Optokinetic Response Assay: A Method to Measure Visual Acuity in Zebrafish

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Cameron, D. J., et al. The Optokinetic Response as a Quantitative Measure of Visual Acuity in ZebrafishJ. Vis. Exp. (2013)

This video describes the optokinetic response assay in zebrafish. The video measures the reflexive eye movements based on the visual moving stimulus and determines the visual acuity in zebrafish.


1.Optokinetic response (OKR) Build the custom OKR recording device using a 14.5 cm diameter rotating drum, a stereo microscope with adjustable light intensity settings (300-8,000 lux) and a computer (Figure 1A). Attach a camera to the microscope that will provide a live feed onto an adjacent monitor and allow for image capture and recording. Control the rotating drum using a microcontroller linked to a computer which will accommodate various speed and direction selectio…

Representative Results

Figure 1. OKR recording. A) The OKR device consists of a 14.5 cm diameter rotating drum and microscope with adjustable light intensity settings (300-8,000 lux). A camera provides a live feed on an adjacent monitor. The rotating drum has various speed settings in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions and interchangeable spatial frequency gratings are inserted and removed as needed. …


Super Low Light Black White Video Security Camera Super Circuits  PC164CEX-2  Any low light camera may be used
Arduino Duemilanove microcontroller Adafruit Industries The Arduino Uno is also compatible with the speed control software.
Tricaine Methanesulfonate VWR 101107-950

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Diesen Artikel zitieren
Optokinetic Response Assay: A Method to Measure Visual Acuity in Zebrafish. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20175, doi: (2023).

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