This method describes the use of the R26R-Confetti (Confetti) mouse model to study mineralized tissues, covering all steps from the breeding strategy to the image acquirements. Included is a general protocol that can be applied to all soft tissues and a modified protocol that can be applied to mineralized tissues.
Labeling an individual cell in the body to monitor which cell types it can give rise to and track its migration through the organism or determine its longevity can be a powerful way to reveal mechanisms of tissue development and maintenance. One of the most important tools currently available to monitor cells in vivo is the Confetti mouse model. The Confetti model can be used to genetically label individual cells in living mice with various fluorescent proteins in a cell type-specific manner and monitor their fate, as well as the fate of their progeny over time, in a process called clonal genetic tracing or clonal lineage tracing. This model was generated almost a decade ago and has contributed to an improved understanding of many biological processes, particularly related to stem cell biology, development, and renewal of adult tissues. However, preserving the fluorescent signal until image collection and simultaneous capturing of various fluorescent signals is technically challenging, particularly for mineralized tissue. This publication describes a step-by-step protocol for using the Confetti model to analyze growth plate cartilage that can be applied to any mineralized or nonmineralized tissue.
Improved methods to monitor cell behavior are desirable to increase the experimental efficiency when using animal models. One of the most informative approaches to monitor cell behavior in vivo is clonal lineage tracing with multicolor reporter mouse strains1, including the widely used R26R-Confetti (Confetti) mouse2. By genetically labeling individual cells with fluorescent proteins and following those cells over time, researchers in many fields have used the Confetti mouse to reveal insights into a multitude of different biological systems.
The Confetti mouse is a loxP-based reporter system in which Cre dependent DNA recombination causes the permanent expression of one of several possible fluorescent proteins in a stochastic manner2. The R26R-Confetti allele includes the ubiquitously expressed CAGG promoter, which lies immediately upstream of a loxP-flanked NeoR-cassette2, whose polyadenylation sequence terminates transcription3, followed by the Brainbow 2.1 construct4. Hence, Cre-mediated recombination simultaneously excises the NeoR-cassette and leads to the production of certain fluorescent proteins depending on which parts of the Brainbow 2.1 construct are excised. This feature makes the Confetti mouse extremely adaptable because it can be used to target any cellular population in a mouse for which a specific Cre strain is available. The crossing of a tissue-specific Cre strain with the R26R-Confetti strain provides the specificity of labeling. However, the Cre strain should also be inducible (e.g., CreERT or CreERT2, which require tamoxifen binding to allow them to enter the nucleus and induce DNA recombination5) so that labeling can be achieved at specified time points. Thus, a cellular population can be labeled by injecting the resultant CreERT-positive/Confetti-positive offspring with tamoxifen at the desired time point and tracked to a certain age, when the tissues of interest can be collected for analysis. After tissue processing, the fluorescently labeled cells can be directly visualized by confocal microscopy so that the progeny of each initially-labeled cell can be separated from the progeny generated by any other labeled cell based on their specific fluorescent labels, thereby allowing clonality to be assessed (i.e., clonal genetic tracing).
Due to the flexibility of the Confetti model, it has been applied to study the development and maintenance of many different tissues in health and disease2,6,7,8,9,10,11. One common way to use the model is to label a certain population of cells and determine which tissues they (and/or their progeny) have contributed to. One such finding using this approach was that the adult tooth is comprised of cells with a glial origin6. Another application of the model is to study stem cell homeostasis. For example, the Confetti model revealed that stem cell niches in the intestinal crypts gradually become monoclonal because some stem cell clones are dominant during competition between stem cells2. The model can also be used to assess cell proliferation, which is particularly useful for studying slowly dividing cells. For example, clonal formation in the articular cartilage12 was assessed, and the short-term effects of a hedgehog antagonist on growth plate chondrocytes in five-week old mice was studied13.
