This work demonstrates a novel approach to assess the proliferation, differentiation, and vessel-forming potential of vascular endothelial stem cells (VESCs) through mammary fat pad transplantation followed by whole-mount tissue preparation for microscopic observation. A lineage tracing strategy to investigate the behavior of VESCs in vivo is also presented.
Endothelial cells (ECs) are the fundamental building blocks of the vascular architecture and mediate vascular growth and remodeling to ensure proper vessel development and homeostasis. However, studies on endothelial lineage hierarchy remain elusive due to the lack of tools to gain access as well as to directly evaluate their behavior in vivo. To address this shortcoming, a new tissue model to study angiogenesis using the mammary fat pad has been developed. The mammary gland develops mostly in the postnatal stages, including puberty and pregnancy, during which robust epithelium proliferation is accompanied by extensive vascular remodeling. Mammary fat pads provide space, matrix, and rich angiogenic stimuli from the growing mammary epithelium. Furthermore, mammary fat pads are located outside the peritoneal cavity, making them an easily accessible grafting site for assessing the angiogenic potential of exogenous cells. This work also describes an efficient tracing approach using fluorescent reporter mice to specifically label the targeted population of vascular endothelial stem cells (VESCs) in vivo. This lineage tracing method, coupled with subsequent tissue whole-mount microscopy, enable the direct visualization of targeted cells and their descendants, through which the proliferation capability can be quantified and the differentiation commitment can be fate-mapped. Using these methods, a population of bipotent protein C receptor (Procr) expressing VESCs has recently been identified in multiple vascular systems. Procr+ VESCs, giving rise to both new ECs and pericytes, actively contribute to angiogenesis during development, homeostasis, and injury repair. Overall, this manuscript describes a new mammary fat pad transplantation and in vivo lineage tracing techniques that can be used to evaluate the stem cell properties of VESCs.
During development and homeostasis, vascular growth and remodeling faithfully take place in accordance with organ growth and repair. Angiogenesis describes the generation of new vessels from pre-existing blood vessels and is deemed a major force mediating these dynamic vascular changes. Each blood vessel is inner-lined with a layer of endothelial cells (ECs), and they appear to be the foundation of vessel architecture. For a long time, the mechanism through which the EC pool is replenished during homeostasis remained unclear, and arguments were raised over whether vascular turnover is the result of mature EC proliferation or is the contribution of vascular stem/progenitor cell activities. Due to the lack of direct physiological evidence, the existence and cellular identity of vascular endothelial stem cells (VESCs) also remained controversial.
One of the most common approaches used to verify stem cell behavior is through the transplantation of putative stem cells into recipient mice. This method measures the stemness potential of candidate stem cells in vivo. Transplantation was first applied to the study of bone marrow stem cells1, which contributed to the establishment of the hierarchical characteristics of the hematopoietic system2. In the endothelial field, a basement membrane matrix (e.g., matrigel) plug inserted subcutaneously under the flank skin has been a standard in vivo angiogenesis assay used to address the vessel formation capabilities of transplanted ECs. Multiple experimental methods, including colony formation in 3D culture systems and transplantation, have suggested potential EC progenitor/VESC populations3,4,5,6. However, since ECs embedded in basement membrane matrix are relatively separate from the surrounding tissue, this does not provide the optimal niche environment required to fully explore the angiogenic potential of transplanted cells. As a result, vessels formed within the matrix plug are predominantly capillary-like and are functionally unmeasurable.
The mammary gland develops postnatally, with the most robust growth occurring during puberty and pregnancy. At the pubertal stage, the mammary epithelium undergoes rapid expansion, to occupy the whole mammary fat pad, accompanied by the efficient remodeling of the surrounding vascular structures. Thus, the mammary gland offers an excellent model for the study of angiogenesis. It provides space, matrix, and rich angiogenic stimuli from the growing mammary epithelium and therefore is an ideal grafting site for assessing the angiogenic potential of exogenous cells. In addition, the mammary fat pad allows the formed exogenous vessels to integrate with the host circulation system, enabling further functional evaluation and representing an advantage over subcutaneous transplantation.
