This manuscript provides protocols that use in utero electroporation (IUE) to describe the structural connectivity of neurons at the single-cell level and the excitability of fluorescently labeled neurons. Histology is used to characterize dendritic and axonal projections. Whole-cell recording in acute slices is used to investigate excitability.
The nervous system is composed of an enormous range of distinct neuronal types. These neuronal subpopulations are characterized by, among other features, their distinct dendritic morphologies, their specific patterns of axonal connectivity, and their selective firing responses. The molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for these aspects of differentiation during development are still poorly understood.
Here, we describe combined protocols for labeling and characterizing the structural connectivity and excitability of cortical neurons. Modification of the in utero electroporation (IUE) protocol allows the labeling of a sparse population of neurons. This, in turn, enables the identification and tracking of the dendrites and axons of individual neurons, the precise characterization of the laminar location of axonal projections, and morphometric analysis. IUE can also be used to investigate changes in the excitability of wild-type (WT) or genetically modified neurons by combining it with whole-cell recording from acute slices of electroporated brains. These two techniques contribute to a better understanding of the coupling of structural and functional connectivity and of the molecular mechanisms controlling neuronal diversity during development. These developmental processes have important implications on axonal wiring, the functional diversity of neurons, and the biology of cognitive disorders.
The development of dendritic and axonal structures is an important facet of circuit regulation in the nervous system, including in the cerebral cortex. It plays a critical role during the selective wiring of the diverse neuronal subpopulations. A number of recent reports have shown that, in addition to connectivity, the molecular diversity of neurons is reflected by the acquisition of highly specific modes of firing. However, the mechanisms determining the excitability and connectivity of the distinct neuronal subtypes during development, as well as their degree of coordination, are still poorly understood1,2.
In vivo loss- and gain-of-function analyses allow for the study of the relationship between the expression level of specific genes and their influence in the development of the circuit. In utero electroporation (IUE) is a technique widely used to study the function of a gene of interest in specific neuronal populations and to study the overall patterns of their connectivity. However, to determine the morphological characteristics of axons and dendrites in cortical layers in living mice, it is essential to label neurons sparsely. A Cre recombination system combined with IUE can be used to mark a sparse population of neurons at a sufficiently low density to resolve the projections emitted by individual cells of the identified cortical laminas. This method labels a sufficient number of neurons per cortex to obtain quantitative data after the analysis of reasonable numbers of electroporated brains (Figure 1). This manuscript presents a method for such fine analysis of connectivity. It also presents a similar strategy to analyze, in separate experiments, the electrical properties of neurons by performing current-clamp recordings on green fluorescence protein (GFP)-electroporated cells from acute cortical slices. These protocols are versatile and can be applied to the study of the excitability and connectivity of neurons of WT and transgenic animals, and also of neurons in which losses and gains of function are introduced by additional plasmids during IUE.
Although this protocol describes the electroporation of mice at embryonic day (E)15.5, this technique can be performed at any age between E9.53 and postnatal day (P)24. While electroporation at early stages targets neurons and precursors of the thalamus and deep layers of the cortex, later-stage electroporation marks more superficial layers (e.g., E15.5 IUE targets layer II-III neurons). In summary, the combination of IUE with single-cell morphological analysis and electrophysiology is a useful tool to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the enormous structural and functional diversity of neurons in the nervous system.
All animal procedures were approved by the Community of Madrid Animal Care and Use Committee, in compliance with national and European legislation (PROEX 118/14; PROEX 331/15). Maintain sterile conditions during the procedure.
1. In Utero Electroporation
NOTE: This protocol for IUE is adapted from others that have been previously published5,6,7. This manuscript describes a protocol for the IUE of E15.5 embryos, with modifications in the reporter strategy that allow for the study of the morphology of single neurons8 and their electrophysiological properties in a separate experiment using standard GFP reporter plasmids.