Despite the relative simplicity of the Confetti model, the fluorescent signal can be technically challenging to preserve until image collection, particularly when analyzing mineralized tissues. Here, the protocol describes an optimized model to use the Confetti mouse with the postnatal bone (up to 6 months of age), enabling fluorescent proteins to be directly visualized by confocal microscopy without the need for immunodetection. This simplified protocol can be applied to nonmineralized tissues. Furthermore, included is a description of how to store the samples in order to preserve the fluorescent signal for a prolonged period of at least 3 years. An outline of the protocol is presented in Figure 1.
All mouse work was approved by the Ethical Committee on Animal Experiments (Stockholm North Committee/Norra Djurförsöksetiska Nämd) and conducted in accordance with The Swedish Animal Agency´s Provisions and Guidelines for Animal Experimentation.
1. Mouse breeding
2. Confetti labeling
NOTE: This labeling strategy is appropriate for tamoxifen inducible Cre strains.
3. Tissue collection
4. Tissue fixation and processing
NOTE: Based on the tissue of interest, follow one of the two protocols detailed below (4.1 for soft tissues or 4.2 for mineralized mouse tissues over the age of approximately 45 days, as detailed below). For both methods, store the dissected samples in the 3.7% formaldehyde/phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution on ice while dissecting the remaining animals.
5. Sectioning
NOTE: Perform cryosectioning using a cryostat with disposable blades suitable for hard tissue. Any standard cryostat is suitable.
6. Slide preparation and mounting
7. Imaging by confocal microscopy
To label chondrocytes in the epiphyseal cartilage and visualize their clonal expansion with age using tamoxifen administration on P1, Col2CreERT:Confetti mice were labeled, and their hind-limbs were collected on P27. The central section was determined by visualizing the cruciate ligament (Figure 2A) and clones in the proximal tibial growth plate were visualized (Figure 2B). These data show that individual cells that were Col2-positive on P1 and became labeled with Confetti fluorescent proteins when tamoxifen was administered, underwent clonal expansion, and subsequently remained in the growth plate until P27. The initial changes in clonal expansion from a similar developmental time point can be seen in Figure 1 of a recent publication13.
To give an example of the fluorescent signal after long-term storage (step 5.5), the section collected was stored immediately after (see Figure 2A,B) for more than 3 years before it was prepared and imaged (Figure 2C, Video 1).
To demonstrate some common problems with the protocol, a section broken during the cryosectioning step is shown in Figure 3A. The region of the section (between the growth plate and articular cartilage) expanded in Figure 3B shows that this dose of tamoxifen leads to such a high level of recombination in this area that it would preclude clonal analysis.
Figure 1: Experimental overview. Flow chart summarizing the key stages of the method. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Confetti images from a Col2CreERT:Confetti mouse. (A) Samples of Col2CreERT:Confetti mice were processed without decalcification or the long-term storage step. The central section was located using the cruciate ligament as a marker. This image was visualized using a tile scan after detecting RFP with T-PMT (Scale bar = 300 µm). (B) Clonal columns are shown within the proximal tibia of the growth plate visible in (A), following 3D reconstruction. (C) An adjacent slide to that shown in (A) and (B) held in long-term storage for more than 3 years was processed for imaging and 3D reconstruction. RFP, YFP, and CFP are shown in (B) and (C) (Scale bars = 50 µm). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Challenges when using the method. (A) The white dashed lines outline a split in the section through the growth plate of Col2CreERT:Confetti mice (Scale bar = 50 µm). The area within the white box is shown in (B) (Scale bar = 25 µm). RFP, YFP, and CFP are shown in both panels, and the nonreflected laser light (T-PMT) channel is also shown in (A) to visualize the tissue. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Video 1: Three-dimensional reconstruction of a growth plate from Col2CreERT: Confetti mouse. A slide prepared from a Col2CreERT: Confetti mouse was held in long-term storage after the sectioning for more than 3 years, and then processed for imaging. Three-dimensional reconstruction was conducted automatically with image analysis software and exported as a video. Please click here to download this video.
