Fare Periton Makrofagların izolasyonu Toll-benzeri reseptörler Uyarım üzerine Gen İfadesi Analizi Yapacak
JoVE Journal
Immunologie und Infektion
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JoVE Journal Immunologie und Infektion
Isolation of Murine Peritoneal Macrophages to Carry Out Gene Expression Analysis Upon Toll-like Receptors Stimulation

08:21 min

April 29, 2015

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  • 00:05Titel
  • 01:39Isolation, Identification and Culture of Murine Peritoneal Macrophages
  • 03:30Cell Treatments
  • 04:21RNA Isolation
  • 06:57Results: TLR2 and TLR4 Ligands Induce Hepcidin Expression in Murine Peritoneal Macrophages
  • 07:55Conclusion


Automatische Übersetzung

We describe here a simple protocol to isolate murine peritoneal macrophages. This procedure is followed by RNA extraction to carry out gene expression analysis upon Toll-like receptors stimulation.

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