

Published: October 25, 2016


Mesenteric afferent nerves convey information from the gastrointestinal tract towards the brain regarding normal homeostasis as well as pathophysiology. Gastrointestinal afferent nerve activity can be assessed by mounting isolated intestinal segments with attached afferent nerves into an organ bath, isolating the nerve, and assessing basal as well as stimulated activity.



肠系膜传入神经活性可以在体外 ,其安装在一个特制的器官浴中,并从该内脏神经是隔离的,使研究人员能够直接评估邻近胃肠段神经活性的分离的肠段来测量。活性可在标准条件基线段的膨胀或增加intraluminally或serosally递送药理化合物以下期间被记录。这种技术允许研究者容易学习的药物靶向于对照样品外周神经系统的影响;此外,它提供了对疾病的过程中是如何的神经元活动改变的关键信息。但是,应该注意的是,测量传入的神经元放电活动只构成了复杂的神经元一个中继站的信号级联反应,研究人员应该牢记没有其他级别( 例如,背根神经节,脊髓或中枢神经系统忽视的神经元活动)为了充分阐明在健康和疾病的复杂的神经生理学。



感官信令和疼痛知觉是一个复杂的过程,从传入神经,脊髓神经元,升序和降序易化和抑制途径和几种不同的脑区域之间的错综复杂的相互作用的结果。正因为如此,在一个或多个这些水平的变化可能导致改变的感觉的信号和在疾病状态内脏疼痛。研究的感官信令多种技术所有这些不同的方面已经开发了从单细胞实验( 例如,在神经元的钙成像)到整个动物模型( 例如,行为反应,如内脏运动响应)。本文描述的技术可以让研究人员专门从啮齿动物的小肠或结肠的一隔离段评估体外传入神经活动。总之,分离的胃肠道段(通常空肠或结肠)安装在用生理ķ灌注一个专用记录室篮板的解决方案。内脏神经解剖自由和连接到允许传入的神经元活动的登记内脏或盆腔传入神经的电极。神经活性可以基部或响应于,或者通过管腔内灌洗液(粘膜)提高腔内的压力和/或药理学化合物可直接施加到记录室(serosally),以评估其对传入放电1-6效应被记录。值得注意的是,内脏神经还含有传出纤维和除了感觉传入viscerofugal传入。一种体外内脏神经记录的一个主要优点是,研究人员可以量化神经活动而不脱离中枢神经系统调制或输入,使一个以研究局部施加化合物对神经活动的直接作用的事实。此外,重要的参数的监控,如使用体内方法是必要的(见下文),为正Ø不再相关。 体外内脏记录终于要少得多耗时比其在体内的对应。

响应于其他刺激,如粘膜划线,使用von Frey毛探测或段的拉伸传入神经元活动,可以在修改的实验装置,其中肠组织被牵制和纵向打开(这是相对于被研究我们的设置使用一个完整的片段),如在先前的问题7,8进行了说明。此外,仅在最近,这种技术被描述来研究通过钙成像结肠壁本身结肠传入神经激活,再次使用牵制,纵向打开段9。




转化研究现在主要集中在人衍生的上清液中的应用( 例如 ,从结肠活检,栽培外周血单核细胞 )上空肠和/或结肠鼠标传入21,22。研究人员可以直接申请上清要么进机关浴缸或成灌注到段肠管腔内的解决方案,因此浆膜与粘膜应用的不同影响可以传入神经放电进行研究。因此,它表现出从患者肠易激综合症结肠黏膜活检supernatans可导致小鼠结肠传入,豚鼠粘膜神经元和小鼠背根超敏反应神经节神经元21,23,24。



下面描述所有的动物实验是由委员会医学伦理和安特卫普大学(文件编号2012-42)使用实验动物的批准。 1.空肠的组织准备和结肠传入神经空肠传入神经的制备执行已经由当地伦理委员会的实验之前批准的青少年或成年啮齿类啮齿类安乐死( 例如 ,终端镇静随后通过心脏穿刺,颈椎脱臼等 )。 注意:我们用颈脱位牺牲从而导致实验动物,而不…

