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Structural Engineering
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JoVE Science Education Structural Engineering
Tension Tests of Polymers
  • 00:08Übersicht
  • 01:26Principles of Uniaxial Tensile Tests for Polymers
  • 02:43Uniaxial Tensile Test for Polymers
  • 05:09Ergebnisse
  • 07:30Applications
  • 08:23Summary

폴리머의 인장 시험




출처: 로베르토 레온, 버지니아 공대, 블랙스버그, 버지니아 토목 및 환경 공학부

중합체 재료는 매우 부드러운 실란트에서 부터 물과 폐수 시스템의 더 단단한 파이프에 이르기까지 다양한 용도로 토목 구조에서 널리 사용됩니다. 중합체의 가장 기본적인 정의는 반복 하위 단위를 가진 분자 구조입니다. 용어 폴리머는 “폴리”가 많은 것을 의미하고, “-mer”는 기본 단위를 의미 그리스어에서 온다. 모노머 또는 단일 머는 특정 반복 단위입니다. 폴리머를 사용하면 탄소 백본의 길이와 다양한 유연성을 포함하는 구조가 폴리머의 특성을 지시합니다. 폴리머는 플라스틱, 엘라스토머 및 단단한 막대 폴리머의 3가지 하위 범주로 분류됩니다. 플라스틱은 가열시 부드러워지지 않는 열주설정과 열가소성 가소성으로세분화되어 가열시 가열되고 단단해지면 부드러워질 수 있습니다. 또한 열가소성 플라스틱은 대부분 선형 또는 분기 된 폴리머이며 교차 연결이 거의 없는 반면 열주 세트는 3D 구조를 나타내고 광범위한 교차 연결을 갖습니다. 엘라스토머 또는 고무는 길고 코일 체인이며 원래 길이의 두 배로 늘릴 수 있지만, 단단한 막대 폴리머는 스트레칭하지 않고 강하고 결정적인 구조인 반면, 방출 될 때 원래 크기로 다시 수축됩니다.

이 실험실에서는 고밀도 폴리에틸렌(HDPE), 폴리염화비닐(PVC), 나일론 및 메틸 메타크릴레이트(아크릴)를 포함한 여러 가지 폴리머 소재를 살펴보고 이러한 재료에 대한 응력 변형 곡선의 폭과 다양성을 이해하고 기계적 특성이 성능에 미치는 영향을 이해할 것입니다.



아크릴, 나일론, HPDE 및 PVC 중합체 재료의 전형적인 인장 표본을 가져옵니다. 마이크로미터를 사용하여 각 시편의 샤프트를 따라 여러 위치에서 폭과 두께를 측정하여 평균 단면 치수를 결정합니다. 데이터 시트에 각 표본의 평균 측정 폭과 두께를 기록합니다. 표본을 그립에 놓습니다. 각 끝의 80% 이상이 그립에 단단히 부착되어 있는지 확인하여 로딩 작업 중에 미끄러짐을 방지할 수 있습니다…


Typical failures for these materials are shown in Fig. 1 to Fig. 4. Fig. 1 shows the progression of failure in a polyethylene, with an initial necking and subsequent progression of necking up and down the specimen as the polymeric chains uncoil. High-density polyethylene material, if loaded slowly, can stretch to several times its initial length (Fig. 2). PVC, on the other hand, shows a similar failure progression, but with much lower ductility (Fig. 3). This figure also demonstrates the typical influence of strain rate on deformation capacity; the faster the rate, the lower the ductility and the slightly higher the strength. In contrast, the acrylic specimen basically fails without any non-linear deformation (Fig. 4).

Figure 1
Figure 1: A. Progression of necking in a short HDPE specimen. B. Close up of necking near grip, showing comparison to original specimen.

Figure 2
Figure 2: Large deformations possible in a HDPE loaded slowly. The photo shows the entire specimen whose end is shown in Fig. 1B. 