2. Preparation for Surgery
3. Surgery
4. Injection of DNA and Electroporation
5. End of the Surgery and Postoperation
6. Preparation and Analysis of the Samples
7. Imaging and Analysis
8. Electrophysiology
NOTE: The goal of this protocol is to obtain whole-cell current-clamp recordings from layer II/III pyramidal cell neurons identified visually by GFP expression in GFP-electroporated mouse brains (or any other fluorescent protein previously electroporated). It is an adaptation of previously published methods17,18. Using this protocol it is possible to study the effect of a genetic modification introduced by IUE on the electric properties of the neuron. The acquisition of specific firing modes is a gradual process of differentiation that involves the dynamic expression of a wide repertoire of ion channels and that results in the expression of transient firing modes before late postnatal stages. For example, mature electrical responses are not observed in layer II/III of the somatosensory mouse cortex before P162,19.
To characterize the morphological changes of neurons in detail and throughout development, it is essential to label neurons sparsely. A Cre-recombinase diluted system allows for the expression of a gene of interest in a sparse population of neurons, so that only those neurons that incorporate this enzyme express GFP (Figure 1A). Using this strategy, layer II-III is targeted and labeled by IUE at E15.5. CAG-DsRed2 at 1 µg/µL, is co-electroporated as a control and to identify positive electroporated brains in living animals. Importantly, after staining with anti-GFP antibody, the signal is strong enough to allow for the clear visualization of their dendritic morphologies and axons (Figure 1D and E).
After IUE and electrophysiology, the analysis of the parameters obtained from whole-cell recordings are used to compare the firing responses and excitability of electroporated cells under different conditions. Several parameters can be obtained. The parameters should be adapted to the particular study using specific patch-clamp analysis software. Figure 2C provides an example of the plot of the action potentials against the input current obtained from recordings of a WT layer II-III neuron that was electroporated at E15.5.
Figure 1. A Cre-recombinase Diluted Strategy Enables Sparse Labeling of Cortical Neurons. A. Schematic summary of the strategy. In neurons carrying both CALNL-GFP and CRE, the LoxP-STOP-LoxP cassette is excised out of CALNL-GFP, and GFP is expressed by the strong CAG promoter. B. Schematic drawing of a borosilicate capillary pulled using a micropipette puller. The tip is cut by forceps, creating a 30° angle. Measure 1 cm from the tip to the beginning of the narrower part of the capillary. C. Position of the electrodes to target the somatosensory cortex. The platinum electrodes are placed approximately over the ears of the embryo. Due to its negative charge, DNA goes toward the positive electrode when the voltage is applied. Variation in the position of the electrodes allows targeting different brain areas. D. Images obtained after vectors were delivered to layer II-III neurons by in utero electroporation at embryonic day 15.5; coronal sections were made at postnatal day 16. The CAG-DsRed2 vector was co-transfected as a control (left). GFP (middle) is expressed only in those neurons that also incorporated Cre, allowing the recombination of the LoxP sites in the CALNL-GFP vector. The sparse labeling allows individual neurons to be distinguished (arrowheads). E. High-magnification confocal image of the dendritic arbors of another sparsely labeled GFP neuron. Scale bars = 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Electrophysiology Settings and Example of a Firing Response. A. Photograph shows the electrophysiology setup used for patch clamp experiments in acute slices. The setup is included in a Faraday cage to eliminate noise, and the equipment is on top of an anti-vibration table. Controllers of the motorized micromanipulators for the electrodes are observed on the left. B. Pyramidal neuron of a mouse electroporated with GFP, observed under bright field and green fluorescence conditions. The recording pipette attached to a GFP+ cell is noticeable. Scale bar= 10 µm. C. Firing patterns of a CAG-GFP electroporated control layer II-III neuron showing the typical regular-spiking response. The distribution of action potentials approximates to a regular distribution along the duration of input current (X-axis). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Stage | Voltage | Electrodes | References |
E9.5 | 7 V, 100 ms, 3 pulses | Stick platinum electrodes | Matsui et al., 20113 |
E12.5 | 30 V, 50 ms, 3 – 5 pulses | Forceps-type electrodes 3 mm | Saito, T., 200612 |
E15.5 | 35-48 V, 50 ms, 5 pulses | Forceps-type electrodes 5-7 mm | Rodriguez-Tornos et al., 20162, Saito, T., 200612 |
P2 | 100 V, 50 ms, 5 pulses | Forceps-type electrodes 5-7 mm | Sonego et al., 20134 |
Table 1: Voltage Conditions and Electrodes for the Electroporation of Embryos.
