GABAergic cortical interneuron progenitors disperse, develop and synaptically integrate into a host cortex after transplantation. These cells can be easily transduced before transplantation for in vivo studies of genetically modified GABAergic precursors. Here, we show viral labeling techniques to target specific interneuron subgroups using existing Cre lines and Cre-dependent reporters.
GABAergic cortical interneurons, derived from the embryonic medial and caudal ganglionic eminences (MGE and CGE), are functionally and morphologically diverse. Inroads have been made in understanding the roles of distinct cortical interneuron subgroups, however, there are still many mechanisms to be worked out that may contribute to the development and maturation of different types of GABAergic cells. Moreover, altered GABAergic signaling may contribute to phenotypes of autism, schizophrenia and epilepsy. Specific Cre-driver lines have begun to parcel out the functions of unique interneuron subgroups. Despite the advances in mouse models, it is often difficult to efficiently study GABAergic cortical interneuron progenitors with molecular approaches in vivo. One important technique used to study the cell autonomous programming of these cells is transplantation of MGE cells into host cortices. These transplanted cells migrate extensively, differentiate, and functionally integrate. In addition, MGE cells can be efficiently transduced with lentivirus immediately prior to transplantation, allowing for a multitude of molecular approaches. Here we detail a protocol to efficiently transduce MGE cells before transplantation for in vivo analysis, using available Cre-driver lines and Cre-dependent expression vectors. This approach is advantageous because it combines precise genetic manipulation with the ability of these cells to disperse after transplantation, permitting greater cell-type specific resolution in vivo.
GABAergic cortical interneurons comprise ~20-30% of neurons in the mammalian neocortex, while the rest correspond to excitatory, glutamatergic principal neurons. Interneurons are highly diverse in electrophysiological properties, axon and dendrite morphology and synaptic targeting 1, and imbalances in excitatory/inhibitory tone are hypothesized to underlie some phenotypes of neurological/neuropsychiatric disorders including autism, schizophrenia and epilepsy 2. The overall goal of the protocol described herein is to provide a means to efficiently genetically modify GABAergic cortical interneuron progenitors before transplantation for in vivo analyses.
Cortical GABAergic interneurons are born in the medial and caudal ganglionic eminences (MGE and CGE, respectively) 3,4 as well as the preoptic area 5. Cortical interneuron progenitors undergo long-distance tangential migration followed by radial migration to reach their final targets. Upon arrival at their destinations, these cortical interneurons must correctly integrate into the existing neuronal network, and each unique interneuron subgroup will contribute to cortical circuitry in specific ways. Four main subgroups can be distinguished by molecular markers: MGE-derived somatostatin (SST)+ and parvalbumin (PV)+ subgroups, and CGE-derived vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)+ and Reelin+;SST– subgroups 6. Different cortical interneuron subgroups are born over different times during embryonic development in the MGE and CGE 7, 8. These and other cortical GABAergic interneuron markers have been used to generate specific Cre-driver lines for many of these subgroups 9-11.
The transplantation of MGE progenitors has emerged as a potential cell-based therapy to treat disorders that may be caused by imbalances in excitation/inhibition 12–24. These therapeutic benefits may be due in part to the unique ability of MGE progenitors (to disperse, differentiate and integrate into a host brain), or potentially because many peri-somatic inhibitory PV+ cells are derived from the MGE. MGE cells can also be quickly and efficiently transduced with lentiviruses before transplantation 15, allowing cells that are genetically modified in vitro to be studied in vivo. The rationale for developing this approach was to overcome roadblocks in studying GABAergic cortical interneuron development and maturation. In particular, MGE transplantation allowed researchers to study the development of mutant cells in vivo, when the mutant mouse would have otherwise died at an early time point. Moreover, by introducing genes of interest before transplantation, the effects of specific genes on a mutant phenotype could be assessed in an efficient manner.