Supplementary file 1: Typical set-up of the confocal microscope. (A) The main controls present in the Acquisition tab. (B−D) The laser parameters, excitation wavelength, and the range of recorded emission wavelengths are shown for three Confetti fluorescent proteins. Please click here to download this file.
The Confetti model was used extensively to study mineralized cartilage tissues12,13,14 and to describe the optimized protocol. Confetti mice2 with one copy or two copies of the R26R-Confetti allele can be used for breeding and experiments. Recombination in mice with one allele of the Brainbow 2.1 construct will give four potential labels: red fluorescent protein (RFP, cytoplasmic), yellow fluorescent protein (YFP, cytoplasmic), cyan fluorescent protein (CFP, membrane-localized), and green fluorescent protein (GFP, nucleus-localized), whereas recombination in the homozygous Confetti mice (i.e., containing two copies of the Brainbow 2.1 construct) will give 10 possible color outputs (RFP+RFP, RFP+YFP, RFP+CFP, RFP+GFP, YFP+YFP, YFP+CFP, YFP+GFP, CFP+CFP, CFP+GFP, GFP+GFP). However, because the DNA excision and inversion events occur in a stochastic manner, recombination to produce GFP occurs in only a small fraction of cells, as previously reported2, and seemingly differs by cell-type or Cre line used2,12,13. Hence, given the low occurrence of recombination events leading to the GFP expression, six color outputs are the most common in homozygous Confetti mice.
An important consideration when planning experiments with the Confetti mouse is to find a suitable Cre strain. First, since the Confetti allele has several loxP sites, one recombination event does not preclude a second4. This means that if a cell is labeled and divides to produce a clone of one color, a second recombination event in one of its daughter cells would generate a different color, thereby masking the true clonal expansion. Thus, noninducible Cre strains, where the enzyme is always active if the corresponding promoter is active, are not advisable. Second, in some strains the expression of Cre recombinase often comes at the expense of an endogenous protein, thereby creating a phenotype of its own (e.g., for the Prg4-GFPCreERT2 knock-in mouse strain in which mice harbor two Cre alleles15), so a single copy of the Cre allele is desirable. In all of the described experiments, a single copy of the Col2CreERT16 was carried by either the male or the female parent to generate Col2CreERT:Confetti mice, as described13. Next, the specificity of the Cre line to the cell type of interest is an important consideration. For example, Col2CreERT is chondrocyte-specific, but labels several distinct populations of chondrocytes in early postnatal cartilage17. Finally, the activity of different Cre strains can change considerably with animal age, as the endogenous activity of the promoter utilized for Cre expression changes, even in cells of the same type (e.g., Prg4-GFPCreERT2, which can require an increasing number of tamoxifen doses to label superficial zone cells as mice age15).
The number of labeled cells will be reflected by the amount of tamoxifen given, so it is not always desirable to give the maximum dose because distinguishing clones from each other may be difficult. Because Cre expression will vary under the regulation of different promoters as well as with age, the tamoxifen dosage will need to be adjusted to optimize labeling. It is important to note that cells are not immediately fluorescent upon triggering recombination because time is required for the recombination to occur and the resulting fluorescent proteins to accumulate sufficiently for imaging. A broad range of hours (between 24−72 h) is needed, which appears to be influenced by the Cre line, cell-type, and animal age. Since tamoxifen can be biologically active long after administration18 it is always advisable to thoroughly check recombination efficiency in each model.
During the confocal microscopy step, excitation of the Confetti fluorescent proteins requires penetration of the tissue by laser light. Because different tissues have different properties, laser light might not penetrate 160 µm thick sections of all tissues. However, such thick sections can be used for growth plate cartilage, as used in Figure 2, Figure 3. Note that every microscope is different, and it is unlikely that the described settings (Supplementary File 1) will work perfectly without minor adjustments. One of the major challenges is to distinguish the different fluorescent proteins to ensure that there is no contamination from one channel to another. For example, the signal in the YFP channel caused by the fluorescence coming from GFP overlaps between the YFP and RFP channels. YFP and CFP channels must also be carefully checked. This can be done in several ways. First, the emission range of fluorescent light wavelengths that are recorded for each fluorescent protein can be narrowed. Second, adjusting the laser power in combination with the digital gain can optimize the signal. In this study these steps were sufficient, but they rely on a strong fluorescent signal. This means that in theory, inefficient tissue processing can reduce the activity of the fluorescent proteins, or a weak laser light source can impair channel separation.
