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Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
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JoVE Science Education Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: How to perform complete prone positioning in COVID-Patients

COVID-19 / 冠状病毒爆发:如何在 COVID 患者中执行完全容易定位




在大流行时期,医务人员正在成为对抗感染的关键资源。为了获得最佳的医疗服务,必须向医务人员传授相关的技术和程序,同时降低感染风险。COVID-19患者通常发展为急性呼吸窘迫综合征与呼吸衰竭。Prone定位是COVID-19患者管理的核心组成部分,能够使更大的肺区通风,从而改善气体交换。此视频显示 COVID-19 患者的容易定位,同时考虑个人感染保护。


准备易放置所需的材料,包括大和小泡沫件。使用四个大型泡沫方块组装两个大泡沫辊。一个大泡沫卷被放置在前胸壁下,第二个大泡沫卷被放置在骨盆下。大约七件较小的碎片用于支撑手、膝盖和头部。每件都按尺寸切割。组装卷筒时,在不影响结构的情况下,尽可能靠近边缘,以固定卷筒非常重要。使用手术刀,你也应该做额外的切口,在女性患者的乳房。此外,客人可以使用枕头和毯子。 应使用完整的个人防护设备(包括 FFP3 保护面罩)进行 Prone 定位,因为呼吸回路有断开的高风险。个人防护设备应戴在患者室外。 组建一个四人团队: 头部的一名助手负责保护 C-spine、气管和中央导管。 位于呼吸机的第二个助手。他们负责泡沫辊,也应该保持病人的重要参数的概述。 第三个助手位于躯干旁边,在静脉注射的香水旁边。 第四名助手定位在骨盆和腿部,距离可注射静脉注射药物的距离。 第五个助手是可选的。在使用 ECMO 或 ECLS 治疗的患者或脂肪患者中,通常需要它们。 注: 为了在这段视频中清晰起见,尽管在现实生活中有必要这样做,但并没有显示一个封闭的吸力系统。 接下来,为病人做好准备。修复气管,以避免任何溃疡的发展和意外的挤出发生的方式。固定胃管并检查它,以避免任何错位。应用眼部保护,如德芬醇眼软膏。吸吸奥罗和鼻咽腔中的任何分泌物。 用 1.0 的 FiO2 预氧患者。 如果需要,使用肌肉松弛剂加深麻醉。 监测患者的血流动力学状态,必要时进行优化。 通过取出患者的枕头并平放枕头来优化条件。 当尝试任何形式的易定位时,患者通常转向呼吸机的方向。在这种情况下,在向左方向。 松开呼吸回路管,放在第一助理的手臂上。该助理还将协调和传达病人的操作给整个团队。 将患者移动到与呼吸机相对的床边,在这种情况下,请右转。 断开并移走监控电缆和动脉线。如果遥测单元放置在喷气机的床的另一侧,则电缆可以保持连接。不要忘记拆下心电图电极。 拉直患者的手臂最接近呼吸机,手掌朝向身体,放置与臀部接触。 把病人卷过这个手臂 让呼吸机侧面的助手提供两个泡沫卷。将患者从呼吸机中转动,将泡沫卷与肩膀和骨盆保持一体。重要的是,患者不要放在床架上,以避免压力疮和伤害。 将患者滚动到朝向呼吸机的 90° 侧位置。 检查所有管子和电缆后,患者可以完全处于容易定位的位置。检查患者的位置,如有必要,请让患者两侧的助手优化定位。第一助理应始终保持患者头部,以保护 C-spine、气管管和中央导管。 将新的心电图电极粘附在患者身上,并连接和连接所有相关的监测设备。 稍微旋转头部并定位头部,注意确保耳朵、鼻子和卡托蒂德自由无压力。较小的泡沫片可用于和调整,以帮助单个患者定位。 将手臂放在身体旁边,垫上任何静脉的木质。 支撑大枕头上的下腿,将膝盖放在泡沫上。请注意,乳房和生殖器的正确定位尤为重要。 最后,使用分配的听诊器通过听诊,检查气管内的位置。 根据临床结果,患者可以保持该位置长达 24 小时。


No conflicts of interest declared.