Here, we provide a detailed protocol to transduce MGE cells with lentiviruses prior to transplantation. In addition, we show how this technique can be adapted to express a gene of interest in specific interneuron subgroups from a heterogeneous group of cortical interneuron precursors, using a combination of Cre-dependent expression lentiviruses and available Cre-driver mouse lines. Moreover, this protocol introduces techniques and a platform for researchers to genetically modify GABAergic cortical interneuron precursors for in vivo studies in a unique way. One advantage of this technique over other current approaches is that the transplanted MGE cells will disperse away from the injection site. Also, unlike focal viral injections, after MGE cells disperse their morphology is easier to assess. This approach can be used to study the effect of introducing genes of interest into wild type or mutant cells, introducing a cell type specific reporter to assess morphology, or potentially to study the effect of disease alleles in vivo.
Ethics statement: The following procedures have been approved by our institution and animal protocol. Make sure to get approval for all procedures involving survival surgeries before beginning experiments and verify all protocols are up to date.
1. Lentivirus Preparation (Optional Step)
2. Donor Mice for MGE Dissection
3. Preparation of Media, Tools and Equipment.
4. MGE Cell Preparation
4.3 Additional strategies for MGE Dissection.
5. Lentiviral labeling and Transplantation
6. Transplantation and Validation
Note: While this procedure is an injection of small volumes, and not a surgical procedure that would require an incision, open wound or sutures, it is still recommended that a new micropipette is used for each mouse to be injected. The micropipettes are heat sterilized when pulled and beveled on a surface that was sprayed with 70% ethanol being stored in a sealed container.
Since MGE cells have the unique ability to migrate and integrate when transplanted into a host neocortex 16, they provide an excellent model system for genetic manipulation before in vivo studies. Herein, we show how one can isolate MGE tissue from E13.5 embryos (Figures 1 and 2), which can then be transduced with lentiviruses either in vitro or in a rapid manner before transplantation for in vivo studies. Labeling MGE via lentiviruses has been performed before using an enhancer driving GFP in GABAergic neurons 15. However, the ability to express genes in specific subgroups from a heterogeneous population before transplantation may greatly aid studies of these cells' dispersal and integration. Herein, we sought to develop a means to target expression of a fluorescent protein to a specific interneuron subgroup, those that express somatostatin (SST)+.
We first subcloned a commercially available Cre-dependent GFP reporter (vector information, Table 2) into a lentiviral backbone. The vector was generated by first subcloning the cassette containing GFP flanked by loxP sites from the AAV vector and ligating it into a lentiviral vector backbone 15 using XbaI and PflMI restriction sites, (this cassette contained only some of the CAG promoter). Next, the remainder of the CAG promoter was excised from a pCAGGs mammalian expression vector with SpeI and XbaI sites and ligated into the XbaI site of the lentiviral vector to generate pLenti-CAG-Flex-GFP. The 5' SpeI site of the insert is complimentary to XbaI and thus destroyed the 5' site, while the 3' XbaI site was conserved. The resulting vector (schema Figure 4A, vector sequence Table 1) was first tested in vitro in the presence or absence of Cre (schema of in vitro assay, Figure 4B). MGE primary neurons from Ai14Flox/+E13.5 embryos were cultured and transduced with a combination of lentiviruses. Few to no GFP+ or tdTomato+ cells were observed with only the transduction of the CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus (Figures 4C, 4F and 4I). TdTomato fluorescence was present in the MGE cells transduced with a CMV-Cre lentivirus, indicative of Cre expression (Figures 4D, 4G and 4J). Finally, co-transduction of the MGE cells resulted in many tdTomato+ cells that also expressed GFP, indicating that the CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus was working as expected (Figures 4E, 4H and 4K). Some rare GFP+ cells were observed that were not tdTomato+, potentially due to the transduced reporter incorporating next to a strong promoter, which accounted for < 2% of all the GFP+ cells.
