A novel impulsive cell pressurization experiment has been developed using a Kolsky bar device to investigate the molecular/cellular mechanisms of blast-induced traumatic brain injury.
A novel impulsive cell pressurization experiment has been developed using a Kolsky bar device to investigate blast-induced traumatic brain injury (TBI). We demonstrate in this video article how blast TBI-relevant impulsive pressurization is applied to the neuronal cells in vitro. This is achieved by using well-controlled pressure pulse created by a specialized Kolsky bar device, with complete pressure history within the cell pressurization chamber recorded. Pressurized neuronal cells are inspected immediately after pressurization, or further incubated to examine the long-term effects of impulsive pressurization on neurite/axonal outgrowth, neuronal gene expression, apoptosis, etc. We observed that impulsive pressurization at about 2 MPa induces distinct neurite loss relative to unpressurized cells. Our technique provides a novel method to investigate the molecular/cellular mechanisms of blast TBI, via impulsive pressurization of brain cells at well-controlled pressure magnitude and duration.
1. Neuronal Cell Culture
2. Pressurization Equipment: Kolsky Bar
3. Impulsive Pressurization of Neuronal Cells
4. Assessing Pressurized Cell Behavior
5. Representative Results:
Figure 1. An example of pressure profile applied to the cells within the pressurization chamber. The Kolsky bar apparatus successfully generates 2 MPa level, single-pulse type impulsive pressurization with a duration of about 0.7 ms.
Figure 2. An example of neuronal cell response to impulsive pressurization. SH-SY5Y cells exposed to impulsive pressurization at 2 MPa show distinct neurite/axon breakdown relative to chamber control cells.
6. Difficulties and Solutions
Many in vitro experimental techniques have been attempted for studying brain cell damage in TBI conditions. These include neuron/astrocyte stretching, flow-induced shear stress, weight drop, stylus laceration, laser transection, lithotripsy, etc.4,5 It has been assumed that short-duration overpressure is a dominating physical factor for TBI.6,7 Especially, the shockwave of the blast TBI has a pulse duration of an order of milliseconds.4 Based on this assumption and observation, barometer chamber capable of transient pressurization has been developed and used for assessing brain cell behavior under TBI conditions. For example, in the fluid percussion barotrauma chamber a pressure pulse with 20-30 ms long duration and a peak pressure of up to 0.5 MPa was used to examine the human glial cell behavior under TBI.6 Recently, VandeVord et al.7 used metal ball striking barometer chamber to examine the astrocyte cell behavior under TBI but the metal ball striking produced multiple pressure pulses. In this study, we have developed a novel cell pressurization device that generates single-pulse type impulsive pressurization. The device was developed based on the Kolsky bar set-up, which has been used as a material testing apparatus in our8 and other’s studies.1,9 The Kolsky bar’s material testing capability at very high loading rate has been modified to be able to apply single-pulse type overpressure to the cultured cells within the pressurization chamber (Figure 1). We could successfully control the magnitude and duration of the impulsive overpressure. As a representative cell response, we demonstrated that at 2 MPa pressure SH-SY5Y neuronal cells display significant neurite and axonal loss as compared to unpressurized chamber control cells.
In conclusion, we developed a novel impulsive cell pressurization apparatus using a specially designed Kolsky bar device and demonstrated its potential usage in investigating neuronal cell response in TBI conditions. We also note that this technique is very versatile in that any type of cells can be exposed to impulsive pressures at various level and duration. Therefore, the device can be used to investigate the impulsive pressure-induced cellular mechanotransduction behavior, not only for injuring the cells but also for positively stimulating the cells in their function and fate determination.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors would like to thank the funding sources: Army-UNL Center for Trauma Mechanics (DoD/ARO, #W911NF-11-1-0033, PI: Dr. Namas Chandra), UNL Layman Award (26-1110-0033-001, PI: Lim).