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Structural Engineering
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JoVE Science Education Structural Engineering
Rockwell Hardness Test and the Effect of Treatment on Steel
  • 00:08Übersicht
  • 01:01Principles of the Rockwell Hardness Test
  • 03:38Measuring Rockwell C Hardness
  • 06:07Ergebnisse
  • 06:38Applications
  • 07:40Summary

Teste de dureza rockwell e o efeito do tratamento no aço




Fonte: Roberto Leon, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

O teste de dureza é um dos testes mecânicos mais universalmente valiosos disponíveis para os engenheiros, pois é simples e relativamente barato para a riqueza de informações e dados que produz. O teste de dureza, geralmente na forma de um teste de penetração superficial, é mais rápido e menos destrutivo do que o teste de tração. Dureza fornece uma relação linear com a resistência à tração sobre uma ampla gama de pontos fortes para muitos materiais, como o aço. Testes de dureza são empíricos, em vez de derivados da teoria, pois os resultados confundem efeitos de muitas propriedades diferentes de materiais (módulo de Young, força de rendimento, etc.).

Dureza é uma característica de um material usado para descrever quanta deformação plástica (rendimento) que um material sofrerá quando uma força conhecida é aplicada). Pode-se caracterizar dureza em três maneiras: arranhão, recuo e dureza rebote. Um exemplo inicial comum de um teste de dureza (arranhão) é a escala de Mohs (1820), derivada de minerais, e na qual talco tem um valor de 1 e diamante um valor de 10. Em testes de recuo usando a abordagem Rockwell, pequenos recuos são usados com cargas diferentes. Os mais comuns são o Rockwell Hardness B (HRB), que usa um indenter de bola de aço endurecido de 1/16 em, juntamente com um peso de 100 kg, e o Rockwell Hardness C (HRC), que usa um indenter de cone de diamante junto com um peso de 150 kg. Os testes de HRB são realizados para materiais com dureza de baixa gama, como alumínio, latão e aços macios, enquanto os testes hrc são usados para materiais com dureza de alta gama, como aços mais duros. Pesos menores (15 a 45 kg) são usados para o teste de dureza superficial rockwell, como o HR15W, que usa uma bola de aço de 1/8 in. com um peso de 15 kg. Com sua carga mais baixa e impressão rasa, um teste superficial de dureza Rockwell é ideal para materiais muito finos ou quebradiços. Um exemplo de teste de rebote é o martelo de Schmidt, usado para medir a força do concreto. Neste teste, uma massa de aço é disparada na superfície com uma força conhecida e o rebote da bola é medido. Em todos os tipos de testes de dureza, é imprescindível realizar calibrações extensivas se resultados confiáveis forem obtidos.

Para este experimento, examinaremos o teste de dureza rockwell, que mede a dureza do recuo de alumínio não tratado e tratado térmico.



O procedimento a seguir é para a máquina manual mostrada na Fig. 1. O procedimento também é típico para outras máquinas. Obtenha uma típica amostra de teste de jominy que foi submetida a tratamento de resfriamento de água. Fixar a amostra na mesa da máquina de teste para que ela não se mova durante o teste. Certifique-se de que a alavanca de seleção está na posição “Descarregamento”. Usando a roda de ajuste sob o suporte, levante a amostra até que o contato com o …


A typical result of Rockwell testing on a Jominy specimen for a HR C test is shown in the video. The hardness decrease appreciably as one moves away from the end subjected to the water jet. The hardness test value can be converted to a tensile strength through charts provided by the testing machine manufacturer. The results show that the steel varies considerably in both hardness and strength as one moves away from the quenched end.

Applications and Summary

Hardness testing is one of the principal tests to garner important engineering information about a material. Rockwell hardness testing is the preferred method of hardness testing, as it eliminates the need for advanced optical equipment, but instead employs basic laboratory equipment to accurately, inexpensively, and quickly measure the hardness of a material. More importantly, this method is easily translated and reproducible between labs and testing personnel because of its relative simplicity. The procedure requires that after taking an initial reading in preloading conditions, one applies the major load and measure the change in position from the initial value. This value can then be calculated into a hardness value, which can also be transformed and approximated to other hardness scales by a series of equations. The Rockwell hardness test was used to show how the rate of cooling affect the martensitic structure of steels, and how the rate of cooling results in materials with significantly different strengths.

Hardness tests enable us to utilize proper materials that will ensure high quality of performance in their use. Every product that we use in our daily lives has been tested for hardness. Consider the following amusing scenario is just one of many daily examples as to how hardness testing allows us to enjoy materials that are both useful and safe. Imagine the plethora of times hardness testing was used in order for you to throw a backyard barbeque for your family reunion. The metal lawn chairs certainly had to be hardness tested to make sure that the metal was strong enough, so that Aunt Bessie did not go tumbling to the ground when she sat down. The metal grates on the grill also had to be hardness tested over a wide range of temperatures (given that your mother likes her steak well done on high heat) to ensure they would not fracture or give when inevitably you dropped the grilling tongs on the grill. The knives you use to cut the meat are all hardened steel also. Finally, the metal ladder in the pool had to hardness tested in aquatic conditions to make sure that when your younger cousin tried to climb out of the pool, he didn’t fall back in when the metal failed. There are a lot of saved hamburgers, brats, and hotdogs, not to mention human lives, thanks to hardness testing.


