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Environmental Science
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JoVE 科学教育 Environmental Science
Analysis of Earthworm Populations in Soil
  • 00:00概述
  • 02:06Principles of Earthworm Analysis
  • 03:03Experimental Preparation
  • 04:14Extraction of Earthworms
  • 06:17Application
  • 06:40Summary

토양의 지렁이 개체군 분석




출처: 마가렛 노동자와 킴벌리 프라이의 실험실 – 데폴 대학

겨자를 사용하여 Lumbricus terrestris 지렁이 인구는 조경 장애 또는 독성없이 토양 깊이에서 직접 샘플링 할 수 있습니다. 그런 다음 지렁이 표시줄 그래프와 학생의 t-테스트를 사용하여 데이터 및 통계 분석을 위해 계산할 수 있습니다.

지렁이 인구를 모니터링하는 것은 환경 과학자들에게 중요한 기술이며, 여러 종의 지렁이(특히 요더 Lumbricina의 종)가 북미와 남미 전역에 침략적으로 확산되고 있습니다. 이국적인 지렁이는 거의 모든 육지 질량과 지구상의 거의 모든 생태계에서 발견 될 수 있으며,이 종들이 침략적이 될 때 국제 환경 연구의 초점이되었습니다. 1

생태학적 침략은 일반적으로 직접 경쟁, 멸종, 또는 그렇지 않으면 토착 종의 발굴에 기여하여 생태계의 생물 다양성을 낮춥다. 생태계 엔지니어로서 침략적인 지렁이 종은 식물뿌리가 영양소를 채굴하는 토양의 상부 수평선에서 유기물의 분해 속도를 통해 영양소의 사이클링을 변화시습니다. 침습적 Lumbricus 종은 모두 토착 지렁이 종을 멸종하고 침략 토양에서 사용 가능한 질소 농도 및 질소의 비율을 증가하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 2 양성 피드백 루프에서, 질소의 가속 수준은 차례로 네이티브 식물 종에 비해 질소의 높은 수준에 적응되는 침략 식물 종에 더 친절하게 시스템을 만들고, “침략 붕괴”로 알려진 현상에서 원주민을 능가합니다. 침략 붕괴 관계는 침략지렁나무 종 Lumbricus terrestris (유럽 지렁이)와 침략 식물 종 Rhamnus 카트hartica (유럽 버크 쏜)에 대한 제안되었다. 3



1. 겨자 농축 솔루션 준비 균형을 켜고 계량 보트를 위에 놓고 균형을 0으로 설정합니다. 38.1 g의 지상 동양 겨자를 계량 보트에 넣고 캡이있는 플라스틱 용기로 옮긴다. 졸업된 실린더에서 수돗물 100mL를 측정하고 겨자플라스틱 용기에 추가합니다. 모든 겨자 플라스틱 용기의 바닥에서 혼합되어 수돗물에 용해 될 때까지 용기에 캡을 고정하고 격렬하게 흔들어. <li…


Sampling site 1 was a managed park, which sees significant disturbances such as aeration and fertilizers.  Sampling site 2 was an unmanaged area, which sees no human interferences.  As shown in Figure 1, site 1 has a higher density of earthworm populations, likely due to the increased hospitability due to human disturbances.  However, site 1 also has higher variability of sampling, indicating the earthworm population may not be as consistently dense as the average suggests.

Figure 1
Figure 1. Bar graph displaying population results from each collection site.

Applications and Summary

Invasive species are a major threat to biodiversity. Exotic earthworms (eg: Lumbricus terrestris) and European buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) have been implicated as part of an “invasional meltdown” occurring in mid-western United States wooded communities. An invasional meltdown is the process where one invasion of a species facilitates the invasion of others. Thus, the rate of loss of ecological health can greatly accelerate as one invasive species makes way for additional ones. As undesired Rhamnus populations currently account for over 90% of vegetative cover in Illinois, the role of Lumbricus populations in landscape management has become critical to understanding and predicting Rhamnus invasion on managed land. Landscape disturbance tends to facilitate Lumbricus invasion and sampling for Lumbricus populations can be an indicator of vulnerability of land areas to likely invasion. Comparing samples of Lumbricus populations can help land management to know where more intensive methods are needed to maintain intended plant diversity and prevent invasion of Rhamnus.


  1. Belote, R.T., Jones, R.H.  Tree leaf litter composition and nonnative earthworms influence plant invasion in experimental forest floor mesocosms. Biological Invasions. 11, 1045-1052 (2009).
  2. Costello, D.M., Lamberti, G.A.  Non-native earthworms in riparian soils increase nitrogen flux into adjacent aquatic ecosystems. Oecologia. 158, 499-510 (2008).
  3. Nuzzo, V.A., Maerz, J.C., Blossey, B. Earthworm invasion as the driving force behind plant invasion and community change in northeastern north American forests. Conserve Biol.23, 4. 966-974 (2009).