Although in vitro culturing and transplantation assays are as effective way to investigate the regeneration properties of a cell population, it is known that such assays may stimulate plasticity as cells are taken away from their native habitats, and changes might be induced when cells are disconnected from their physiological surroundings7. Therefore, obtaining direct in vivo evidence of cell fate is the key approach to advancing the current understanding of the behavior of endothelial populations.
Genetic fate mapping (i.e., in vivo lineage tracing) is imperative for the identification of VESCs and for the investigation of their properties in the body system, as it can reveal in vivo stem cell behavior in its physiological context, and the actual stemness can be assessed. Lineage tracing provides direct evidence of the long-term persistence (i.e., self-renewal) of candidate VESCs and their ability to produce cell types for the tissue of origin (i.e., differentiation potency).
This protocol describes a novel mammary fat pad transplantation technique and a lineage tracing method to observe the vessel generation capability of VESCs. These techniques overcome shortcomings of currently available assays and provide a new way to optimally evaluate the stem cell properties of VESCs. These approaches are efficient tools that can be used to assess the behavior and vessel-forming properties of endothelial populations, as well as to determine vascular cell potency alteration within a pathological environment.
Experimental procedures were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences under the approved protocol SIBCB-NAF-15-002-S335-003.
1. Isolation of VESCs from the Mouse Mammary Gland
2. In Vivo VESC Vessel Formation Assay Using the Mammary Fat Pad
3. Whole-mount Tissue Preparation for Microscopic Observation
4. Lineage Tracing Using a Genetically Modified Mouse Model
Mammary VESCs Isolation:
To isolate the endothelial population for the consequent transplantation assay, mature (8 week-old), virgin mouse mammary glands were harvested as donor material. Endothelial cells were isolated using an antibody-based cell sorting technique. Representative plots of the FACS analysis of the VESC population in 8-week-old C57BL/6 mammary gland ECs are shown in Figure 1 (Figure adapted from Yu et al.8, with permission).
Mammary Fat Pad Transplantation:
The mammary fat pad provides an ideal site for the study of angiogenesis. After FACS-based isolation, Procr+ ECs were mixed with 0.5% basement membrane matrix and 0.1% Trypan blue indicator and were then transplanted to the empty fat pad of 3-week-old SCID recipients. During puberty, the mammary fat pad creates an angiogenic environment, promoting the remodeling of the vasculature in alignment with mammary epithelium expansion. As a result, transplanted Procr+ ECs (GFP+) incorporated into the large vessels of the host (Figure 2B, arrows) and also formed secondary and tertiary GFP+ vessel branches (Figure 2B, arrowheads). Although transplanted Procr+ ECs can also generate vessels in a matrix plug assay (inserted under the flank skin), the formed vessels only appear capillary-like (Figure 2A; figure adapted from Yu et al.8, with permission).
Functionality of the Vessels Formed by Procr+ VESCs:
To investigate whether the GFP+ vessels in mammary fat pads are part of the functional circulatory vasculature, isolectin was administered by intravenous injection prior to harvest. The GFP+ vessels were isolectin+, indicating that the formed vessels are luminized and connected with the host vasculature (Figure 2B; figure adapted from Yu et al.8, with permission).
Mammary VESC Lineage Tracing Using the ProcrCreERT2; Rosa26mTmGMouse Model:
ProcrCreERT2; Rosa26mTmG mice were used for the fate tracing of Procr+ VESCs in vivo (Figure 3A). To investigate how Procr+ VESCs contribute to the robust angiogenesis and vascular remodeling during mammary gland pubertal development, ProcrCreERT2; Rosa26mTmG were administered with tamoxifen to induce GFP expression in the Procr+ endothelial population. The mammary fat pads of drug-treated ProcrCreERT2; Rosa26mTmG mice were harvested both short-term (2 days post-injection; Figure 3B) and long-term (up to 10 months post-injection; Figure 3C-F; figure adapted from Yu et al.8, with permission). The whole-mount preparation was carried out to visualize the tracing outcome. The vascular endothelium identity can be validated by staining with endothelial surface marker VE-Cadherin (Cdh5; Figure 3B, right image).