Figure 3
Figure 3: Failure in a PVC specimen showing strain rate effects.

Figure 4
Figure 4: Failure in an acrylic specimen. 

The results for the stress-strain curves for the four materials are shown in Fig. 5 through Fig. 8.

Figure 5
Figure 5: Stress-strain curve for HDPE. 

Figure 6
Figure 6: Stress-strain curve for PVC. 

Figure 7
Figure 7: Stress-strain curve for nylon.

Figure 8
Figure 8: Stress-strain curve for an acrylic.

It is important to note that Fig. 5 through Fig. 8 all have very different horizontal and vertical scales. The test results for those experiments are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, while Fig. 9 shows a comparison of the stress-strain curves up to 50% strain. The difference in elongation percentages (Table 2) are striking and show the great variation between the mechanical behavior of polymeric materials. The strength variation is somewhat smaller, with only the HDPE showing a significantly lower value. The behavior ranges from elastic brittle for acrylic to very ductile and softening for HDPE.

Table 1: Raw data summary.
Equation 1

Figure 9
Figure 9: Comparisons of stress-strain curves, up to 50% strain, for all polymers tested. 

Initial Area 0.0624 0.0633 0.0624 0.0628 in.2
Final Area 0.0185 0.0076 0.0605 0.0528 in.2
% Change in Area 70.37 87.92 3.00 15.84 %
Original Gage Length 1.987 2.021 2.123 2.245 in.
Final Gage Length 2.157 6.985 2.098 3.650 in.
% Elongation 8.56 245.62 -1.18 62.58 %
 Strain for Initial Stiffness 0.012 0.019 0.020 0.020 in./in.
 Stress for Initial Stiffness 8.0 2.5 7.0 8.0 ksi
Initial Modulus 667 132 350 400 ksi
 Strain for 0.2% strength 0.0090 0.0160 0.0165 0.0090 in.
Yield Strength (02% offset) 4.6 1.8 4.9 2.0 in.

Table 2: Summary of results.

Applications and Summary

Fig. 9 shows the large variation in load-deformation characteristics for several polymers. The behavior ranges from purely strong, elastic and brittle for the acrylic specimen to soft, highly visco-elastic and very ductile for the HDPE. These reflect the extreme properties of thermosets (acrylic) to thermoplastic (HDPE, nylon and PVC). It is interesting to note that the PVC, which is frequently used in finished and pies in our buildings and homes, shows a good balance of strength, viscoelasticity and ductility.

In civil engineering applications, polymers are commonly used for coatings, sealants, adhesives, siding, pipes, pipeliners, geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes, interior finishing, repair, restoration, as well as exterior structural elements. The plastics industry in the United States is very large, and it accounts for almost 1 million jobs and $308 billion in industry shipments during 2014. There are also many natural polymers used in the commercial field, such as wood, rubber, cotton, and leather, as well as in the field of biology, such as proteins, enzymes, and starches. Even the Tupperware and take-out food containers one uses when eating out are made up of polymers.


Polymers represent some of the most widely used materials in the world, being found in everything from soft sealants to rigid water pipes. The most basic definition of a polymer is a molecular structure with a long chain of repeating subunits, or monomers. Polymers can be classified into many subcategories. Two of the most basic are the form-holding plastics and the flexible elastomers.

Plastics are further subdivided into thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics are mostly linear and exhibit very little cross-linking. Thermosets usually have more complicated three-dimensional structures, typically with extensive cross-linking.

Elastomers, also known as rubbers, are comprised of long, coiled polymer chains and can be stretched to beyond their original resting length but will contract back to the original size when released.

In this video, we will determine stress strain curves for different polymeric materials, in order to understand how their mechanical properties affect their performances.

One of the most basic ways polymers are characterized is with a stress-strain curve analysis. This involves applying a known load to a specimen and observing the resulting deformation.