MGE cells transplanted into a wild type host neocortex disperse, mature and integrate into the host neocortex 16. E13.5 SST-IRES-Cre+;Ai14Flox/+MGE cells were transplanted into WT neocortices at P1 (schema, Figure 5A) and their distribution examined at 7 and 35 days post transplant (DPT). At both ages, tdTomato+ cells could be seen throughout the neocortex (Figures 5B and 5C). The images in Figures 5B and 5C are representative transplants utilizing the MGE cells from a single embryo. To test how efficiently MGE cells could be labeled with the protocol described herein, MGE cells from SST-IRES-Cre+;Ai14Flox/+ embryos were transduced with the CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus and transplanted in the same manner. For these experiments, ~15 ul of concentrated lentivirus (~1×107 infectious units/ml) was utilized with the combined MGEs from one embryo for each transplant. The cells were then transplanted into a P1 WT host cortex and analyzed at 7 DPT (Figures 5D-5F). Of the transplanted cells (tdTomato+), approximately 20% were GFP+, indicating transduction with the CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus (Figure 5G). These data suggest that with the amount and titer of lentivirus described above, ~20% of transplanted MGE cells can be labeled. The amount of virus can either be decreased or increased, or potentially other variables like duration of viral incubation can be altered, to achieve sparser or denser cell labeling.
Using MGE tissue from a Cre-dependent reporter mouse line in conjunction with the CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus can limit the number of additional markers that can be probed for by immunofluorescence. Therefore, SST-IRES-Cre+ E13.5 MGE tissue was collected and transduced with CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus in order to visualize those transplanted MGE cells that expressed Cre (will be GFP+). These cells were transplanted into P1 WT cortex and assessed at 35 DPT (see experimental design, Figure 6A), a time point when mature interneuron markers are expressed. At 35 DPT, ~85% of GFP+ cells co-expressed SST, but only ~4% expressed PV (Figures 6B-6H). These numbers are consistent with the lineage analysis of the SST-IRES-Cre mouse line, which also fate maps to ~5-10% of PV+ cells 9 (Vogt and Rubenstein, unpublished results). These data suggest that viral labeling of MGE is efficient and can be an applicable approach to introducing a reporter or potentially a gene of interest before in vivo analysis.
Figure 1. Representative procedure for the dissection of E13.5 MGE tissue. Example dissection of MGE tissue for either primary cultures or transplantations. (A-E) Images of E13.5 brain dissections, and (A'-E') schematics to highlight structures and important steps in the procedure. (A, A') Representative E13.5 brain viewed from the ventral aspect. Red line denotes the first cut made, which will hemisect the brain into two pieces. (B, B') View of one brain hemisection. The medial aspect is visible, with lateral aspect down. Tissue from the dorsal cortex (blue color) overlies the ganglionic eminences. In addition, ventral tissue that will be removed is shown in orange. (C, C') View and illustration of the exposed ganglionic eminences after overlying tissue has been peeled away. (D, D') Same view of exposed ganglionic eminences as in (C, C') but with detailed cut sites shown as red dashed lines. After MGE is cut out according to the lines denoted in (D, D'), the tissue is turned on its side (E, E') and the lateral aspect is trimmed off and discarded. Representative steps in the dissection and isolation of MGE tissue. Abbreviations: (CGE) caudal ganglionic eminence, (LGE) lateral ganglionic eminence, (MGE) medial ganglionice eminence. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Movie showing an E13.5 MGE dissection. Movie depicts the removal of an E13.5 brain followed by subsequent unfolding and removal of the overlying tissue. The MGE is labeled and the cuts made to remove surrounding tissue are show in a stepwise order.Please click here to view this video.
