Encyclopedia of Experiments
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Encyclopedia of Experiments Neurowissenschaften
Electrophysiological Recordings of Reprogrammed Neurons in a Mouse Brain Slice

Electrophysiological Recordings of Reprogrammed Neurons in a Mouse Brain Slice


After transferring one tissue section to a recording chamber for electrophysiology, mount the glass pipette on the recording electrode, and lower it into the solution. Double-check the resistance of the electrode. Then, slowly approach the reprogrammed cell with the pipette, keeping a slight positive pressure in the electrode to avoid plugging the tip, and check that the cell is GFP-positive before patching.

When the cell is patched, maintain the cell in current clamp from minus 60 to minus 70 millivolts, and inject 500-millisecond currents from minus 20 to plus 90 picoamperes with 10-picoampere increments to induce action potentials. This is indicative of a neuronal maturation and successful reprogramming.

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