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Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
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JoVE 科学教育 Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Providers

COVID-19 / 冠状病毒爆发:为医疗保健提供者安装和点力个人防护设备 (PPE)




在为COVID19患者筛查时,应佩戴适当的个人防护装备(PPE)。PPE 套件必须包括:

  • 礼服
  • 手套
  • 呼吸器或医疗面罩
  • 眼睛保护

以下协议描述了用于使用 PPE 的正确过程。


1. 在穿上或穿上 PPE 时,请按照以下步骤操作: 注:禁止开鞋。如果可用,请使用引导盖。如果可用,请使用一次性帽盖住长发。 目视检查 PPE 合奏是否有任何损坏。 将手臂滑入防流体、非无菌一次性隔离袍的袖子内。您可以使用带拇指孔的长袍在手腕区域。将拇指穿过这个孔,以确保袖子和手套之间没有可见的皮肤。然后,将礼服绑在后面,保护它周围的身体。 将 N95 呼吸器面罩放在手掌朝下,让带子悬在地板上。将呼吸器面罩放在鼻子和嘴周围,将顶带固定在头顶上,并将耳朵下方的下带带到颈部底部。在鼻桥周围模制鼻片,直到安全。 将护目镜或面罩放在眼睛周围,并固定它们。确保眼部保护覆盖面部正面和侧面。或者,选择带面罩的手术面罩,将其涂抹在鼻子和嘴上。将弹性带铐住耳朵周围的弹性带,将面罩从鼻桥铺到下巴。 将乳胶或硝酸盐手套滑到手上,将其拉过礼服的袖子。确保手腕被覆盖,并且没有皮肤可见。 2. 患者护理后,您受到污染,应采取以下步骤脱下 PPE: 在隔离室中,使用手套对手套/皮肤对皮肤的技术取下手套。 抓住手腕上一只手套的外侧,确保不要触摸裸露的皮肤。 把手套从身上剥开,把它从里面拉出来。 将手指放在手腕顶部的手套内,剥下第二个手套。 将第二个手套从内到外,同时将其从身体中拉出,将第一只手套留在第二个手套内。 安全处置手套。 解开你的礼服带,小心地脱下礼服,远离你的身体。滚下袖子,小心避免污染自己。然后,将礼服卷成一个球,然后再处理它。 在取下眼睛保护之前,使用 70% 的酒精洗手液摩擦所有手部表面,清洁双手。 向前倾斜,轻轻地删除谷歌或面罩,避免与你的身体接触。 离开隔离区后,从后面抓起面具。先把底部表带拉下来,然后拉出顶部表带。 使用 70% 酒精洗手液或适当的洗手方法再次清洁双手。


No conflicts of interest declared.


Your personal protective equipment or PPE must include a gown, gloves, respirator or medical mask, and eye protection. Keep in mind that open shoes are prohibited, and boot covers should be used if available. Before donning the PPE, visually inspect the ensemble.

Slide your arms inside the sleeves of the fluid-resistant, non-sterile, disposable isolation gown. If using a gown with a thumb hole located at the wrist area, put your thumb through this hole to make sure that there is no visible skin between your sleeves and gloves. Then tie the gown from the back to secure it around your body.

Hold an N95 respirator mask in the palm of your hand facing down, letting the straps dangle to the floor. Place the mask around your nose and mouth. Then secure the top strap at the crown of your head.

Bring the bottom strap below your ears to the base of your neck, and mold the nose piece around the bridge of your nose until it is secure. Place goggles or a face shield around your eyes and secure them, making sure that your eye protection covers the front and sides of your face.

Alternatively, select a surgical mask with a face shield and apply it to your nose and mouth. Cuff the elastic bands around your ears, and spread the mask to cover your face from the bridge of your nose to your chin.

Slide two latex or nitrile gloves on your hands, pulling them over the sleeves of your gown. Make sure that your wrists are covered and there is no visible skin.

After patient care, you are contaminated and should take the following steps to take off the PPE while still in the isolation room. Begin by removing your gloves using the glove-to-glove or skin-to-skin technique. Grasp the outside of one glove at the wrist, making sure not to touch your bare skin. Peel the glove away from your body and pull it inside out.

Peel off the second glove by putting your fingers inside the glove at the top of your wrist. Turn the second glove inside out while pulling it away from your body, leaving the first glove inside the second. Then safely dispose of the gloves.

Next, untie your gown strap and pull the gown off carefully away from your body. Roll off the sleeves, taking care to avoid contaminating yourself. Roll the gown up into a ball before disposing of it.

Before removing your eye protection, clean your hands by rubbing all hand surfaces with a 70% alcohol hand sanitizer. Then lean forward and gently remove your goggles or face shield, avoiding contact with your body.

After leaving the isolation room, take off your mask. Grab it from behind. Pull the bottom strap off first. And then pull off the top strap. Finally, clean your hands once again with a 70% alcohol hand sanitizer or with a proper hand-washing method.


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Providers. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2020).