Figure 3. Representative procedure area and example of injection needle for neonatal transplantations. (A, A') Images showing an example setup to perform transplantations into neonatal mice. A microscope (1) is positioned above a stage containing a mold that can hold a neonatal mouse (5) and a stereotaxic device (2). (A') An enlarged image of (A) showing the region of the stereotaxic device that holds the glass injection needle (6) with an inserted plunger (7). The plunger is controlled by a fine hydraulic drive (4) and moves mineral oil within the glass needle that mediates inward and outward flow from the needle. (B) Example of a glass injection needle with a beveled tip. For the ruler in (B), each major demarcation = 100 µm. (C) Inventory list of items shown in (A, A'). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4. In vitro tests demonstrate the expression of GFP from a CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus in the presence of Cre. (A) Schema of how the lentiviral CAG-Flex-GFP vector works in the presence of Cre. (B) Schema of primary MGE cell culture experiment to assess if the lentiviral CAG-Flex-GFP would express GFP in those cells with Cre expression. Briefly, MGE cells from a Cre-dependent reporter, Ai14 (expresses tdTomato in the presence of Cre), were grown in vitro and transduced with Cre and/or Flex-GFP lentiviruses. (C-K) Immunofluorescent images of E13.5 MGE primary cultures that were transduced with a CMV-Cre, CAG-Flex-GFP or both. Cultures were imaged for native tdTomato expression, GFP and DAPI. Scale bar in (K) = 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5. Representative images of transplanted and transduced, SST-IRES-Cre+; Ai14Flox/+ MGE cells. (A) Schema of experimental design to transplant either MGE cells alone or after lentiviral transduction into a wild type (WT) host, (DPT) days post transplant. Briefly, E13.5 SST-IRES-Cre+;Ai14Flox/+ MGE cells were either transplanted or transduced with the CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus before transplantation into WT neocortices and assessed at 7 DPT. (B, C) Immunofluorescent images of neocortices at 7 or 35 DPT showing representative MGE transplanted cells (tdTomato+). (D-F) Immunofluorescent images of MGE cells transduced with the CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus assessed at 7 DPT. (G) Quantification of the proportion of tdTomato+ cells that express GFP at 7 DPT. Scale bars in (C) and (F) = 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6. Representative images of CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus transduced, SST-IRES-Cre+ MGE transplants that co-express MGE-derived interneuron subgroup markers. (A) Schema of E13.5 SST-IRES-Cre+ MGE cell harvest and transduction with a CAG-Flex-GFP lentivirus and transplantation into the neocortex of P1 WT hosts before assessment at 35 DPT. Representative images from the neocortex of transplanted hosts showing expression of GFP, from the Flex vector (B, E), co-stained for either somatostatin (SST) (C) or parvalbumin (PV) (F). (D, G) Merged images co-stained with DAPI. (H) Quantification of the proportion of GFP cells that co-express SST or PV. Data represent ± SEM, (n) = 3. Scale bar in (G) = 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Table 1. FASTA file of the pLentiviral-CAG-Flex-GFP DNA vector.
Reagents and equipment for MGE cell preparation and transduction | Catalog # | Company | ||||||
1) | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium, with high glucose | 12491-015 | Life Technologies | |||||
2) | Heat inactivated Fetal Bovine Serum | 10437-077 | Life Technologies | |||||
3) | Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS), no calcium or magnesium | 14170-112 | Life Technologies | |||||
4) | 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes (or other collection tubes with lids) | 3810X | Eppendorf International | |||||
5) | Polybrene | sc-134220 | SantaCruz Biotechnology | |||||
6) | Stab knife straight 22.5 ° (optional) | REF 72-2201 | Surgical specialities corporation | |||||
7) | Petri dish (10 cm), for tissue dissections | FB0875713 | Fisher Scientific | |||||
8) | 2 fine tip forceps, like Dumont #5 | 11254-20 | Fine Scientific Tools | |||||
9) | 37 °C tissue culture incubator with 5% CO2 input | C150 | Binder | |||||
10) | Tabletop centrifuge that can spin 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes | |||||||
11) | Any P1000 pipette that can be used for cell trituration | |||||||
12) | Biosafety level 2 hood | |||||||
Reagents and equipment for in vitro MGE primary cultures | Catalog # | Company | ||||||
1) | Lab-TekII chamberslides with cover, 8 well | 154941 | Thermo Fisher | |||||
2) | Poly-L-lysine 0.1% weight/volume | P8920 | Sigma Aldrich | |||||
3) | Mouse Laminin, 0.5-2 mg/ml | 23017-015 | Life Technologies | |||||
4) | Neurobasal medium | 21103-049 | Life Technologies | |||||