Figure 1: Analysis of VESCs in Mouse Mammary Gland. FACS analysis of Procr expression in 8-week-old C57BL/6 mammary gland ECs. 8 week-old virgin C67BL/6 female mice were used for mammary gland collection. After cell samples were prepared, unstained sample and each single-color control were analyzed to determine the voltage for each color. The compensation parameters were calculated to avoid auto-fluorescence or background staining. A template was established for proper gating and to sort for the desired cell populations. To establish the hierarchy of FACS sorting, debris from all events was eliminated and then doublets or adhesive cell clusters were discarded. Lineage- cells were gated out, and CD31 and CD105 were used to define the endothelial populations. Procr+ cells were isolated from CD31+ CD105+ ECs compared to FMO control. This figure has been modified from Yu et al.8, with permission. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: VESC Mammary Fat Pad Transplantation Assay. (A) A vessel formed from Procr+ ECs within a basement membrane matrix plug inserted subcutaneously under the flank skin. (B) Confocal image of a recipient mammary fat pad, indicating the integration and contribution of transplanted Procr+ ECs (GFP+) to host mammary vasculature. ECs were counterstained with CD31. (C) Intravenous injection in recipient mice with isolectin showed that the outgrowths formed luminized vessels. Scale bar, 50 µm. Images were acquired using a 40X N.A. 1.3 oil objective. Tile scans of Z-stacks were acquired at an optical section resolution of 1,024 x 1,024, and each layer was 1.0 – 1.2 µm apart. To capture the correct fluorescence light signal, the filter beam splitter was set to TD 488/553/638, with the gain setting at PMT Gain 600 – 800. The following excitation/emission sources were used: mGFP, with excitation/emission maxima of 488/509 nm; mTomato, with excitation/emission maxima of 532/588 nm; Alexa-647, with excitation/emission maxima of 594/665; and DAPI, with excitation/emission maxima of 350/470. This figure has been modified from Yu et al.8, with permission. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Lineage Tracing of Procr+ ECs Demonstrates their Contribution to EC Clonal Expansion During Development. (A) Illustration of the lineage tracing strategy using ProcrCreERT2; Rosa26mTmG line (Left panel). Experimental setup used in the short-term (2 days) and long-term (7 days to 10 months), as indicated (Right panel). (B-F) Whole-mount confocal imaging of mammary vasculature after different lengths of tracing periods, indicating the initial location of labeled Procr+ ECs and their contribution towards mammary vasculature at various tracing stages. Scale bar = 50 µm. This figure has been modified from Yu et al.8, with permission. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Angiogenesis assays represent a good experimental approach to study vascular dynamics. Mouse retinal vasculature, which develops postnatally, has proven to be an attractive model to study angiogenesis12. Despite it being relatively accessible, actual manipulation within the retina vascular bed is rather difficult. So far, the best-described in vivo transplantation has been the plug assay, which encloses cells inside a basement membrane matrix mass and surgically implants/injects subcutaneously at the flank region of a recipient mouse. This angiogenesis assay is effective at testing the regenerative potential and vessel-forming ability of embedded cells. However, since the location of the implanted matrix plug creates a comparatively isolated environment for the cells within, it does not provide an optimal physiological niche. Recently, a new lung angiogenesis model has also been developed by applying a fibrin patch onto the surface site of the mouse lung13. However, the manipulates pose yet another risk, because this technique operates invasively inside the mouse chest cavity, thus make it difficult to use in a more generalized assay setting.
In the angiogenesis assay described here, a small volume of cell mixture is transplanted inside the fat pad of the mammary gland, which provides space, matrix, and rich angiogenic stimuli during puberty. This allows the generated vessels to comply and integrate into remodeling host vasculature, enabling further functional evaluation, as well as representing an advantage over the subcutaneous plug assay. Also, the mammary fat pad is located outsiade the peritoneal cavity, making it a very accessible site. Operation on the mammary fat pad introduces limited distress to the recipient animal, avoiding the invasive surgical procedures involved in retinal and lung-based assays.