Representative Results

空肠传入神经活动在基线测量和响应在9 OF-1小鼠八周大的雄性坡道腹胀。动物饲养在在标准条件组(每笼6只,20 – 22°C,湿度40 – 50%,12小时明暗周期)无限制地使用自来水和常规食物。小鼠空肠段在0毫米汞柱的腔内压力显示在基线不规则自发传入神经放电(平均自发活动11.47±3.31小鬼/秒)。 空肠传入神经活动一旦执行斜?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


SN performed the experiments described above, performed the data analysis and drafted the manuscript. AD and JDM implemented the technique at our research facilities and aided in the data analysis. HC aided in performing the experiments. WJ, CK and DG assisted in implementing the afferent measurement technique in our lab, the data analysis and interpretation of the results. SF, JDM and BDW designed the study. All authors critically read and approved the final manuscript. SN is an aspirant of the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO), Flanders (11G7415N). This work was supported financially by the FWO (G028615N and G034113N).


sodium chloride (NaCl) VWR Chemicals 27,810,295 compound Krebs solution
potassium chloride (KCl) Acros organics 196770010 compound Krebs solution
sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4) VWR Chemicals 1,063,461,000 compound Krebs solution
sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) Merck 1,063,291,000 compound Krebs solution
magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) Merck 1,058,861,000 compound Krebs solution
calcium chloride (CaCl2) Merck 23,811,000 compound Krebs solution
D-glucose VWR Chemicals 1011175P compound Krebs solution
Distilled water compound Krebs solution
PVC tubing Scientific Laboratory Supplies The intestinal segment should be mounted over PVC tubing
Silicone tubing Scientific Laboratory Supplies The rest of the tubing, ideally silicone-based – more easily dislodging of debris in the tubing
Silk thread Pearsall Limited 10B15S220 Attachment of the segment over the PVC tubing
Syringe driver Harvard Apparatus 55-2222 Intraluminal infusion of Krebs
Binocular – including 10x magnification in oculair Zeiss STEMI 2000 Optimal visualization for the dissection of the afferent nerve
Homeothermic Blanket Control Unit Harvard Apparatus 507214 Heating of the organ chamber
Custom made organ bath with Sylgard covered bottom
Spike2 software Recording and analysis of the data
Insect pins, 500 pieces, stainless steel, diameter 0.2 mm Austerlitz insect pins minutiens Dissection of the afferent nerve
Tweezer Dumont #5 inox 11cm World Precision Instrument 500341 Dissection of the afferent nerve
Scissors, spring, 14 cm World Precision Instrument 15905 Dissection of the afferent nerve
DB digitimer  NL 108T2/10 pressure transducer
Micromanipulator Narishige M-3333 3D manipulation of the suction electrode
Micromanipulator X-4 rotating block 3D manipulation of the suction electrode
Micromanipulator GJ-8 magnetic stand 3D manipulation of the suction electrode
LightSource Euromex Microscopes Holland EK-1 Optimal visualization for the dissection of the afferent nerve
CED 1401 Recording Apparatus Recording of afferent nerve activity
Humbug 50/60Hz Noise Eliminator Quest Scientific Instruments Elimination of background noise
Infusion Pump Gibson Minipuls 2 Infusion of the organ chamber in which the segment is mounted
Microelectrode Holder Half Cells 1.5 mm World Precision Instrument MEH2SW Suction electrode for isolation of the afferent fiber
Borosilicate Glass Capillaries, 300 pc; 1.5/0.84 OD/ID World Precision Instrument 1B150-4 Capillary for the isolation of the afferent nerve


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Diesen Artikel zitieren
Nullens, S., Deiteren, A., Jiang, W., Keating, C., Ceuleers, H., Francque, S., Grundy, D., De Man, J. G., De Winter, B. Y. In Vitro Recording of Mesenteric Afferent Nerve Activity in Mouse Jejunal and Colonic Segments. J. Vis. Exp. (116), e54576, doi:10.3791/54576 (2016).

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