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Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
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JoVE Science Education Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Central Venous Catheter Insertion: Internal Jugular
  • 00:00Genel Bakış
  • 01:07The Seldinger Technique
  • 02:12Prepping Steps: Patient and Supplies
  • 06:29IJ CVC Placement Procedure Using Ultrasound
  • 09:51Benefits and Risks
  • 11:10Özet

中心静脈カテーテル挿入: 内部頸静脈



Genel Bakış

ソース: ジェームズ ・ W Bonz、MD、救急医学、エール大学院医学系、ニューヘブン、コネチカット、米国

静脈アクセス血管アクセス、昇圧を含む臨床場面の多数の必要があるし、腐食性医薬品のデリバリー、中心静脈カテーテル圧力監視、血管内デバイス配信 (ペーシング ワイヤ、スワン ・ ガンツ ・ カテーテル)、ボリューム蘇生中央総親の栄養物、血液透析、および頻繁に瀉血。

超音波ガイド内部頸静脈 (IJ) 静脈中心静脈カテーテル (CVC) の安全な信頼性の高い配置のケアの標準となっています。したがって、解剖学、IJ と頚動脈超音波への出現の関係を理解することが不可欠です。また、血管超音波ガイド下穿刺の精神能力を持っている必要です。

Seldinger 法薄肉針を通して挿入したガイドワイヤーを体内にデバイスの導入であります。CVC 挿入の場合、デバイスは血管内カテーテル、ターゲット容器中心静脈。まず、ターゲット容器は 18 ゲージ薄肉針で cannulated します。それが適切に容器内に配置されるまで針を考え、ガイドワイヤーが渡されます。針を削除すると、し、散大、皮膚や血管のレベルに軟部組織を拡張するワイヤを介して渡されます。散大が削除されます、それは適切に容器内に配置されるまで、カテーテルがワイヤ上渡されます。最後に、ガイドの線が削除されます。

超音波を用いた CVC の成功の配置は、対象解剖学、セルジンガー法における手続き型超音波と流動性を持つ施設の作業の理解で構成されます。IJ CVC は、右または左の IJ 静脈のいずれかに配置できます。一般に、しかし、右の IJ 静脈は最寄り優れた上大静脈 (SVC)、カテーテルの位置異常の可能性を低減への直線のルートのため。

CVC キットの一般に利用できる異なった製造業者によって販売されるいくつかの種類があります。Cvc では、単一内腔、ダブル ルーメン、トリプル ルーメンを可能性があります。この議論の目的は、これは一般に必要な複数の異なる薬が同時に配信される必要があるとき、トリプル ルーメン CVC を配置します。CVC の任意の種類を配置するための手順は同じです。


1. CVC キット、滅菌ガウン、滅菌手袋、滅菌超音波プローブ カバー、ボンネット、マスク、生理食塩水のフラッシュと特別なドレッシングまたはあなたの機関で必要とされる抗生物質の障壁を含む電源を収集します。一般的に市販されている CVC キットは (この場合トリプル ルーメン カテーテル) に CVC、j 先端ガイド ワイヤ、散大、#11 メス、イントロデューサ針、1% リドカイン、いくつかの …

Applications and Summary

Central venous access is a frequently performed procedure in patients with critical illness. It is an invasive procedure and requires an informed consent that clearly discusses the procedure, the potential risks, the potential benefits, and alternatives.

The use of ultrasound has increased the frequency with which CVCs are placed in the IJ vein. This is because the safety profile has markedly increased with ultrasound visualization, while the infection rate is less than that associated with femoral placement and close to that of subclavian. Additionally, an accidental arterial puncture is readily compressible at this site, unlike the subclavian vein.

Similar to other sites for CVC access, IJ CVCs carry the risk of local and systemic infection, arterial puncture and bleeding, and thrombosis. There exists a risk of pneumothorax and tracheal puncture for IJ insertion as well. These risks are minimized with full barrier sterile precautions and ultrasound guidance.


