

Published: June 30, 2021







ウイルスベクターは、標的遺伝子の代替、成長タンパク質のアップレギュレーション、CNS 7,8,9の解剖学的景観の追跡のための遺伝物質の導入など、幅広い用途を持つ重要な生物学的ツールです。脊髄運動経路の解剖学的詳細の多くは、古典的なトレーサー、すなわちビオチン化デキストランアミンを使用して研究されてきました。従来のトレーサーは神経解剖学の発掘に役立ってきましたが、正しく注射されても経路を無差別に標識し、損傷した軸索に取り込まれることが研究によって発見されています10,11,12。その結果、これは、切断された軸索が再生繊維と間違われる可能性のある再生研究における誤った解釈につながる可能性があります。






最終的に、このプロトコルは、皮質と頸椎への同時注射を示し、特に皮質脊髄路の細胞体と軸索終末をそれぞれ標的にします。ハイフィデリティトランスフェクションは大脳皮質と脊髄に見られます。記載されているプロトコルは、5日齢のSprague Dawleyラット用に完成されましたが、麻酔と定位座標をわずかに調整した生後4〜10日目に適しています。


以下の外科的および動物の世話の手順は、テンプル大学の動物の世話と使用委員会によって承認されています。記載されているプロトコルは生存手術であり、動物は最終的に、時点の完了時に100 mg / kgのペントバルビタールナトリウムの腹腔内注射によって安楽死させました。. 1.手術前の準備 3.5 nLガラスキャピラリーピペットを使用して、ウイルス注入用に少な?…

Representative Results

ウイルスベクターの注射および輸送が成功すると、脊髄および運動皮質における片側ニューロンの形質導入がもたらされるはずである。 図4 は、脳冠状切片の運動皮質における層CSTニューロンの標識を、rCreの反対側スパイン注射と同時注射したCre依存性DREADDs-mCherryを発現することを示しています。切片をdsRed抗体で染色した。 <p class="jove_content" fo:keep-together.within-page=…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




#11 scalpel blades Roboz RS-9801-11 For use with the scalpel.
#10 Scalpel Blades Roboz RS-9801-10 For use with the scalpel.
1 mL Syringes Becton, Dickinson and Company 309659 For anesthetic SC injection and fluid bolus
4.0 silk suture Ethicon 771-683G For skin closure
4.0 Chromic Catgut Suture DemeTECH NN374-16 To re-bind muscle during closing.
48000 Micropipette Beveler World Precision Instruments 32416 Used to bevel the tips of the pulled glass capillary tubes to form functional glass needles.
5% Iodine Solution Purdue Products L.P. L01020-08 For use in sterilzation of the surgical site.
70% Ethanol N/A N/A For sterilization of newly prepared glass needles, animal models during surgical preparation
Ketamine (Ketaset) Zoetis 240048 For keeping the animal in the correct plane of consciousness during surgery.
Bead Sterilizer CellPoint 5-1450 To heat sterilize surgical instruments.
Digital Scale Okaus REV.005 For weighing the animal during surgical preparation.
Flexible Needle Attachment World Precision Instruments MF34G-5 For cleaning glass needles and loading red oil into glass needles.
Glass Capillary Tubes World Precision Instruments 4878 For pulled glass needles – should be designed for nanoliter injectors.
Hemostats Roboz RS-7231 For general use in surgery.
Medium Point Curved Forceps Roboz RS-5136 For general use in surgery.
Micromanipulator with a Vernier Scale Kanetec N/A For precise targeting during surgery.
Microscissors Roboz RS-5621 For cutting glass whisps off of freshly pulled glass capillary tubes.
Lab Standard Stereotaxic Instrument Stoelting 51600 To hold the neonatal sterotaxic holder in place
Lab Standard with Mouse & Neonates Adaptor 51615 For neonatal skull fixation during cranial surgery and spinal injections
Microscope with Light and Vernier Scale Ocular Leitz Wetzlar N/A Used to visualize and measure beveling of pulled glass capillary tubes into functional glass needles.
MicroSyringe Pump Controller World Precision Instruments 62403 To control the rate of injection.
Nanoliter 2000 Pump Head Injector World Precision Instruments 500150 To load and inject virus in a controlled fashion.
Needle Puller Narishige PC-100 To heat and pull apart glass capillary tubes to form glass needles.
pAAV-CMV-scCre Wu lab  Cre plasmid
pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM3Dq-mCherry (plasmid #44361) Bryan Roth’s lab through Addgene DREADD plasmid
Parafilm Bemis PM-996 To assist with loading virus into the nanoinjector.
PrecisionGlide Needles (25G x 5/8) Becton, Dickinson and Company 305122 For use with the 1mL and 10 mL syringes to allow injection of the animal model.
Rat Tooth Forceps Roboz RS-5152 For griping spinous processes.
Red Oil N/A N/A To provide a front for visualization of virus entering tissue during injection.
Retractors Roboz RS-6510 To hold open the surgical wound.
Rongeurs Roboz RS-8300 To remove muscle from the spinal column during surgery.
Scalpel Blade Handle Roboz RS-9843 To slice open skin and fat pad of animal model during surgery.
Scissors Roboz RS-5980 For general use in surgery.
Staple Removing Forceps Kent Scientific INS750347 To remove the staples, should they be applied incorrectly.
Sterile Cloth Phenix Research Products BP-989 To provide a sterile surface for the operation.
Sterile Cotton-Tipped Applicators Puritan 806-WC To soak up blood in the surgical wound while maintaining sterility.
Sterile Gauze Covidien 2146 To clean the surgical area and surgical tools while maintaining sterility.
Sterile Saline Baxter Healthcare Corporation 281324 For use in blood clearing, and for replacing fluids post-surgery.
Surgical Gloves N/A N/A For use by the surgeon to maintain sterile field during surgery.
Surgical Heating Pad N/A N/A For maintaining the body temperature of the animal model during surgery.
Surgical Microscope N/A N/A For enhanced visualization of the surgical wound.
Surgical Stapler Kent Scientific INS750546 To apply the staples.
Water Convection Warming Pad Baxter Healthcare Corporation L1K018 For use in the post-operational recovery area to maintain the body temperature of the unconscious animal.
Weighted Hooks N/A N/A To hold open the surgical wound.
Liquid bandage NewSkin 985838 To apply along sutures following surgery and encourage wound healing
Wire Cage Lamp ZooMed LF10EC To help animals recover from anesthesia and retain warm body temperature naturally


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Smit, R. D., Campion III, T. J., Stingel, R. L., Shah, P. H., Chen, J., Smith, G. M. Targeting the Corticospinal Tract in Neonatal Rats with a Double-Viral Vector using Combined Brain and Spine Surgery. J. Vis. Exp. (172), e62698, doi:10.3791/62698 (2021).

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