One of the advantages of the Confetti mouse is that it can be combined with a large number of genetically mutant strains that are available so that the impact of specific genes on clonal dynamics can be studied10,11,12,13,14,19,20, albeit with some limitations. For example, recombination of the Confetti alleles and the gene of interest cannot be separated when using Cre loxP-based mutants combined with clonal lineage tracing. Nevertheless, such coinciding recombination events can be effective10,14,20. For example, this possibility was used to explore the increased cell number in the resting zone of mice following postnatal chondrocyte-specific ablation of TSC1 in the growth plate21 and revealed the clonal relationship between these cells over time13. Additionally, the tissue-specific clonal analysis using Confetti mice can be used with non-Cre loxP-based mutant mice11, and it is also possible to combine these approaches with pharmacological8,9,13 and/or surgical models8 to visualize clonal responses to other functional perturbations. Further opportunities arise when combining Confetti labeled sections with immunodetection of endogenous proteins by immunofluorescence. Such analysis allows the identification of traced cells and their colocalization with a known marker. With the fixation method described herein, it is possible to conduct immunofluorescence and still visualize the fluorescence from the Confetti fluorescent proteins12,13. However, in the papers mentioned, antigen retrieval was not required. Harsh antigen retrieval methods, such as boiling in citrate buffer, leads to a complete loss of Confetti fluorescence. Although the Confetti fluorescent proteins can then be detected by using antibodies22, a loss of clonal identity can occur.
In summary, using the Confetti model to label cells in vivo is an informative tool to analyze the fate of those cells over time. The described method provides a fast and efficient way to directly visualize fluorescent protein expression in mineralized tissues.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Dr. Evgeny Ivashkin for methodological advice. This work was supported financially by the Swedish Research Council (A.S.C), The Russian Scientific Foundation (grant #19-15-00241 to ASC), Karolinska Institute (A.S.C.), StratRegen KI and Stiftelsen Konung Gustaf V:s 80-årsfond (A.S.C.), Stiftelsen Frimurare Barnhuset and Sallskapet Barnavard (P.T.N.), Chinese Scholarship Council (B.Z.). The confocal microscope was funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
2,2-thiodiethanol | Sigma | MKCF9328 | |
60 mm-long cover slips | Mendel-Gläzer | 220588 | |
Confocal laser scanning microscope | Zeiss | LSM 710 | |
Corn oil | Sigma | C8267 | |
Cryomold (standard) | Sakura | 4557 | |
Cryostat | Thermo | Model: NX70 | |
Disposable cryostat blades | Histolab | 207500014 | Specifically for use with hard tissue |
EDTA | Scharlan | AC0960005P | |
Formaldehyde concentrate | Merck | 8.18708.1000 | |
Glass bottles | Sigma | V7130 | Can be used for tamoxifen dilution and for tissue fixation and processing |
Imaris software | Oxford Instruments | N/A | Image analysis software for 3D reconstruction |
Isoflurane | Zoetis | 11-8162 | |
OCT | Sakura | 102094-104 | |
Pasteur pipette | Sarstedt | 86.1171 | |
PBS | Gibco | 14200075 | |
Sodium hydroxide | Merck | 1.06498.1000 | |
Sucrose | Sigma | S0389 | |
Superfrost UltraPlus slides | Mendel-Gläzer | J3800AMNZ | |
Tamoxifen | Sigma | T5648 | |
Zen2 software | Zeiss | N/A | Freeware for Confocal laser scanning microscopy |