The placement of a central venous catheter, or CVC, is an invasive technique necessary in a multitude of clinical situations including vascular access, central venous pressure monitoring, and hemodialysis; and internal jugular, or IJ vein is one of the frequently used sites for this procedure.

To perform this procedure successfully, it is imperative to understand the anatomical relationship between the internal jugular vein and the carotid artery and their appearance on ultrasound. It is also necessary to develop the psychomotor skills to perform vessel cannulation under ultrasound guidance.

In this video, we will first briefly review the Seldinger technique, which is used in all the CVC placement procedures. Then, we will demonstrate the IJ CVC placement method using anatomical illustrations and animations, AND ultrasound clips, to provide an in-depth understanding of this procedure.

This technique of introducing a device into the body was first presented back in 1953 by Dr. Sven-Ivar Seldinger, a Swedish radiologist in his publication in the journal Acta Radiologica.

To perform this technique, you need a thin walled introducer needle, a guidewire, a dilator and a catheter. First, the target vessel is cannulated with the thin walled introducer needle. A guide wire is then passed through the needle until it is appropriately positioned within the vessel. Then the needle is removed and a dilator is passed over the wire to dilate the skin and soft tissue to the level of the vessel. Next, the dilator is removed and the catheter is passed over the wire until it is appropriately positioned within the vessel. Lastly, after confirming that the catheter is in the vessel, the guide wire is removed and the catheter is secured in place to provide access to the target vessel.

The first step is to gather the necessary supplies including: a CVC kit, sterile gloves and a sterile bundle that contains mask, bonnet, gown, full body drape, sterile ultrasound probe cover and sterile ultrasound gel, and sterile syringes with sterile saline. Most commercially available CVC kits contain: a catheter, a J-tip guide wire, a dilator, a #11 scalpel, an introducer needle, 1% Lidocaine, several syringes and smaller needles, a suture needle with suture, a CVC clamp, sterile dressing, gauze, and chlorhexidine. The contents of the kit are enclosed in a sterile tray wrapped with a sterile cover.

With the supplies in place, position the patient supine with their feet elevated – the Trendelenburg position. This positioning helps prevent an air embolus and also allows for maximal engorgement of the target vessel. The right IJ is most commonly utilized because the straight route to the Superior Vena Cava makes malposition of the catheter less likely. Stand at the head of the bed, facing the patient’s feet and rotate the patient’s head away from the target vessel. Identify the anatomical landmarks to help localize the cervical vasculature. The two heads of the sternocleidomastoid (Ster-no-CLY-do-mastoid) muscle muscle and the clavicle form a triangle, through which the IJ passes. The carotid artery lies medial and deep to the IJ vein.

Next, apply acoustic gel to the linear transducer probe, and place it in the triangle with the indicator on the transducer oriented to the patient’s left side. This is the transverse view in which the ultrasound probe is parallel to the patient’s clavicle and it gives a cross-sectional view of the deep neck vessels, which will appear dark – or hypoechoic – due to the fluid within. Applying slight pressure with the transducer will help distinguish the compressible IJ from the pulsatile carotid artery. In the longitudinal view the ultrasound probe is oriented parallel to the length of the patient’s body. The indicator is pointing toward the practitioner, standing at the head of the bed. Again, the vessel appears as a hypoechoic structure and in this plane we will see the IJ in its length.

Next, clean the skin with chlorhexidine — scrub vigorously for 30 seconds, and then allow it to dry for 60 seconds. Now, open the CVC kit by grasping the non-sterile outside surfaces and unfold the wrap outward. As a result, the inner surface of the wrap will remain sterile along with the contents of the kit. Next open the sterile bundle and first put on the bonnet and mask. Then, open the portion containing gown, full body drape, sterile ultrasound probe cover, and sterile saline. Also, lay out sterile gloves. If your institution does not use the sterile bundle, these items may need to be gathered separately and dropped onto your sterile field. Once all of the equipment is opened, put on the sterile gown and gloves and drape the patient’s neck area with the sterile drapes.