This protocol describes in detail how to label neurons of the somatosensory cortex of C75BL/6 mice in order to analyze their connectivity and their excitability. With respect to existing methods, it visualizes discriminating aspects of connectivity, such as the number of axonal branches per neuron, their precise topography, and their anatomical location. By altering the position of the electrodes, it is possible to target other neuron populations, such as the cingulate cortex (keep the same angle between the electrodes and the brain, but change the orientation of the poles) or the hippocampus5, and perform similar experiments labeling individual neurons or broader populations, depending on the desired strategy. However, there are limitations to this, as not all populations are equally accessible or equally selectively labeled. For example, in the hippocampus, it is possible to selectively target late-born neurons of the CA1 region, but early electroporation marks heterogeneous populations of inner and outer pyramidal cells. In the cerebral cortex, neurons are born in a sequential manner, so the gestation day during the IUE determines which cortical layer is affected. Performing earlier IUE targets deeper neurons (e.g., IUE at E14 labels layer IV neurons)22.
For a successful IUE, it is recommended to take into account certain considerations. First, it is important to do the surgery in less than 30 min in order to reduce the stress on the mother and to increase the chances of survival of the pups. Second, the most difficult part of the procedure is the injection of the DNA—perform the injection via the borosilicate capillaries as gently as possible. If the embryos are pressed too hard, they can be harmed. In terms of troubleshooting the death of the embryos during DNA injections, beveling the tip with a 30° angle can increase the efficacy of this process. If a beveller is not available and the capillaries are cut solely with forceps, the correct angle can be confirmed in the dissecting microscope. Discard inadequate capillaries. Finally, adapting the electroporation conditions to the stage of the embryo is important in order to increase the survival rate (see Table 1).
Some considerations are necessary with regard to the reconstruction of axons and dendrites. To label individual neurons, the proper concentration of the Cre plasmid are essential to obtain a good, sparse expression and to avoid the confounding overlap of neuronal projections belonging to different neurons. Although this protocol proposes the use of 4 ng/µL, it may be necessary to adjust the plasmid concentration for each experiment, depending on the promoter used, the quality of the DNA preparation, and the method of DNA quantification (e.g., reduce it to 2 ng/µL if labeling too many neurons). In addition, for axonal tracking, it is important to cut at an appropriate angle in order to have the whole neuron in the same plane.
Critical steps for successful patch-clamp recordings are the health of the tissue of the acute slices and the location and abundance of electroporated GFP-positive neurons. If patching steps fail or aberrant responses are found during the recordings, reduce the time for processing the acute slices. If GFP neurons are difficult to identify and locate due to their reduced numbers in the acute slice, ensure that sufficient CAG-GFP plasmid is included in the electroporation mix. With regard to the main limitations of the approaches described herein, the patch-clamp technique allows the recording of many different parameters describing the excitability of the neuron, but it does not evaluate aspects that depend on the whole circuit. Also, and as referred to above, not all neuronal subpopulations are accessible through IUE. In summary, in the future, these techniques can contribute to the further analysis of the structural and functional connectivity of different neuronal subpopulations in the brain.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We are grateful to R. Gutiérrez and A. Morales for their excellent technical assistance and to L. A. Weiss for editing. C.G.B. is funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), FPI-BES-2012-056011. This work was funded by a grant from BBVA Foundation and SAF2014-58598-JIN (MINECO) to M. Navarrete and by a grant from the Ramón Areces Foundation and grants SAF2014-52119-R and BFU2014-55738-REDT (from MINECO) to M. Nieto.
