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piRNA – Piwi-interacting RNAs

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Molecular Biology
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JoVE 核 Molecular Biology
piRNA – Piwi-interacting RNAs



Transposable DNA elements, or transposons, show random movement throughout the genome. These insertions that disrupt a gene can result in genomic instability, which is dangerous to a cell.  

In somatic cells, transposon induced genomic instability remains limited to a single generation; however, in germ cells, these changes can be passed to future generations leading to harmful effects. 

Germ cell-specific transposable elements are silenced by small non-coding regulatory RNAs known as piwi-interacting RNA or piRNA.

piRNAs are essential for proper germ cell development, and their absence can cause infertility in animals. 

piRNA are a class of silencing RNAs that differ from miRNA and siRNA by three defining characteristics: length, processing mechanism, and binding with Argonaute subfamily proteins.

piRNA are 24 to 32 nucleotides in length, longer than both miRNA and siRNA which are usually 20 to 25 nucleotides long. 

piRNA is processed from single-stranded mRNA without Dicer while both miRNA and siRNA are processed from double-stranded RNA by Dicer. 

Each of these three types of non-coding RNA bind to Argonaute family proteins, but piRNA bind to the piwi subfamily while miRNA and siRNA bind to the AGO subfamily of proteins.

piRNA originate from piRNA clusters, specific regions of the genome that are rich in transposons. 

Two phases have been proposed for the biogenesis of piRNA: the primary processing pathway and the amplification loop. 

In the primary processing pathway, the transcripts from piRNA clusters are used to produce piRNA. These are loaded onto selected piwi proteins to form piRISC, an alternative form of the RNA induced silencing complex. 

Primary piRNA then takes part in an amplification loop to rapidly increase the concentration of the piRNA. 

piRISC binds and cleaves the complementary target RNA creating the 5’ end of a premature secondary pi-RNA.  The 3’ end of the pi-RNA is processed further by other piwi proteins to resulting in a mature secondary pi-RNA. 

This process repeats itself resulting in the amplification of both sense and antisense piRNA.


piRNA – Piwi-interacting RNAs

PIWI-interacting RNAs, or piRNAs, are the most abundant short non-coding RNAs. More than 20,000 genes have been found in humans that code for piRNAs while only 2000 genes have been found for miRNAs. piRNAs can act at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels and have a vital role in silencing transposable elements present in germ cells. They are also involved in epigenetic silencing and activation. Previously, they were thought to function only in germ cells but new evidence suggests that they are also present in relatively low numbers in somatic cells and actively control their gene expression.

piRNAs are named because of their association with PIWI proteins, a subfamily of the Argonaute class of proteins. This complex is called the piRNA induced silencing complex (piRISC). In Drosophila, there are three types of PIWI proteins– Piwi, Aubergine, and AGO3, and each of these proteins bind different length piRNAs. The PIWI proteins have also been observed in mammals and in mice, called Miwi, Mili, and Miwi2.

piRNAs are transcribed from piRNA clusters, specific regions of the genome. The resulting transcripts are transported to the cytoplasm, and the piRNA transcripts are cleaved into short fragments. These short transcripts are then loaded onto Piwi or Aubergine proteins and further processed at the 3' end by an unknown mechanism to generate mature primary piRNAs. Piwi-piRNA complexes are transported back to the nucleus to silence transposons. In contrast, Aubergine-piRNA complexes participate in the second phase of piRNA biogenesis, known as the ping-pong amplification pathway.

The Aubergine-piRNA complex binds and cleaves complementary transcripts, and the resulting cleaved fragments are then loaded onto another PIWI protein, AGO3. The AGO3-piRNA complex is then processed further at 3' end to generate mature secondary piRNAs. Like the Aubergine-piRNA complex, the mature AGO3-piRNA can cleave complementary transcripts. Another class of proteins, the Tudor family, also participates in the ping-pong amplification pathway where they may act as a scaffold for the binding of the components required for secondary piRNA biogenesis. In Drosophila, a dense peri-nuclear body, known as Nuage, contains proteins required for the piRNA ping-pong amplification pathway biogenesis, including  Aubergine, AGO3, and Tudor. The exact steps and proteins involved in primary and secondary piRNA biogenesis pathways are still under investigation.

Suggested Reading

  1. Ishizu, Hirotsugu, Haruhiko Siomi, and Mikiko C. Siomi. "Biology of PIWI-interacting RNAs: new insights into biogenesis and function inside and outside of germlines." Genes & Development 26, no. 21 (2012): 2361-2373.
  2. Weick, Eva-Maria, and Eric A. Miska. "piRNAs: from biogenesis to function." Development 141, no. 18 (2014): 3458-3471.
  3. Ku, Hsueh-Yen, and Haifan Lin. "PIWI proteins and their interactors in piRNA biogenesis, germline development and gene expression." National Science Review 1, no. 2 (2014): 205-218.
  4. Han, Bo W., and Phillip D. Zamore. "PiRNAs." Current Biology 24, no. 16 (2014): R730-R733.
  5. Ng, Kevin W., Christine Anderson, Erin A. Marshall, Brenda C. Minatel, Katey SS Enfield, Heather L. Saprunoff, Wan L. Lam, and Victor D. Martinez. "Piwi-interacting RNAs in cancer: emerging functions and clinical utility." Molecular Cancer 15, no. 1 (2016): 5.