A protocol to prepare free-floating slice cultures from adult human brain is presented. The protocol is a variation of the widely used slice culture method using membrane inserts. It is simple, cost-effective, and recommended for running short-term assays aimed to unravel mechanisms of neurodegeneration behind age-associated brain diseases.
Fernandes, A., Mendes, N. D., Almeida, G. M., Nogueira, G. O., Machado, C. d. M., Horta-Junior, J. d. A. d. C., Assirati Junior, J. A., Garcia-Cairasco, N., Neder, L., Sebollela, A. Short-Term Free-Floating Slice Cultures from the Adult Human Brain. J. Vis. Exp. (153), e59845, doi:10.3791/59845 (2019).