Dearest colleagues, prone positioning is a key part of ARDS therapy, enabling ventilation of a greater lung area and, hence, improving gas exchange. Prone positioning is established as a core component of management in COVID-19 patients. The following materials are required for prone positioning therapy.

Both large and small foam pieces are used when prone positioning a patient. Use four large foam squares to assemble two large foam rolls. One role is used to place under the anterior chest wall, and the second is placed under the pelvis.

Approximately seven smaller pieces are used to support the hands, knees, and head. And each are cut accordingly to size. When assembling the rolls, it is important to fasten them as close to the edges as possible without compromising the structure.

Using a scalpel, you should also make additional cutouts for the breasts in female patients. Pillows and blankets can be alternatively used. Prone positioning is to be carried out with full personal protection equipment, including an FFP3 protective mask, as there is a high risk of disconnection of the breathing circuit.

The personal protective equipment will be put on outside of the patient’s room. The team consists of four personnel. One assistant at the head to secure the C-spine, endotracheal tube, and central catheters.

The second assistant is positioned by the ventilator. They are responsible for the foam rolls and should also maintain an overview of the patient’s vital parameters. The third assistant is positioned by the torso and next to the intravenous perfusors.

The fourth assistant is positioned at the pelvis and legs and is within reaching distance of injectable intravenous medications. A fifth assistant is optional. They are usually required in patients treated with ECMO or ECLS or adipose patients.

For the purposes of clarity in this video and despite its necessity in real life contexts, a closed suction system is not shown. The patient will now be prepared. The endotracheal tube is fixed in such a way as to avoid any decubitus ulcers from developing, and also accidental extubation from occurring.

The gastric tube must be secured and checked to avoid any dislocation. Eye protection is to be applied. This may be in the form of Dexpanthenol eye ointment.

Any secretion in the oral or nasopharyngeal cavity will be suctioned. The patient will be pre-oxygenated with an FiO2 of 1.0. If required, the anesthesia will be deepened, including usage of muscular relaxants.

The hemodynamic status of the patient must be monitored and, if necessary, optimized. Conditions may be optimized by removal of the patient’s pillow and laying them flat on the bed. When attempting any form of prone positioning, the patient is typically turned in the direction of the ventilator-in this case, in a leftwards direction.

The breathing circuit tubes are loosened and laid on the arms of the first assistant. This assistant also coordinates and communicates the manipulation of the patient to the whole team. The patient is moved to the edge of the bed opposite from the ventilator-in this case, rightwards.

Disconnect and move the monitoring cable and arterial line away. If the telemetry unit is placed on the opposite side of the bed to the ventilator, the cables may be left attached at your discretion. For the purpose of this film, the patient’s gown will not be removed.

Do not forget to remove the ECG electrodes. Now the patient’s arm closest to the ventilator is straightened. And with the palms facing towards the body, they are placed in contact with the buttocks.

The patient can, in turn, be rolled over this arm. The assistant on the side of the ventilator makes the two foam rolls available. Now the patient is turned away from the ventilator, and the foam rolls are placed in line with the shoulders and pelvis.

It is important that the patient is not laid on the bed frame, in order to avoid pressure sores and injuries. The patient is now rolled in a 90 degree side position facing towards the ventilator. Once all tubes and cables are checked, the patient can be fully prone positioned.

The position of the patient is checked and, if necessary, optimized by the assistants on both sides of the patient. The first assistant remains at the head of the patient at all times to protect the c-spine, endotracheal tube, and central catheters. Stick the new ECG electrodes onto the patient and attach and connect all relevant monitoring devices.

The head is slightly rotated and positioned. However, attention must be paid to ensure that the ears, nose, and carotids are free and under no pressure. The smaller pieces of foam can be used and adjusted in order to assist with individual patient positioning.

The arms are laid next to the body, and any venous cannulas are padded. The lower legs are supported on a large pillow, and the knees placed on foam. The correct positioning of the breasts and genitals is particularly important.

Finally, review the endotracheal tube position through oscillation with the allocated stethoscope. Depending upon clinical findings, the patient can remain in this position for up to 24 hours. Thank you very much.


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: How to perform complete prone positioning in COVID-Patients. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2020).