or sharing ideas, information, feelings, or impressions using oral, written, or any other suitable medium.

In a healthcare setting, therapeutic communication is a conscious interaction between a healthcare professional and a patient that aims to enhance the patient's comfort, safety, trust, or health and well-being.

The key components of a communication process include context, sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback.

Understanding the context of a stimulus initiating the communication process in health care is significant for effective communication and nursing response.

The sender, or encoder, is an individual or group which initiates communication that transmits the information for transmission.

The information transmitted is carried as a message to the receiver using channels.

 A channel is the mode or medium used by the sender to communicate their message. Nurses generally use auditory, visual, and kinesthetic mediums, such as spoken words, pictures, and gestures, to communicate with their patients.

The feedback is the response provided by the receiver to the sender after interpreting the message.



Sharing information, concepts, and emotions to foster mutual understanding is communication. The sender, recipient, and transaction must be considered in this manner. The sender is the person who shares the message, the recipient is the person who receives and understands the message, and the transaction is the method used to deliver the message and the variables that affect the communication's context and surroundings. The nurse-client connection is built on therapeutic communication.

Within the framework of healthcare, therapeutic communication serves a particular function. Developing an effective interpersonal nurse-client relationship that supports the client's well-being and ensures holistic, client-centered, quality care. By encouraging effective relationships between people, the purpose and importance of the communication process are acknowledged. It is a procedure by which meanings are interpreted, and individual understandings are improved. People can better understand one another, clear up misunderstandings, and promote idea and expression clarity through communication procedures.

In educational institutions and various employment settings, individuals can achieve personal and professional goals and enrich their lives when they communicate with each other. In other words, individuals must effectively engage in communication processes to enhance one's career prospects and promote better livelihood opportunities. As a result, the purpose and importance of communication processes are recognized since they let people connect with one another.

The transmitter and receiver are the two essential components of communication. The sender starts the communication. The person who has to communicate the need, notion, or idea to one or more people is referred to as the sender. The recipient is the individual to whom the message is addressed.

The message is the information the sender transmits to the receiver. They can be information about different subjects, concepts, individuals, etc., that are imparted in oral, non-verbal, and written forms. The signs and symbols are also made use of to convey messages. In some cases, messages are positive, whereas, in others, they are negative.

Feedback is known as information about the outcome or the processed part that has been returned. It is when the senders express their responses to the answers or information they have received from the receivers. For instance, when the receivers communicate their reactions to the information they have received from the senders, they also need to provide feedback. Through receiving feedback, the receivers usually feel contented that they can provide solutions to their problems and challenges. The feedback is either positive or negative.