The monitoring of earthworm populations is vital to environmental scientists, as invasive exotic earthworms can be found in nearly every ecosystem on the planet. Ecological invasion typically lowers biodiversity of an ecosystem by directly outcompeting, endangering, or contributing to the extirpation, or local extinction, of native species.

The Lumbricus terrestris species of European earthworm, also called the nightcrawler, is extremely common in North America, but is not native. As a result, it has greatly extirpated native earthworm species. Lumbricus terrestris alters the cycling of nutrients through decomposition of organic matter in the upper layers of soil, where plant roots mine for nutrients, thereby changing the soil layer structure. In addition, the organic debris layer, containing much of the decomposing material that provides nutrients, is completely lost.

These invasive worms also increase the available nitrogen concentration in invaded soils. In turn, the changing soil layers and high levels of nitrogen make the soil more hospitable to invasive plant species, such as the European Buckthorn, which are more adapted to high levels of nitrogen as compared to native plant species. This phenomenon is known as “invasional meltdown.”

The invasional meltdown resulting from invasion of the European earthworm and exotic plants like the European buckthorn is of key concern because it is dramatically decreasing the diversity of forest plant life in North America.

This video will demonstrate the monitoring of European earthworms in various park areas in order to assess their vulnerability for buckthorn invasion.

To determine earthworm populations in invaded areas, worms are directly extracted from soil using a capsaicin solution.

In this experiment, capsaicin is extracted from spicy mustard and poured directly onto the soil in an area defined by a pre-sized square, or quadrat. It then penetrates through the soil matrix to where the earthworms reside.

The capsaicin solution causes irritation to mucous membranes in the earthworm. Earthworms react to the irritation by moving to the soil surface to escape the capsaicin solution. After surfacing, earthworms are collected and the population density analyzed.

The following experiment will demonstrate the extraction of earthworms from soil, and their population analysis.

First, prepare the capsaicin solution at least 24 h in advance by weighing 38 g of ground oriental hot mustard, and transferring it to a plastic container with a cap. Add 100 mL of tap water to the plastic container containing mustard. Secure a cap on the container, and shake vigorously until all of the mustard is dissolved in the water.

Let the solution sit for 24 h for maximum capsaicin extraction from the mustard. When the capsaicin extraction is complete, dilute the mustard solution with 4 L of water in an 8-L water carrier. Shake the mustard solution several times to mix, and transfer it into the water carrier. Rinse any residual mustard using the diluted solution.

Seal the water carrier cap, and ensure that the valve is in the “OFF” position. Invert the water carrier three times to mix evenly. Prepare one container of capsaicin solution for each testing site.

Proceed to the sampling site with a quadrat and the water carrier containing diluted mustard solution. Also bring three sampling cups per site. They should be labeled appropriately for three replicates per sampling site.

Place the quadrat randomly on the ground in a cleared spot. Clear away the brush, leaves, and mulch as much as possible to clearly expose the soil. Mix the dilute solution again, and then switch the cap valve to the ON position.

Pour approximately a third of the diluted mustard solution within the quadrat, concentrating the majority of the liquid at the center of the quadrat area. If the soil becomes saturated and forms pools, stop pouring, and wait until pooled solution infiltrates the soil before continuing.

Observe the quadrat area closely for 5 minutes, looking for earthworm appearance. Be sure to look directly under the sides of the quadrat.

Wait for all earthworms to emerge from the soil within the quadrat area, and then collect them with forceps. After 5 minutes, close the sample cup and proceed to the next sampling site.

Repeat the collection steps for all sampling sites. Return to each site and perform 3 replicates per site. Count the number of earthworms collected for each sample, and then calculate the mean and standard deviation for each collection site.

Create a bar graph to compare the average earthworm population densities between collection sites. Use the standard deviation to create the error bars. Site one is a managed park, and is therefore more hospitable to earthworm populations due to disturbances such as aeration and fertilizers. Site two is unmanaged, and is therefore less hospitable to earthworm populations.

Exotic earthworms and European buckthorn have been implicated as part of an “invasional meltdown” occurring, especially in the mid-western United States. Tracking earthworm populations can help to elucidate relationships between the two invasional species and enable researchers to develop methods to prevent further spreading.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to the extraction and analysis of earthworm populations. You should now understand the principles of earthworm extraction from soil, and the comparison between sampling sites. Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Analysis of Earthworm Populations in Soil. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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