Hardness testing is a simple and relatively inexpensive test. Quicker and less destructive than tensile testing, it is considered one of the most universally valuable mechanical tests available to engineers.

Hardness testing values are empirical, and yet results provide a very good correlation with material strength over a wide range of materials. When a known force is applied in a hardness test, the amount of plastic deformation the material undergoes determines the hardness value.

In Rockwell-type testing, loaded indenters of various sizes and shapes measure hardness. For this experiment, we will measure and compare the hardness of untreated and heat-treated steel using the Rockwell hardness test.

Several common methods to measure the hardness of metals include Brinell, Vickers, Knoop, and Rockwell hardness BNC. Each of these methods utilizes a penetrator, either in the shape of a sphere, a cone, or a diamond pyramid.

An indentation is made into the surface of a metal and a hardness reading is displayed. Of this list, the Rockwell hardness test is the most popular one for structural steels. A standard manual Rockwell tester consists of a lever system to apply the load and an analog readout showing the hardness number.

In the typical Rockwell test, a zero point is established to account for surface variations by applying a preliminary load and measuring an initial penetration depth. Next, the major load is applied to the indenter. Finally, the load is removed and the final penetration depth is measured. The dial gauge on the top of the machine uses the difference between these two values to display a Rockwell hardness value. The harder the material is, the less the indenter will penetrate, resulting in a higher Rockwell hardness value. Thus, the values for Rockwell B and Rockwell C hardness are based on the depth of the penetration, and therefore the test machines are calibrated often using calibration test blocks for specific hardness ranges.

Rockwell hardness testing can be used to evaluate how the strength of a material is changed through processes such as heat treatment or cold rolling. Cold rolling tends to result in stronger, harder materials. Heat treating can result in softer materials through heating but harder structures through quenching.

For example, in the Jominy End Quench Test, a cylindrical specimen is heated uniformly. One end is then quenched with a stream of water. Changes along the length of the specimen from the quenched end to the unquenched end can be seen in hardness values, which are representative of changes in the microstructure.

In the next section, we will measure the hardness along the length of a steel Jominy End Quench Test specimen to observe the transition from untreated to heat-treated steel using the Rockwell hardness test.

Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the testing machine. The anvil, which can be raised or lowered by the capstan handwheel, supports a sample underneath the interchangeable indenter.

A test load is chosen using the selector on the side of the machine and is applied by turning the load lever from the unloading position to the loading position. Correct pre-loading and final measurements are determined using the dial gauge on the top of the machine.

Before inserting your test specimen, confirm that the Rockwell C diamond cone indenter is installed and the test load is set to 150 kilograms. Secure the specimen in the machine with the flat surface against the anvil. For this demonstration, we’ll use a Jominy End Quenched specimen that has undergone water cooling treatment.

Move the load lever to the unloading position, and then raise the anvil to bring the specimen close to the indenter. Adjust the specimen position so that the indenter is one-sixteenth of an inch from the end. When the position is correct, re-secure the specimen so that it will not move during testing. Now, raise the sample once again until the needle on the front dial begins to move slightly, indicating that contact with the indenter is established.

Apply the pre-load by continuing to slowly raise the specimen until the needle on the dial has completed three full turns. Stop when the needle has completed the third turn. Adjust the outside ring of the dial gauge so that the initial reading is zero. Then move the load lever to the loading position to apply the test load. The needle will settle to a new value as the load is applied. Wait until it stops moving and then move the load lever back to the unloading position.

Record the Rockwell C hardness from the dial gauge and then lower the anvil to move the sample away from the indenter. Repeat this test along the length of the specimen. The ASTM-A255 guidelines specify that readings should be taken at one-sixteenth inch intervals for the first half inch and at one-eighth inch intervals for the next half inch.

Plot the Rockwell hardness of the specimen as a function of position along the specimen. The hardness clearly decreases as distance from the quenched end increases.

The Rockwell hardness test was used to show that due to the rate of cooling, the change in internal structure of the material affected the hardness of the material, which in turn indicates the strength of the material.

Now that you appreciate the hardness test for its ease of use, let’s take a look at how it is applied to assure the quality of everyday products.

Hardness values can easily be converted to strength values using charts derived from empirical equations. As expected, softer materials have lower strength values and harder materials have higher strength values. Because of this, hardness values can be used in place of more costly tensile testing to predict the strength of things we use every day.

Just looking around at a backyard barbecue, you will see many products that are deemed safe due to hardness testing. Metal lawn chairs, grates on the grill over a wide range of temperatures, hardened steel knives, and the metal pool ladder in aquatic conditions. All were likely hardness tested to assure consumer safety.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to the Rockwell hardness test. You should now understand why hardness testing is commonly used, how to perform hardness testing, and how to analyze the results obtained.

Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Rockwell Hardness Test and the Effect of Treatment on Steel. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).