JoVE Science Education
Cognitive Psychology
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JoVE Science Education Cognitive Psychology
Perspectives on Cognitive Psychology
  • 00:12Describe the subject you teach. Who are the typical students?
  • 00:59What are some of the biggest challenges for teaching in your subject area? With which topic do students struggle most?
  • 01:47How will the JoVE Science Education videos help teachers to overcome these challenges? How will these videos help students?
  • 02:44In your opinion, what are the most important features of this Science Education collection?
  • 03:22How do some of the concepts demonstrated in your collection translate to applications in the real world?
  • 04:17Why would you recommend this collection for instructors in your discipline?

Prospettive sulla psicologia cognitiva




Fonte: Laboratorio di Jonathan Flombaum—Johns Hopkins University

Come assistente professore di psicologia e scienze cognitive presso la Johns Hopkins University, insegno Introduzione alla psicologia cognitiva. Questa grande classe consiste principalmente di matricole e sophomores che si laureano in campi correlati, come la psicologia, le neuroscienze o le scienze cognitive. Una delle sfide che affronto in classe è insegnare agli studenti ad apprezzare come si ottengono i dati nel processo di esecuzione degli esperimenti. Gli studenti hanno difficoltà ad apprezzare la cronologia degli esperimenti mentre si svolgono nel tempo.

Questa raccolta JoVE in Psicologia Cognitiva rende la linea temporale sperimentale assolutamente chiara e incoraggia gli studenti a comprendere la traiettoria e non solo a saltare alle conclusioni. I video presentano anche gli esperimenti come paradigmi, per illustrare come i ricercatori possono implementare compiti in modi diversi, a seconda delle domande a portata di mano. La maggior parte di queste domande si traducono nel mondo reale e nei limiti della nostra cognizione. Ad esempio, il video Measuring Verbal Working Memory Span dimostra la nostra limitata capacità di memoria, il che spiega la difficoltà di ricordare lunghe liste della spesa.

Questi video JoVE in Psicologia cognitiva forniscono un luogo perfetto per gli istruttori per iniziare se sono interessati a dimostrare compiti in classe. Meglio ancora, i video possono essere utilizzati per coinvolgere gli studenti, per eseguire le procedure e persino per essere i partecipanti. Pertanto, la collezione introduce perfettamente i componenti di laboratorio in una classe di psicologia.


Mi chiamo Jonathan Flombaum. Sono un assistente professore di psicologia e scienze cognitive presso la Johns Hopkins University. Insegno Introduzione alla psicologia cognitiva, e questa è una classe molto grande. Non ha prerequisiti, e quindi circa un terzo o un quarto degli studenti sono matricole e sophomore che sono major di scienze cognitive o major di psicologia o major di neuroscienze, e quindi il restante terzo o giù di lì del corso degli studenti proviene da una variet?…


My name is Jonathan Flombaum. I’m an assistant professor of psychology and cognitive science at Johns Hopkins University. I teach Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, and that’s a very large class. It has no prerequisites, and so about a third to a quarter of the students are freshmen and sophomore who are cognitive science majors or psychology majors or neuroscience majors, and then the remaining third or so of the course of the students come from a variety of backgrounds, including seniors and juniors fulfilling distribution requirements, people who are just interested in the topic and are taking it for extra coursework. 

The biggest challenge I find teaching psychology classes in general and Introduction to Cognitive Psychology in particular is having students learn to appreciate how data is obtained, so how experiments are done, as opposed to what the experiments supposedly say or what scientists believe. Students often want to think about science courses in terms of some facts that they need to learn and understand, but in my courses, at least, the most important thing is to understand how those facts are obtained, how it is that we test ideas in science, and how we measure things, and then the kind of logic that leads us from the data we obtain to the conclusions that we eventually draw.

For students, it can be very difficult in psychology classes to appreciate the chronology of an experiment. So, an experiment is ultimately an event that unfolds in time, and students can lose sight of that thinking more about the conclusions that are arrived to from a particular experiment. So, for students these videos can be helpful by making the chronology absolutely clear, so their opportunities to actually see the events unfold in time and helps students start to think about experiments as a sequence of events and hopefully get them to do that on their own whenever they learn about a new experiment to start to be able to say, well, what happened first, what happened second, and how did that trajectory through time lead the experimenter the place that they wanted to get to. 

One of the most important things about the Science Education videos is that they present experimental paradigms in a general way, so they illustrate how a given paradigm is really a paradigm. It’s something that can be used to test different ideas depending on the variations that an experimenter might introduce to the paradigm, so an experimental paradigm is not designed to just test one idea, it might someday be used to test the exact opposite of the idea that it originally was designed for. 

Many of the concepts demonstrated in these videos translate to the real world. In fact, in psychology it’s almost always the case that we’re trying to understand things that happen to all of us on a regular basis, so for example, we all forget things. We all lose our trains of thought. We all experience the limitations of cognition. What these videos do is show how we can take those experiences, so say, trying to remember a shopping list, for example, and turn them into experimental paradigms, which is really what happened in many of the classic iterations of these experiments. So, one might wonder why is that I can’t remember a long shopping list, and it’s much better if I write it down. Well, the answer can be obtained by running list learning experiments. 

I would recommend these videos to teachers because they’re really the perfect place to start if one wants to demo experiments in class. Better yet, the videos can be used to get students involved. The videos make it very clear where students can be involved in executing procedures, and they make it very clear how students can actually be the participants, so the videos are really perfect for introducing a lab component to a psychology class.


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Perspectives on Cognitive Psychology. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).