Blood vasculature within an organ often intertwines between tissue components to maximize the vascular coverage so that the provision of blood oxygen and material transfer can be optimized. For that reason, the conventional sectioning of the tissue frequently intercepts the tubular structure of its vessels. Analysis on vascular properties is best carried out when the vessels can be preserved and remain intact. The whole-mount preparation of a tissue can largely preserve the entirety of the vascular architecture within. This method allows not only the observation of the authentic spatial distribution of the blood vessel within an organ, but also the relationship with other tissue components.
The homeostasis of a stem-cell-containing tissue is sustained by balancing the generation and loss of cell mass. Stem cells within the specific inhabiting organ are often sheltered and in close contact with the surrounding tissue environment, referred to as the stem cell niche. Therefore, studies analyzing adult stem cell tissue should preferably be performed in an intact physiological context. Transplantation assays could provide a means of assessing the cell potential, while the lineage-tracing technique enables the exploration of true cell fate within the native habitat. In recent years, in vivo lineage tracing has become a powerful technique for the experimental evaluation of stemness properties. This strategy has been used to identify tissue residue stem cells and their offspring in multiple tissues, including the intestine10,14, hair follicles15, stomach16, and pancreas17. The lineage tracing method largely relies on the genetic marking of stem cells and is initiated in defined populations. Therefore, it is difficult to exclude the possibility that actual stemness is found in an even smaller subpopulation within the labeled cells. It is therefore imperative to map the cell-of-origin of traced clones with precision and to quantitatively measure the tracing efficiencies over time. In that way, the self-renewal capacity of the labeled population can be apprehended.
The described angiogenesis assay can be modified for specific study purposes: it can be used not only to test the vessel generation ability of endothelial populations of interest, but also to evaluate the effect of angiogenic factors on localized vessel remodeling. However, since the mammary gland undergoes dynamic morphological changes during different developmental stages (e.g., puberty, estrus cycles, and pregnancy) one should take into consideration the effect of systemic changes, such as hormonal level fluctuation, during result interpretation. The critical steps in this assay include primary endothelial cell isolation. To optimally obtain viable cells for transplantation, procedures for FACS isolation should be carried out gently. Caution should be taken to avoid harsh handling during cell preparations, such as cell pellet loosening and suspending. Another critical step is the cell mixture injection into the fat pat. During the fat pad injection, it is important to ensure that the cell mixture is precisely deposited inside the fat pad. This can be tricky if the needle insertion is too deep/shallow or if the overall volume exceeds the recommended dosage.
This protocol provides a series of experimental methods that assisted in the identification of an endothelial stem cell population. Through these techniques, it was possible to evaluate stem cell properties through transplantation, as well as to track and observe their behavior under physiological processes in vivo. These approaches are efficient tools that can be applied to multiple disciplines, including studies of endothelial populations in tumor environments and of alterations in their cell potency. In particular, the fat pad transplantation and whole-mount preparation are reproducible and powerful methods that may aid in future efforts to investigate different aspects of vascular biology.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31530045 and 31371500 to Y.A.Z., 31401245 to Q.C.Y.), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2014CB964800), The Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB19000000 to Y.A.Z.), and the Chinese Society of Cell Biology (Early Career Fellowship to Q.C.Y.).