The stress-strain behavior of polymers depends largely on the type of material being analyzed. The stress axis represents the amount of force applied to the material, while the strain curve represents the relative deformation because of this stress. The final point of the curve represents the point where the material ultimately failed, due to the force applied.

In the linear regions of a stress-strain curve, the slope represents the Young’s modulus of that material. This is an intrinsic property of a given material. Deformation within this linear region is known as elastic deformation and is reversible. Deformation past this region is known as plastic deformation and is permanent.

Now that you understand polymers and their properties, lets test different polymeric materials using a tensile test machine.

Obtain typical tensile specimens of acrylic, nylon, HPDE and PVC polymeric materials. Using a micrometer, measure the width and thickness at several locations along the shaft of each specimen to determine the average cross-sectional dimensions. Record the average measured width and thickness of each specimen on the data sheet.

Set up the universal testing machine as shown in the JoVE video regarding stress-strain characteristics of steels. Next, place the specimen in the grips of the tensile test machine. Make sure that at least 80 percent of each end is firmly attached to the grips, which will help prevent slippage during the loading operation. Sandpaper may also be used to improve gripping of the sample.

Attach the electronic extensometer securely to the specimen according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Next, measure the length of the specimen between the grips. This value is the gauge length and will be used to calculate strain. Now, begin applying the tensile load to the specimen and observe the live reading of applied load on the computer display. If the measured load does not increase, the specimen is slipping through the grips and needs to be re-attached. In this instance, stop the test and re-attach the specimen to the grips.

Continue applying tensile load slowly, observing the shape of the computer-generated load versus displacement graph throughout the loading. Sometime before sample failure, the software will automatically pause the test. Leave the sample in the test machine and remove the extensometer. Resume applying tensile load until failure. Record the maximum load and the load at failure. Remove the broken specimen from the machine. Observe and document the location and character of the fracture. Measure the width and thickness of the specimen in the region of failure, and record the final measurements.

Repeat this protocol for the remaining specimens, making sure to document and characterize the location of their fractures.

With the testing complete, let’s now look at the results of the tensile test. Here, we see the progression of failure in a high-density polyethylene sample. During the tensile test there is a significant amount of necking up and down the specimen as the polymeric chains uncoil, showcasing the ductility of HDPE. This phenomenon is even more noticeable if the material is loaded slowly, allowing the HDPE sample to stretch to several times its initial length.

PVC shows a similar failure progression to HDPE, but with a much higher Young’s modulus and lower ductility.

The nylon sample had almost as high a Young’s modulus as PVC, but was a far more ductile material, elongating more similarly to the HDPE specimen.

In contrast, the acrylic specimen basically fails without any non-linear deformation. The resulting break occurs with no visible elongation of the sample.

Next, let’s calculate the Young’s modulus for the linear regions of specimens. We will sample three pairs of points across the elastic deformation region, and calculate the slope of each pair. The averages of these three slopes will be the approximate Young’s modulus of that material.

As it can be seen, the two highest Young’s moduli correspond to the materials which required more force to break. In this example, this represents the PVC and acrylic samples. These materials also underwent little to no plastic deformation, in comparison to HDPE or nylon, making them comparatively brittle materials. The HDPE and nylon samples had lower Young’s moduli, meaning the required less force to deform. These samples experienced significant necking, making them the most ductile of the sampled materials.

Let us now look at a couple of common applications of different polymers. Nearly any professional field will find plastics being used, from medical equipment to high-strength building materials.

In civil engineering applications, polymers are widely used for sealants, piping or hoses, siding, coating, and adhesives. The diverse properties of polymers make them a potential candidate for nearly any job.

Elastomers are a specific type of polymer, widely sought out for their unique properties. As they have a large stretch ratio, are electrically non-conductive, and extremely waterproof, they are useful in applications from electrical insulative wires to nitro gloves used in laboratories.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to tension tests of polymers. You should now understand the basics of polymer science and know the standard laboratory test for determining the stress-strain relationship for different polymeric materials.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Tension Tests of Polymers. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).