pCAG-Cre | Addgene | 13775 |
pCALNL-GFP | Addgene | 13770 |
pCAG-DsRed2 | Addgene | 15777 |
pCAG-GFP | Addgene | 11150 |
Fast Green | Carl Roth | 301.1 |
EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit | QIAGEN | 12362 |
Carprofen (Rimadyl) | Pfizer GmbH | 1615 ESP |
Isoflurane (IsoFlo) | Abbott (Esteve) | 1385 ESP |
Ketamine (Imalgene) | Merial | 2528-ESP |
Xylazine (Xilagesic) | Calier | 0682-ESP |
Povidone Iodine | Meda | 694109.6 |
Eye Ointment (Lipolac) | Angelini | 65.277 |
Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) | Gibco by Life Technologies | 24020-091 |
Penicillin-Streptomycin | Sigma -Aldrich | P4333 |
Scalpel Handle #3 – 12cm | Fine Science Tools | 10003-12 |
Scalpel Blades #10 | Fine Science Tools | 10010-00 |
Adson Forceps-Serrated – Straight 12 cm | Fine Science Tools | 1106-12 |
Hardened Fine Scissors – Straight 11 cm | Fine Science Tools | 14090-11 |
Scissors Mezenbaum-Nelson Curved L=14,5cm | Teleflex | PO143281 |
Thin curved tips – Style 7 Dumoxel | Dumont | 0303-7-PO |
Dumont #5 Forceps-Inox | Fine Science Tools | 11251-20 |
Mathieu Needle Holder – Serrated | Fine Science Tools | 12010-14 |
AutoClip Applier | Braintree scientific, Inc | ACS APL |
9mm AutoClips | MikRon Precision, Inc. | 205016 |
Sutures – Polysorb 6-0 | Covidien | UL-101 |
Electric Razor | Panasonic | ER 240 |
Borosilicate glass capillaries (100mm, 1.0/0.58 Outer/Inner diameter) | Wold Precision Instrument Inc. | 1B100F-4 |
Aspirator tube assemblies for calibrated microcapillary pipettes | Sigma -Aldrich | A5177-5EA |
Gauze (Aposan) | Laboratorios Indas, S.A.U. | C.N. 482232.8 |
Cotton Swabs (Star Cott) | Albasa | – |
Needle 25G (BD Microlance 3) | Becton, Dickinson and Company | 300600 |
Sucrose | Sigma -Aldrich | S0389 |
Paraformaldehyde | Sigma -Aldrich | 158127 |
OCT Compound | Sakura | 4583 |
Tissue Culture Dish 100 x 20 mm | Falcon | 353003 |
GFP Tag Polyclonal Antibody | Thermo Fisher Scientific | A-11122 |
Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate | Thermo Fisher Scientific | A-11008 |
DAPI | Sigma-Aldrich | D9542 |
Fetal Bovine Serum | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 10270106 |
Triton X-100 | Sigma-Aldrich | X100-500ML |
Electroporator ECM 830 | BTX Harvard Apparatus | 45-0002 |
Platinum electrodes 650P 7 mm | Nepagene | CUY650P7 |
Microscope for Fluorescent Imaging – MZ10F | Leica | – |
VIP 3000 Isofluorane Vaporizer | Matrx | – |
TCS-SP5 Laser Scanning System | Leica | – |
Axiovert 200 Microscope | Zeiss | – |
Cryostat – CM 1950 | Leica | – |
P-97 Micropette Puller | Sutter Instrument Company | P-97 |
Patch clamp analysis softwarw (p-Clamp Clampfit 10.3) | Molecular Devices | – |
Acquisition software (MultiClamp 700B Amplifier) | Molecular Devices | DD1440A |
Motorized Micromanipulator + Rotating Base | Sutter Instrument | MP-225 |
Air Table | Newport | – |
Miniature Peristaltic Pumps | WPI | – |