Following this, ask an assistant to place acoustic gel on the ultrasound probe. Then hold the sterile probe cover open so that the assistant can carefully drop the probe inside, maintaining the sterility of the outside of the cover. Now grasp the probe firmly within the cover, while the assistant unfurls the sheath over approximately four feet of the cord.

Next, separate the contents of the kit for easy accessibility and draw the lidocaine into a syringe. Retract the guidewire slightly within the sheath to straighten out the J curve so that it feeds easily into the introducer needle and flush the lumens of the catheter with saline, leaving the distal lumen unlocked, as this is where the wire will pass through.

Using the ultrasound probe within the sterile sleeve, again identify the target vessel, verifying the location with reference to the external anatomy. Inject lidocaine at the insertion site, 2 centimeters cephalad to the position of the ultrasound probe. While injecting, create a wheal and penetrate deeper to anesthetize the soft tissues. Also, aspirate each time before injecting so that you can be certain you are not injecting into a vessel.

Next, attach an empty syringe to the introducer needle and insert the needle into the insertion site at a 45° angle to the skin.Aim the needle toward the ipsilateral nipple, holding the ultrasound probe perpendicular to the needle, which makes following the needle tip easier. Fan the ultrasound probe to follow the tip of the needle as it advances, while simultaneously redirecting the needle as needed and gently pulling back on the plunger. Observe the needle tip as it enters the vessel and confirm the location in the IJ by drawing blood easily into the syringe. Then, put down the ultrasound probe and remove the syringe from the introducer needle, bracing the hand holding the needle against the patient to avoid changing the position of the needle. Blood return should be dark and non-pulsatile. At this point, reduce the angle of the needle to 30° as this allows the needle to more easily stay within the vessel and will facilitate passage of the guidewire.

The next step is to feed the guidewire through the introducer needle into the vessel to a depth of 20 cm, which is marked by 2 black lines on the guidewire. If resistance is met, confirm that the angle of the needle is not too steep and re-try. Once the wire is in the desired location, nick the skin at the insertion site with the scalpel and remove the introducer needle. Then pass the dilator over the guidewire to a depth of 2 to 3 centimeters, gently rotating it to dilate the skin and soft tissues. Next, remove the dilator and feed the catheter over the guidewire to approximately 15 cm for a right IJ and 20 cm for a left IJ in most adults. Once the catheter is inserted, remove the guidewire.

Attach a sterile syringe to the distal port and aspirate to verify blood return. Then flush the lumen with sterile saline. Repeat this step for each lumen on double or triple lumen catheters and cap the ports of each lumen.

Now using a two-part clamp, hold the catheter in place. First place the soft rubber part over the catheter where it enters the skin, followed by the hard piece, which secures the catheter in place. Then anesthetize the skin and suture the clamp through the eyelets. Finally, apply a sterile dressing in accordance with the practices of the medical facility and dispose of all sharps. Then obtain a chest X-ray to confirm proper placement and depth of the catheter and to rule-out a pneumothorax.

“Central venous access is necessary in a multitude of clinical situations including vascular access, vasopressor and caustic medication delivery, central venous pressure monitoring, and hemodialysis, to name a few. The internal jugular vein is one of the frequently used sites for this procedure. Other common sites are the sub-clavian and femoral veins.”

“Formerly this procedure was done using exterior neck anatomical landmarks only, but the use of ultrasound guidance has significantly improved the safety profile of this technique. In addition, IJ CVC’s have a lower infection rate than femoral vein catheters and if there is an accidental arterial puncture, it is readily compressible, unlike the subclavian location.”

“However, similar to other sites for central vein access, IJ CVC’s carry the risk of: local and systemic infection, arterial puncture with bleeding, and thrombosis. IJ catheterization also carries the risk of pneumothorax and tracheal puncture. However, all of these risks are minimized with the use of sterile precautions and ultrasound guidance.”

You have just a JoVE video on Central Venous Catheter insertion into the Internal Jugular vein under ultrasound guidance. You should now have a better understanding of the essential preparatory and procedure steps of this technique, as well as the benefits and risks of establishing central venous access at this anatomical location. As always, thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Central Venous Catheter Insertion: Internal Jugular. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).