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Chapter 6

Cell Membrane Structure and Functions

A cell's plasma membrane demarcates the cell's borders and determines the nature of its interaction with the environment. Cells exclude certain …
Plasma membranes have integral transmembrane proteins involved in facilitated transport. These proteins are collectively referred to as transport …
Lipids are an essential component of all biological membranes. The average lipid content in mammalian membranes is 50%, though it can be as low as 20% in …
The plasma membrane is a dynamic barrier composed of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. It is the epicenter of many cellular processes required for cell …
The glycocalyx is a carbohydrate-rich, fuzzy-appearing layer on the outer surface of the cell membrane. It is highly hydrophilic, because of this it …
The transport of solutes across the cell membrane is essential for metabolic processes, like maintaining cell size and volume, generating the action …
Diffusion is a type of passive transport. In passive transport, a substance tends to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low …
The chemical and physical properties of plasma membranes cause them to be selectively permeable. Since plasma membranes have both hydrophobic and …
Ion channels are specialized proteins on the plasma membrane that allow charged ions to pass down their electrochemical gradient. Their main function is …
Osmosis is the movement of free water molecules through a semipermeable membrane.  The water's concentration gradient across the membrane is …
Tonicity describes the amount of solute in a solution. The measure of the tonicity of a solution, or the total amount of solutes dissolved in a specific …
In contrast to passive transport, active transport involves a substance being moved through membranes in a direction against its concentration or …
One example of how cells use the energy contained in electrochemical gradients is demonstrated by glucose transport into cells. The ion vital to this …
The ER, Golgi apparatus, endosomes, and lysosomes work in tandem to modify, sort, and package proteins and lipids. An integrated membrane trafficking …
Receptor-mediated endocytosis is when bulk amounts of specific molecules are imported into a cell after binding to cell surface receptors. The molecules …
Soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein (NSF) attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins are key for membrane trafficking, as they catalyze …
A simple method to experimentally observe and measure the dispersion of a passive tracer in a laminar fluid flow is described. The method consists of …
Several methods have been developed to functionally characterize novel membrane transporters. Polyamines are ubiquitous in all organisms, but polyamine …