

Published: June 16, 2022












記載されているすべての研究は、1986年の動物(科学的手順)法およびその後の修正に従って、制度上のガイドラインに準拠し、英国内務省からの適切なライセンスの下で実施されました。胚/幼虫は原腸形成が完了するまで28.5°Cで飼育する必要がありますが、その後、発生速度を制御するために22〜31°Cに保つことができます。魚は室温でスキャンまたは刺激することができます。 <p class="jove…

Representative Results

体節体積の迅速かつ正確な測定ゼブラフィッシュ幼虫の筋肉成長の迅速な測定を可能にするサンプル調製、データ収集、および体積分析の方法が記載されている。筋肉サイズは、膜標的GFP(β-アクチン:HRAS-EGFP) またはmCherry(α-アクチン:mCherry-CAAX )で原形質膜に標識された魚を使用して、生きた動物で測定できます。幼虫をトリカインを用いて一過性麻酔し、低融点?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


著者らは、記載されたプロトコルの開発のためのヒューズ研究室のメンバーであるSeetharamaiah Attili、Jana Koth、Fernanda Bajanca、Victoria C. Williams、Yaniv Hinits、Giorgia Bergamin、およびVladimir Snetkov博士の努力、およびプラスミドまたはゼブラフィッシュ系統を共有したHenry Roehl、Christina Hammond、David Langenau、Peter Currieに深く感謝しています。SMHは、プログラムグラントG1001029、MR / N021231 / 1、およびMR / W001381 / 1サポートを持つ医学研究評議会(MRC)の科学者です。MAは、キングスカレッジロンドンでMRC博士課程の博士課程の学生資格を取得しました。この研究は、学者、メンター、そして友人であるデビッドM.ロビンソンの三角関数の入力から恩恵を受けました。


Adhesive, Blu Tack Bostik
Aerosol vacuum 
Agarose Sigma-Aldrich A9539
Agarose, low gelling temperature Sigma-Aldrich A9414 Once melted, keep at 37oC in a block heater to remain in liquid form for repeated use.
Block heater Cole-Parmer SBH130
BODIPY FL C5-ceramide Thermo Scientific D3521 To be diluted in fish water and used at 5 µM for overnight incubation.
Crocodile clips and wires
Fiji/imageJ National Institutes of Health, NIH
Fish medium, Fish water Circulating system water collected from the fish facility.
Fish medium, E3 medium E3 is described in The Zebrafish Book. (5 mM NaCl, 0.17 mM KCl, 0.33 mM CaCl2, and 0.33 mM MgSO4 in distilled water).
Fluorescence microscope Leica Leica MZ16F Fluorescence microscope of other kind are also expected to be suitable.
Glass needle World Precision Instruments, Inc. 1B100-6 To be fire-polished to prevent damage of the embryos during manipulation.
Grass stimulator Grass Instruments S88 Stimulators of other kind are also expected to be suitable.
Kimwipes, Delicate Task Wipers Kimberly-Clark Professional 13258179
Laser scanning microscope (LSM)  Zeiss Zeiss LSM 5 Exciter
Zeiss LSM 880
LSM of other kind are also expected to be suitable.
Nunc Cell-Culture Treated, 6-well plate Thermo Scientific 140675
Objective, 20×/1.0W water immersion Zeiss
Pasteur Pipette, Graduated 1 mL Starlab Group E1414-0100
Pasteur Pipette, Micro Fine Tip 1 mL Starlab Group E1414-1100
Petri dish, 60 mm Sigma-Aldrich P5481
Plasmid, CMV-Cerulean Christina L. Hammond (University of Bristol) pCS2+_cerulean_kanR plasmid injected at 25-75 pg at one-cell stage.  Citation: Bussman J, and Schulte-Merker S. (2011) Development 138:4327-4332. doi: 10.1242/dev.068080.
Plasmid, pCS-mCherry-CAAX Henry Roehl (University of Sheffield) For in vitro transcription using the SP6 promoter (plasmids containing other membrane labelling markers can be used);
synthesised capped mRNA to be injected at 100-200 pg at one-cell stage.
Pulse Controller  Hoefer Scientific Instruments PC750
Soldering iron
Tricaine Sigma-Aldrich E10521 Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulfonate/ MS-222; to be dissolved in fish water and used at 0.6 mM.
Volocity Perkin Elmer/Quorum Technologies Inc
Watchmaker forceps, No. 5
Wire, Platinum Goodfellow PT005142/12 0.40 mm in diameter; an expensive alternative of silver.
Wire, Silver Acros Organics 317730010 0.25 mm in diameter (a range of diameter i.e. 0.25-0.5 mm had been tested, which produced similar results).
Zebrafish, myog:H2B-mRFP David M. Langenau (Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Stem Cell Institute) ZFIN official name: Tg(myog:Hsa.HIST1H2BJ-mRFP), fb121Tg.  Citation: Tang Q, Moore JC, Ignatius MS, Tenente IM, Hayes MN, Garcia EG, Torres Yordán N, Bourque C, He S, Blackburn JS, Look AT, Houvras Y, Langenau DM. Imaging tumour cell heterogeneity following cell transplantation into optically clear immune-deficient zebrafish. Nat Commun. 2016 Jan 21;7:10358. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10358.
Zebrafish, α-actin:mCherry-CAAX Peter D. Currrie (ARMI, Monash University) ZFIN official name: Tg(actc1b:mCherry-CAAX), pc22Tg. Citation: Berger J, Tarakci H, Berger S, Li M, Hall TE, Arner A, and Currie PD. Loss of Tropomodulin4 in the zebrafish mutant träge causes cytoplasmic rod formation and muscle weakness reminiscent of nemaline myopathy. Dis Model Mech. 2014 Dec;7(12):1407-15. doi: 10.1242/dmm.017376.
Zebrafish, β-actin:HRAS-EGFP ZFIN official name: Tg(Ola.Actb:Hsa.HRAS-EGFP), vu119Tg.  Citation: Cooper MS, Szeto DP, Sommers-Herivel G, Topczewski J, Solnica-Krezel L, Kang HC, Johnson I, and Kimelman D. Visualizing morphogenesis in transgenic zebrafish embryos using BODIPY TR methyl ester dye as a vital counterstain for GFP. Dev Dyn. 2005 Feb;232(2):359-68. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.20252.
ZEN software Zeiss


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Attwaters, M., Kelu, J. J., Pipalia, T. G., Hughes, S. M. Real Time and Repeated Measurement of Skeletal Muscle Growth in Individual Live Zebrafish Subjected to Altered Electrical Activity. J. Vis. Exp. (184), e64063, doi:10.3791/64063 (2022).

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