5) | B27 serum free supplement | 17504044 | Life Technologies | |||||
6) | Glutamax, 100x stock | 35050-061 | Life Technologies | |||||
7) | Penicillin-Streptomycin, 100x stock | 15070-063 | Life Technologies | |||||
8) | Glucose, (prepare a 25% solution in water) | G5400 | Sigma Aldrich | |||||
Reagents and equipment for MGE cell transplantation | Catalog # | Company | ||||||
1) | 1 ml syringe | REF 309602 | BD, Becton Dickinson and company | |||||
2) | 30 1/2 G needle | 305106 | BD, Becton Dickinson and company | |||||
3) | Precision bore to deliver 5 µl (comes with plunger) | 5-000-1005 | Drummond scientific company | |||||
4) | Parafilm | PM-999 | Polysciences, Inc. | |||||
5) ** | Stereo microscope with boomstand | MZ6 | Leica | |||||
6) ** | Digital just for mice stereotaxic instrument | 51725D | Stoelting company | |||||
7) ** | Single-axis oil hydraulic fine micromanipulator | MO-10 | Narishige | |||||
8) | Diamond coated rotary beveler | n.a. | made in house | |||||
9) | Needle pipette puller | 730 | Kopf instruments | |||||
10) | Mineral oil | n.a. | Any drug store or pharmacy | |||||
11) | Any pipette and tips that can reliaby measure 1 µl of volume | |||||||
** These are the particular models we use, but many other setups should work | ||||||||
Optional Reagents (for making Lentiviruses) | Catalog # | Company | ||||||
1) | 25 mm, 0.45 µm filter | 09-719B | Fisher Scientific | |||||
2) | Ultra-clear centrifuge tubes (25 x 89 mm) | 344058 | Beckman Coulter® | |||||
3) | Lipofectamine 2000 | (1.5 ml size) | 11668019 | Invitrogen | ||||
Other commercially available supplies | Catalog # | Company | ||||||
1) | pMDLg/pRRE plasmid encoding gag/pol | 12251 | Addgene | |||||
2) | pRSV-Rev plasmid encoding Rev | 12253 | Addgene | |||||
3) | pMD2.G plasmid encoding VSVG | 12259 | Addgene | |||||
4) | pAAV-Flex-GFP | 28304 | Addgene |
Table 2. Inventory list of reagents and tools. An inventory of commercially available reagents including media, dissection tools, representative equipment for transplantation and DNA vectors. (n.a.) Not available or applicable.
The use of GABAergic cortical interneuron precursors from the embryonic ganglionic eminences (GEs) for cell based therapies is showing promise for many conditions 12–14. Precise molecular techniques are needed to track, and express genes of interest in specific interneuron subgroups. Here we provide a detailed protocol for labeling embryonic MGE cells with lentiviruses before transplantation and show how this technique can be used to express genes of interest in specific cortical interneuron subgroups for in vivo analysis.
The protocol described herein can be reliably used, however, for optimal reproducibility it is essential to adhere to a few critical steps. First, for viral transduction to be efficient, physiological temperature and pH are necessary. If these parameters are met, MGE cells can be transduced in ~30 minutes. Second, make sure to have a dense MGE pellet before proceeding to do a transplantation. This is important because only a limited volume can be injected into the neonatal mouse brain at each site without incurring damage, and the cells will migrate away from the injection site, so their density at the time of transplant is less of a concern than might be expected. Finally, run some test conditions with MGE cells that express a fluorescent reporter to determine what injection depths are optimal. While this protocol used MGE cells, CGE cells could also be used in the same manner. One drawback is that there are not many Cre-driver lines that restrict expression to the whole CGE or to particular subgroups of CGE-derived interneurons. However, the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) 9 is a reliable Cre-line that could be used to separate out this subgroup of CGE-derived cells. As new lines become available, it will be possible to employ this protocol with more genetic precision.
Previously, we and others have shown the utility of introducing genes into MGE cells before transplantation via electroporation or with lentivirus 15, 17. While these techniques were effective at introducing genes for in vivo analysis, MGE tissue is heterogeneous and gives rise to multiple interneuron subgroups as well as non-neuronal cells 4. Moreover, it has been difficult to express a gene of interest only in a specific interneuron subgroup. Great strides have been made to generate transgenic lines that recapitulate the expression patterns of many cortical interneuron subgroups, including, but not limited to, SST-IRES-Cre, PV-IRES-Cre, PV-2A-Cre and VIP-Cre9-11, and the advent of new lines will help elucidate additional possible populations in the future. Moreover, with the generation of Cre-dependent reporters and expression vectors, including Cre-dependent reporter vectors used herein, a more precise expression of genes of interest can be achieved.