0.05% Trypsin-Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid(EDTA) (1X) | Gibco (Life Technologies) | 25300-062 | 0.05% Trypsin |
0.22 µm Filter Unit | Merck Millipore Ltd. | SLGP033RB | 0.22 µm Filter |
2-Methylbutanol-2, ReagentPlus | Sigma-Aldrich | 24, 048-6 | Tert Amyl Alcohol |
222, Tribromethanol | Sigma-Aldrich | T48402-25g | 222, Tribromethanol |
4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI) | Invitrogen | D1306 | DAPI |
70 µm Cell Strainer | BD FAL | 352350 | 70 µm Cell Strainer |
Adhesion Microscope Slides | CITOGLAS | 188105 | Glass slides |
Anti-mouse CD105 APC | eBioscience | 17-1051-82, clone MJ7/18 | for FACS analusis use at 1 µg/mL |
Anti-mouse CD201 Biotin | eBioscience | 13-2012-82 | for FACS analusis use at 2.5 µg/mL |
Anti-mouse CD31 PE-Cyanine 7 | eBioscience | 25-0311-82, clone 390 | for FACS analusis use at 1 µg/mL |
BD FACSJazz Cell Sorter | BD Biosciences | 655489 | FACS |
Bovine Serum Albumin | Sigma | 100190332 | BSA |
Centrifuge | Eppendorf | 5810R | Centrifuge |
Collagenase type 3 | Worthington-Biochem | #LS004183 | Collagenase III |
Confocal microscopy | Leica | sp8 | Confocal |
Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreas | Sigma | D2463-5VL | Dnase I |
Donkey anti-Rat Cy3 | Jackson ImmunResearch | 712-165-150 | Secondary antibody, use at 0.5 µg/mL |
Dumont Forceps | WPI | 500342 | Froceps |
Dumont Forceps – Micro-Blunted Tips | FST | 11253-20 | Forceps |
Fetal Bovine Serum | Hyclone | SH30396.03 | FBS |
FITC Ms CD3/Gr1/CD11b/CD45R(B220)/Ter-119 | BioLegend | 78022 | Blood lineage cocktail for FACS analysis, use at 25 µl per test |
Glycerol | Sigma | G6279 | Glycerol |
Iscov's Modified Dulbecco's Medium | Gibco (Life Technologies) | 12440-053 | IMDM |
Isolectin GS-IB4 from Griffonia Simplicifolia, Alexa Fluora 647 | Invitrogen | Z32450 | Isolectin-647 |
Matrigel Matrix (growth factor reduced) | BD | 356231 | Matrigel |
Mouse strain (Actin-GFP) | Jax Laboratories | 3773 | Actin-GFP |
Mouse strain (C57BL/6) | SLAC | C57BL/6 | C57BL/6 |
Mouse strain (BALB/c nude) | SLAC | BALB/c nude | Nude mice |
Paraformaldehyde | Sigma | P6148 | PFA |
Penicilin Streptomycin | Gibco (Life Technologies) | 5140-122 | Pen/Strep |
Phosphate Buffered Saline (pH7.2) 1X | Gibco (Life Technologies) | c20012500BT | PBS |
PRIM1640 | Gibco (Life Technologies) | c11875500CP | PRIM1640 |
ProLong Gold antifade reagent | Life Technologies | P36934 | Mounting Medium |
Rat anti CD144 | BD Biosciences | 550548 | for whole-mount analysis, anti-VE-Cadherin / Cdh5 antibdy for endothelial tight junction, use at 2.5 µg/mL |
Rat anti CD31-biotin | BD Biosciences | 553371 | for whole-mount analusis, anti-CD31/PECAM1 antibody for endothelial surface adhesion molecule, use at 10 ug/mL |
Red Cell Lysis Buffer | Sigma | R7767-100ML | Red blood cell lysing buffer |
Straight/Sharp-Blunt/10cm | FST | 14028-10 | Fine Scissors |
Streptavidin eFluor 450 | eBioscience | 48-4317-82 | for FACS analysis use at 0.5 µg/mL |
Tamoxifen | Sigma | 101551374 | TAM |
Triton X-100 | Sigma-Aldrich | T8787-250ML | TritonX |
Wax Coated Braided Silk (Size 5-0 USP (1 Metric), 18 inches (45 cm) BLACK on C-1 Needle) | COVIDIEN | S1173 | Suture |
Sterile Disposable Scaplels | Swann Morton | #10 | Scalpel |
Betadine | Yifeng Medical | 20160101 | Antiseptic solution |