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Chapter 23

Transformations of Stress and Strain

Consider a point on a cube experiencing plane stress, defined by its stress components. If the element rotates by an angle, its stress components change. …
The normal and shearing stress equations of the transformed plane, when graphed, form a circle that demonstrates their relationship for any given angular …
Two planes that are at right angles carry shearing stress along with tensile and compressive stresses. With known stress values, determine the principal …
Mohr's circle is a visual representation of stress transformation on an element. The stress components in this element are plotted on a graph to …
The general state of stress refers to the various forces and pressures an object experiences. Consider a tetrahedron with one face perpendicular to a line …
Structural elements and machine parts made from ductile materials are designed to resist yielding under an expected load. The yield point is identified …
Consider a long bar subjected to uniformly distributed loads on its sides. In such bars, the transformation of plane strain under a rotation of coordinate …
Mohr's circle analyzes plane strain by plotting points with the abscissa equal to the normal strain and the ordinate equal to half the shearing …
Three-dimensional strain analysis uses principal stress axes to evaluate deformation in elastic, homogeneous materials. A small cubic element, when …
Strain measures the deformation or displacement in a material. Normal strain is calculated by comparing lengths before and after a load is applied. A more …
Biometal systems have been widely used for biomedical applications, in particular, as load-bearing materials. However, major challenges are high stiffness …
Bone stress injuries are common in sports and military trainings. Repetitive large ground impact forces during training could be the cause. It is …
A traditional strain measurement sensor needs to be electrified and is susceptible to electromagnetic interference. In order to solve the fluctuations in …