While injection of Cre-dependent reporter viruses into the brains of mice expressing Cre in restricted cells is a powerful method, viruses do not spread far from the site of injection. This may lead to a dense area of overlapping cells making it difficult to study the transduced cells in an individual fashion or away from the injection sites. In contrast, MGE cells have the unique ability to migrate away from the injection site, allowing for a cleaner assessment of the properties of individual cells. A drawback of injecting cells into the neocortex is that they will not traverse the normal tangential migration routes. One option to explore tangential migration using this assay is to prepare the cells in the same manner but inject them into an age-matched MGE of a WT host embryo instead of a neonatal pup. In this experiment, the transplanted cells would undergo the normal tangential routes. By combining MGE transplantation with the spatially-restricted, Cre-dependent expression of a reporter, we show the feasibility of expressing a gene of interest or reporter within a specific subgroup of cells that are themselves well suited for morphological studies.
One limitation to this technique may be the size of the fragment that one can reliably package into a lentiviral vector. In addition, this approach has not yet been tested with AAVs. However, once this technique is optimized by an individual, many variations of this approach may be used. First, the approach described here will allow researchers to express reporters using a Cre-dependent reporter lentivirus in conjunction with MGE donor cells of specific Cre-driver lines. This technique may be used to assess the morphology of individual MGE cells or potentially to express a gene of interest in different subgroups if a second gene is cloned into the vector. Second, it may also be feasible to use a Cre-expressing virus with Cre-dependent reporter MGE donor cells or potentially utilize evolving conserved DNA elements, promoters and enhancers, to drive expression in distinct populations of cells from a heterogeneous population.
A future hurdle to overcome will be labeling human-derived induced pluripotent stem cells or embryonic stem cells to potentially purify and/or study a specific group of cells. Interestingly, conserved DNA enhancers may also be used in viral expression systems to target GABAergic neurons in primary cultures, after injection into the cortex, and before transplantation of MGE cells 15, 18, 19. Enhancers may be an answer to this obstacle and will be of interest as molecular tools, as new techniques are required to study the utility of these cells in therapy. Indeed, inroads to discovering enhancers that could potentially label either GABAergic interneurons 20 or other neuronal subtypes, including glutamatergic neurons 21, are under way. Using the viral labeling method herein, it may be possible to transduce differentiated human-derived stem cells with cell-type specific enhancers to label distinct cells of interest before transplantation and in vivo analysis.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by grants to JLRR from: Autism Speaks, Nina Ireland, Weston Havens Foundation, NIMH R01 MH081880, and NIMH R37 MH049428. PRW was supported by a fellowship from the National Science Council of Taiwan. SFS was supported by F32 (MH103003).
Reagents and equipment for MGE cell transplantation | |||
1 ml syringe | REF 309602 | BD, Becton Dickinson and company | |
301/2 gauge needle | 305106 | BD, Becton Dickinson and company | |
Precision bore to deliver 5 µl (comes with plunger) | 5-000-1005 | Drummond scientific company | |
Parafilm | PM-999 | Polysciences, Inc. | |
Stereo microscope with boomstand ** | MZ6 | Leica | |
Digital just for mice stereotaxic instrument ** | 51725D | Stoelting company | |
Single-axis oil hydraulic fine micromanipulator ** | MO-10 | Narishige | |
Diamond coated rotary beveler | n.a. | made in house | |
Needle pipette puller | 730 | Kopf instruments | |
Mineral oil | n.a. | Any drug store or pharmacy | |
Any pipette and tips that can reliaby measure 1 µl of volume | |||
** These are the particular models we use, but many other setups should work | |||
Optional Reagents (for making Lentiviruses) | |||
25 mm, 0.45 µm filter | 09-719B | Fisher Scientific | |
Ultra-clear centrifuge tubes (25 x 89 mm) | 344058 | Beckman Coulter® | |
Lipofectamine 2000 (1.5 ml size) | 11668019 | Invitrogen | |
Other commercially available supplies | |||
pMDLg/pRRE plasmid encoding gag/pol | 12251 | Addgene | |
pRSV-Rev plasmid encoding Rev | 12253 | Addgene | |
pMD2.G plasmid encoding VSVG | 12259 | Addgene | |
pAAV-Flex-GFP | 28304 | Addgene |